

03月11日 编辑 39baobao.com


I know you are very busy, everyday want to open a lot of hours, although you have opened more than half a million kilometers of car, but you must be careful when driving too fast, you are not there you will take good care of his body and eat more food, more sleep, I'm not afraid of you become fat, cold weather, remember to put on more clothes, promise me, slowly given up smoking it, smoke really is not good for health...



18 - 24。你是友好和开放的态度。你让人觉得听他们有什么要说的重要。您可能会成功地在学习AL1各种有趣的事情。好样的!10 - 16,请记住,你知道每个人可以教你的东西。您将极大地使您的生活丰富多彩。0 - 8约400年前,著名作家写道,“没有人是一座孤岛。”这仍然是毫米的今天。尝试以更加开放,在你周围的人感兴趣 朗读 显示对应的拉丁字符的拼音 Wènjuàn Yuèdú de wèntí, huídá “shì” huò “fǒu”, nàme nǐ huì fāxiàn nǐ shì duōme hǎo. 1. Dāng nǐ bù lǐjiě de dōngxi, nǐ wèn de wèntí. 2. Nǐ xǐhuan tīng lǎorénmen jiǎng hòu. 3. Nǐ rènwéi nǐ CON xué dào yīxiē dōngxi cóng nǐ shēnbiān de měi yīgè rén yǒu xìngqù. 4. Nín kuàngshí yǒngyú dāng nǐ yǒu nǐ bù zhīdào de rén jiāotán. 5. Nín kěyǐ xiǎngshòu zhùmíng de rén kàn shū. 6. Nǐ zǒng shì kàn dào bùtóng de rén jiāotán. 7. Nǐ yǒu xìngqù zài xuéxí xīn de zuòshì fāngshì. 8. Nǐ xǐhuan huíbì yǔ péngyǒu de jīngyàn, bìng cóng suǒyǒu niánlíng de rén xuéxí. 9.You tán Ø duì zìjǐ de hěnduō. 10. Jíshǐ nǐ kuàngshí wǎngwǎng shì cuòwù de de, nǐ zìjǐ zuòchū juédìng. 11.You hèn jiàoxué nǐ shàncháng: Tǐyù, kējì, děng děng. 12.Your fùmǔ bù lǐjiě nǐ, suǒyǐ nǐ bù shuō tāmen de. Fēnshù ba! Fēnshù 2 fēn, rúguǒ nǐ huídá “shì” měi yīgè cízhuān de dì 8 gè wèntí, hé 0, rúguǒ nǐ xuǎnzé NO. Fēnshù 2 fēn, rúguǒ nǐ huídá “fǒu de zuìhòu 4 gè wèntí, hé 0, rúguǒ nǐ xuǎnzé YES. 18 - 24. Nǐ shì yǒuhǎo hé kāifàng de tàidù. Nǐ ràng rén juéde tīng tāmen yǒu shé me yào shuō de zhòngyào. Nín kěnéng huì chénggōng de zài xuéxí AL1 gè zhǒng yǒuqù de shìqíng. Hǎo yàng de! 10 - 16, Qǐng jì zhù, nǐ zhīdào měi gèrén kěyǐ jiào nǐ de dōngxi. Nín jiāng jí dàdì shǐ nín de shēnghuó fēngfù duōcǎi. 0 - 8 Yuē 400 nián qián, zhùmíng zuòjiā xiě dào, “méiyǒu rén shì yīzuò gū dǎo. ” Zhè réngrán shì háomǐ de jīntiān. Chángshì yǐ gèngjiā kāifàng, zài nǐ zhōuwéi de rén gǎn xìngqù


Hello everyone, My name isXXX

I am twelve years old and I have lots of hobbies, such as playing table tennis and reading.

My favourite colour is blue and the subject I like most is Maths.

My favourite TV program is Animal World.

My father is a teacher and my mother is an engineer.

I like eating cauliflower and oranges.


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