

01月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[3 31分的英语怎么写]three thrity-one 但如果是写作大可不必这样,直接写3:31就行。 拓展:趣味故事 中间战术 Three competing store owners rented adjoining shops in a mall. Observers waited...+阅读

A:Hello, I am the company r&d department supervisor AAA B:Hello hello, I'm marketing manager BBB, please advanced to sit on A:thanks

B:Is there anything A:So, we understand your department budget report first-quarter sales and found some problems B:We are willing to listen to your valuable opinion, I will immediately organized this department personnel related to sales information and management measures to improve. A:It concerns us both important interests, I hope I can arrange a time, both parties can face-to-face talk. B:。。。。。。So, we set a time, called two department relevant personnel to meet the details A:How tomorrow afternoon, this is our preliminary talks agenda worked, please have a look B.。。。。。。A:Any objection? B:Basic no problem, just some parts also some problems, such as stock this part, I think to spend some more time. Well, time was set on it, 3 tomorrow afternoon meeting room, ok? A:Ok, I will adjust related to agenda. That first so, I went back to prepare B:Well, that see you tomorrow A:See you tomorrow


怎么可以学好英语的口语英语口语学习方法总汇 (1)。We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency...

学习英语口语的诀窍有哪些英语口语学习方法总汇 (1).We study spoken English so as to make oral communications, so this order of importance of oral English study should be followed: Fluency,...

怎样才能学好英语的口语!英语都是建立才词汇上的 听力有个窍门 你不一定要听一个单词记一个单词 一般听力都不是很难的 可以听完一句 知道是什么意思 再写 多听听英语新闻 不一定要听懂 记住主要的...


高分求怎样学好英语口语方法什么的1.找个人跟你一起说英语,这是培养兴趣也是保持学习状态的好方法,不要怕说错; 2.坚持每天背背新单词,复习旧单词,有助于巩固,还有选择一些短小精悍的短文,多读,多背; 3.有条件的话,可以...


如何更快的学好英语口语想提高英语口语水平,首先要在语音上下功夫:)~ 下面是些方法,你可以根据自己的学习方式掌握:)~ 1.其次,要有大量的阅读和听力做基础。在读和听的过程中,积累了词汇,掌握了句型,熟悉了用...

学习英语口语有什么好的方法没1.要以大量的阅读和听力做基础。积累了词汇,掌握了句型,熟悉了用英语表达思想的方式,最重要的是培养了语感。 2.同时,练习英语口语也需要用多种办法:如大声朗读英语对话和文章,与...

有什么学习英语口语的好方法试试威尼英语的口语训练方法吧, 1、口语学习的关键是要模仿人家的说话。 2、买一台录音机,找一合磁带。根据你的水平,可以选择新概念第二或第三册,也可以到图书馆借一套有书和磁...
