

10月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[德国柬埔寨中英文地名对照表]柬埔寨中英文地名对照表柏威夏 preah vihear磅清扬 kompong chhnang磅士卑 kompong speu磅同 kompong thom磅湛 kompong cham波萝勉 prey veng茶胶 takeo茶胶 tokeo柴桢 sva...+阅读


1. Restrictive and Nonrestrictive Clauses Defined. Restrictive clauses limit the possible meaning of a preceding subject. Nonrestrictive clauses tell you something about a preceding subject, but they do not limit, or restrict, the meaning of that subject. pare the following examples.


Correct Restrictive Use:

The suspect in the lineup who has red hair mitted the crime.

Note how the subject "suspect" in this sentence is restricted in two ways: we know that this suspect is both in the lineup and has red hair. As a result, we know that the other suspects, who are not in the lineup, could not he mitted the crime. Moreover, of those suspects in the lineup, we know that the one suspect in the lineup with red hair mitted the crime. If there were more than one suspect in the lineup with red hair, the above usage would be incorrect because it implies a different meaning.


Correct Nonrestrictive Use:

The suspect in the lineup, who owns a red car, mitted the crime.

In this example, the restrictive clause "in the lineup" tells us that of all possible suspects in the world, the one who mitted the crime is in the lineup. However, while the nonrestrictive clause "who owns a red car" tells us something about the suspect, it does not foreclose the possibility that there are several different suspects in the lineup with red cars. The car color may tell us something useful, but it does not restrict us to only one possibility.

在例句中,限制语in the lineup告诉我们,在所有可能的嫌疑犯中,参与犯罪的嫌疑犯在队列中。尽管非限制性从句who owns a red car告诉了我们关于嫌疑犯的若干资料,但是并不能排除在队列中其它嫌疑犯也拥有red car。车身的颜色可能告诉我们一些有用的东西,但无法限定到仅仅一种可能。

2. When choosing between "that" and "which," use "that" to introduce a restrictive clause and "which" to introduce a nonrestrictive clause. Although some writers use "which" to introduce a restrictive clause, the traditional practice is to use "that" to introduce a restrictive clause and "which" to introduce a nonrestrictive clause. When writing a restrictive clause, do not place a ma before "that." When writing a nonrestrictive clause, do place a ma before "which."


使用限制性从句时,that 前一定不要用逗号,而使用非限制性从句时,which 前一定要用逗号。

Correct Restrictive Use:

The store honored the plaints that were less than 60 days old.

Correct Nonrestrictive Use:

The store honored the plaints, which were less than 60 days old.

These sentences he different meanings as well as different punctuation. In the restrictive sentence, the store honored only those plaints less than 60 days old, but not those over 60 days old. In the nonrestrictive sentence, the store honored all the plaints, all of which were less than 60 days old.


3. Place proper punctuation around nonrestrictive clauses, but do not place punctuation around restrictive clauses. When a nonrestrictive clause appears in the middle of a sentence, place mas around it. When a nonrestrictive clause appears at the end of a sentence, place a ma before it and a period after it. Do not punctuate restrictive clauses.


Correct Punctuation of Nonrestrictive Clause:

The 1964 Ford Mustang, which propelled Lee Iacocca to the top of the automobile industry, is now considered a classic.

Correct Punctuation of Nonrestrictive Clause:

The credit card is in my wallet, which you can find in the kitchen drawer.

Correct Punctuation of Restrictive Clause:

The boat that sailed on October 25 is the one to which we referred in the contract


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