

11月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[你自以为是的亮点其实是面试官眼中的雷点]面试时答非所问、漏洞百出、使用夸张的肢体语言都会令HR反感,除了这些,求职者还要注意以下五点,这也同样令HR难以接受。 1.形象超前卫、时尚 雷点:除了耳钉以外的各种人体穿孔艺...+阅读


Part I:极速词法

1、congratulations n. 祝贺,恭喜;

2、do a good job干得漂亮; 3、could he done better本该可以做得更好;

4、nervous adj. 紧张的; 5、good enough足够好的;

6、simply 就是,简直; 7、can’t help忍不住;

8、speech n. 讲话,演讲; 9、in a different way以不同的方式;

10、might he done sth.也许应该(怎样)做某事的,也许已经做了某事;

11、joke n. 笑话; 12、depressed adj. 沮丧的;

13、get a raise加薪; 14、report to sb. 向某人汇报;

15、tactful adj. 策略的,圆滑的;

16、beforehand adv. 预先,提前;

17、moving adj. 感人的;

18、what will be will be(事情)该怎么样就会怎么样;

19、saying说法; 20、leopard n. 豹子; 21、spot n. 斑点;

22、speaker n. 演讲者,讲演者,讲话人

Part II:极速句法


Bill:Congratulations! You did a really good job, Jack!

Jack:Thanks. I could he done better. I got a little nervous when I stood on the stage.

Bill:e on, man. It was already good enough. But you really shouldn’t he got nervous.

Jack:I simply couldn’t help it. You know, I had never spoken to such a large crowd before.

Bill:No, you hadn’t.

Jack:And I might he begun my speech in a different way.

Bill:Speaking of that, yes. You might he begun by telling that joke first. It was really funny.

Jack:And I should he spoken a little bit slowly.


Penny:Hi, Angel. Why are you looking so depressed?

Angel:Well, I said something that I shouldn’t he said, and now I’m regretting it.

Penny:That’s interesting. What did you say?

Angel:Don’t ask! I won’t tell you. You know, if I did, I would regret it a


Penny:e on, Angel. Cheer up! You shouldn’t be like that.

Angel:I know, but I can’t help it.

Penny:Anyhow, what has been done has been done, and what has been said has been said. You can’t change it!

Angel:No, I can’t. I know I shouldn’t he thought of it again, but I simply can’t get it out of my mind.

Penny:Now, tell me what you had said, and then you’ll feel better.


1.I got a raise! –You did? Congratulations!

2.I’ll report to boss that you did a good job, and maybe he’ll give you a raise.

3.I could he been more tactful.

4.You could he done a better job.

5.I always get nervous when I speak to a large crowd.—Who doesn’t?

6.I always feel excited whenever I stand on the stage.

7.We might he told him beforehand.

8.He might he gone home already.

9.Speaking of that, I’ve got some bad news to tell you.

10.Speaking of Jenny, she didn’t seem to e last time.

11.I’ll begin my speech by telling a very funny joke.

12.The speaker began his speech by telling a story.

13.Joan looks rather depressed today. Let’s cheer her up.

14.I’ve done something that I shouldn’t he done.

15.Do you regret doing it?

16.When I heard his moving story, I couldn’t help crying.

17.Don’t worry too much. What will be will be.

18.Just as the saying goes—A leopard can’t change its spots.

19.Stop thinking about it, and you’ll get it out of your mind.





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