

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com


Agency (Agent) Applied for

1. Hearing from our correspondent that you are looking for an agent in this city, we are pleased to apply for the post.

2. Hing heard that you are about to ship wine to this country, we offer our services as agents in Japan.

3. We are willing to push the trade in your machines, and hope you will give us the sole agency for our place.

4. We herewith take the liberty to offer you our services as forwarding agents in this port, hoping to be foured with your esteemed mands in the near future.

5. At the instance of several persons of influence in this quarter, I am induced to make application for an agency of your pany.

6. Should I he th honour to be appointed your agent, I shall be prepared to give satisfactory security, either in this province or in England.

7. A highly respectable and influential house in Osaka, with whom we are connected, lately intimated to us their wish to obtain the agency of a London Assurance Office.

8. We should feel obliged, therefore, by your acquainting us, as early as may be convenient, whether your pany either he or are disirous of hing an agent here.

9. Our bankers, the Yokihama Bank, will give you particulars of our financial position as an agency, and we shall be pleased to furnish any information which you may require.

10. We he for some years been the agents of several manufacturers in America, giving them plete satisfaction, and are, therefore, qualified to act in this capacity.












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