

11月19日 编辑 39baobao.com



In my opinion smoking should definitely be banned in public places as it not only has

delitirious effects on the non smokers present there but also may cause alergic coughing

to many people.Besides,many youngsters are fascinated by the act of smoking and try to

immitate it which may later develop into a habit.

Smoke which arises when a person smokes a cigarette,bidi or cigar is more hazardous

to a passive smoker who inhales the smoke being in close vicinity of the active smoker.

The smoke being inhaled by the former is unfiltered thereby causing more ill effects.

Several pulmonary diseases such as cough,bronchitis,asthma and last but not the least

carcinoma of lungs may occur as a consequence of smoking.

Many countries such as india he implemented a ban on public smoking.It has bee

mandatory to he no smoking zones in all eating joints,recreation centres etc.This

practice may seem as a curbing of ones right to freedom especially to the smokers but

surely this step will go a long way in achieving a healthier life style.Manypeople who

gradually bee aware of the ill effects of smoking are turning towards deaddiction

centres to get rid of this habit.

Even the advocates of smoking in public areas dissapprove of the practice when it es

to their offsprings.Witnessing the elders smoking kindles similar desire in a youngster

thereby giving birth to a new generation af smokers.

To oid these evils of smoking and ensure a healthy platform for the youth it is not

only our duty but need of the day to condemn such practices if not pletely then

atleast socially.


In my opinion smoking should definitely be banned in public places as it not only has

delitirious/HARMFUL effects on the non smokers present there but also may cause alergic

coughing to many people.Besides,many youngsters are fascinated by the act of smoking

and try to immitate/IMITATE it which may later develop into a habit.

Smoke which arises when a person smokes a cigarette,bidi or cigar is more hazardous

to a passive smoker who inhales the smoke being in close vicinity of/TO the active

smoker. The smoke being inhaled by the former is unfiltered thereby causing more ill

effects.Several pulmonary diseases such as coughS,bronchitis,asthma and last but not

the least carcinoma of THE lungs may occur as a consequence of smoking.




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