

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语应用文常用句型和常用句子]一、邀请信1、I'd like ...to e to dinner 非常希望...共进晚餐2、request the pleasure of 恭请...3、The for of a reply is requested 敬赐复函4、May I he the hono...+阅读

便函或备忘录 (Informal Letters or Memos)


Date:(日期,如September 12, 2001)

To:(收文人,如All Faculty)

From:(发文人,如Jim B. Hardemann)

Subject:(事由,如Faculty Meeting)


1在date, to, from, subject字样后填上相应的内容。





TO: Henry Smith, Sales Manager

FROM: Jack Wong, Personnel Manager

DATE: May 4, 2000

SUBJECT: Applicants for Sales Post

Attached are the resumes and certificates of four applicants who he applied for your department position.

Please evaluate these applicants and then remend people you want to interview to me. As soon as I he the names, I will make arrangement for the interviews.



To: Ted Feng

Date: Oct. 1st

From: Paul Andersson

Time: 17:42

Topic: Delay of arrival

Paul called for you, just after you had left work. He missed the flight due to the bad weather. He will not arrive until 5 pm today on flight No. JL608. You are requested to meet him at the airport and drive him to Holiday Inn. This means you needn't wait for him at lunch time tomorrow. To make up he wants to invite you for dinner.



英语应用文的常用句型一、邀请信1、I"d like ...to e to dinner非常希望...共进晚餐2、request the pleasure of恭请...3、The for of a reply is requested敬赐复函4、May I he the hono...

2009考研英语考前30天狂背作文:应用文3第一章应用文写作建议信结构要点建议信是建议收信人采取某种行动的信件,一般分为三个部分:1. 说明建议的内容;2. 提出建议的原因;3. 指出采纳建议的益处。Suppose one o...


2008年考研英语应用文题目及参考Just e back from Canada and found a music CD in your luggage that you fet to return to Bob, your landlord there. Write him a letter to 1) make an apology, and 2) su...

2009年考研英语应用文第一节命题分析 应用文写作是2005年大纲修订之后出现的新题型,主要考查学生在某些特定的日常情境中英文的实际应用能力。相对于大作文来说,应用文的写作还是比较容易完成的。...
