

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

[常用医学英语短语医务英语]常用医学英语短语I can't lift my right arm.I cough a great deal at night .I don't feel like eating anything.I feel a bit off color.I feel a pain in my left...+阅读

:make sb to do sth arrange for sb/sth(to do sth)make sth happen;ensure that sth happens 使某事物发生;确保某事物发生;准备;设法 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] attempt (at sth);thing produced by sb trying to do or make sth 试图做某事物而得到的产物 -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] make it possible for sb to do sth or give sb an opportunity to do sth 使某人有可能做某事;给某人做某事的机会. -- 英汉 - 翻译参考[网络] make it impossible for sb/oneself not to do sth,or


have sb to do:应该只有have sth to do 意思是有某事要去做 have sb/sth doing sth 任由纵容某人某物做某事;让某人某物一直做某事 通常有很明显的持续的时间标志 have sb do 让某人做某事 have后面是有宾语的,其构成应该是:have sb./sth. do/doing/done 主动还是被动主要看宾语和动词构成的主被动关系. 请看下面的例句: I have my baby taken care of 我让我的孩子被别人看 He had his bike repaired.他把车修了. My brother has the water running all the time.我弟弟让水一直在流着. The slave owner had the slaves work(ing).奴隶主让努力



表示疾病的英语短语have a headache 头疼、have a toothache 牙疼、have a stomachache 胃痛、have a sore throat 嗓子疼、have a cold 感冒、have a fever 发烧。 1、have a headache 头疼 h...

关于运动的英语短语室外运动outdoor sports;体育运动athletic sports;水上运动aquatic sports;运动健将master of sports; sportsmaster;散步也是一种运动。Walking is also a form of exercise.运...

中考英语常见短语中学阶段常见动词短语1. up 1) 向上 lift up 举起 climb up 爬上 come up 上升 get up 起床 stand up 站起来 pick up 检起 grow up 长大 put up 举起 ;张贴rise up 升起 look...

英语短语和句子phrase 1.my own book 2.sell it to Green 3.the girl in red 4.a high price 5.a low price 6.it is affordable, i can afford that sentences 1.they own/have a book ea...

高考备考英语短语亲爱的楼主:短语是很多的哦,建议你去购买一本短语书籍来看下面我给你举一些列子,期望你采纳:pick out 挑选pick up ①捡起 ②接收(广播等) ③接某人 ④学会 ⑤挑选 ⑥购买plan a b...

八年级英语短语楼主,您好 tell sb. (not) to do sth.告诉某人(不要)做某事 want sb. to do sth.想要某人做某事 try to do sth.试图做某事 help sb. (to) do sth.帮某人做某事 be busy with s...

担心的英语短语是什么担心的英语短语是什么:担心的英文短语:worry about、care about、concern about 1、worry about 读音:英 [ˈwʌri əˈbaut] 美 [ˈwɚri əˈbaʊt] 释义:担忧, 烦恼;惦念;挂 例...

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英语达人吗?把有关于help的短语的用法罗列出来英语达人吗?把有关于help的短语的用法罗列出来:help表帮助; 有助于, 有利于的意思,那么你知道help的短语有哪些吗?接下来小编为大家整理了help的短语搭配,希望对你有帮助哦! help...
