
Paralympic Games是什么意思

03月15日 编辑 39baobao.com

Paralympic Games翻译为残奥会Paralympic Gamesn.残疾人奥林匹克运动会;1.Stutzman, who was born without arms, will be representing the u.s. in the upcoming 2012 paralympic games in london. 斯塔兹曼出生时没有双臂,此次他将代表美国参加即将到来的2012伦敦残奥会。article.yeeyan.org2.Small wonder that george osborne, the chancellor of the exchequer, was booed by an otherwise ebullient crowd at this summer's paralympic games. 英国财政大臣乔治奥斯本在今年夏天残奥会上受到另一群热情洋溢的人们的倒喝彩也就不足为奇了。article.yeeyan.org3.London olympic games and paralympic games act 2006. 2006伦敦奥运会及残疾人奥运会法。 is our earnest hope that the beijing paralympic games will unfold into a magnificent event filled with joy, friendship, dreams and success. 我们热切地期盼,北京残奥会成为共享欢乐与友谊、梦想与成功的盛会。

.englishtang.com5.Junior said that the main song about disabled athletes, and to remind everyone paralympic games is part of the olympic games. 华仔表示这首歌主要讲述伤残运动员,并提醒大家伤残奥运会也是奥运一部分。blog.163.com...
