
求雅思口语Part2 Shopping center范文以及Part3可能问答

03月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思口语part2必须说够两分钟吗]环球教育老师为同学们带来雅思口语变题季口语提分攻略如下,希望对您的备考有所帮助~ 雅思考试中,我们都知道,在雅思口语part 1考试中,考官会与学生之互致问候,并依据学生在IELTS...+阅读

escribe a shop or shopping center. You should say:Where it is?What it sells?How often you go there, and why?Thank you for the opportunity to speak to you. I am sure you will find my talk interesting and informative.1. a) The High Mall shopping center is well known in the city of Shenyang.b) If you have been here for some time, you have probably been there.2. a) It is situated at 217 Long Street, opposite the public library.b) When traveling from Government Square, you should take bus no. 242, and it will take you there.3. a) It is what is called a 'one-stop' shopping mall.b) It means I am able to do most of my shopping in one center at the same time.There are several reasons as for why I would like to talk specifically about the “High Mall”. Allow me to explain by mentioning some of them briefly.4. a) The High Mall contains a wide variety of shops and stores.b) For example, there is a large department store that sells almost anything, a Mac Donald's outlet, a jeweler, and so on.5. a) It has a good security system, so I always feel save there.b) For instance there are many security officers on duty, looking out for robbers and so on.6. a) Secondly, it is a nice place to kill some time in the evenings or on weekends.b) One can spend hours browsing through the shops, or sit in a restaurant, have something to drink, and watch the crowds.Those are some thoughts on my favorite shopping center.part 3 why are there a lot of big stores?what are the main differences between small stores and big stores when you go shopping?do you think small stores will disappear in the future?what do you think is the best way to advertise?what are the differences between men and women when they go shopping?what do you think of on-line shopping?what do you think of the use of credit card?


选择大 不要一开始就把自己框死,应该选择包含多的事物。如your favorite food,如果刚开始就说:我喜欢吃鸭子,到后来就只能拓展出烤鸭、盐水鸭之类了。而如果刚开始先说:我喜欢各种各样的食物,比如中国的、日本的、法国的。其中中国的有……日本的有……因为……当然最喜欢的还是水果,如……就能滔滔不绝、欲罢不能。 选择编 编的事物要比真实的好讲很多,因为讲真实的人或事件时每时每刻你都会在潜意识里想:这个老外考官知不知道?要是很了解的话我会不会在哪个地方乱编的时候引起他的不解和反对?这就会影响你组织语言。特别是当你讲述西方的东西时。所以,保险起见,大家还是尽量讲中国的东西,同时不要把一些真实的人名和事物说的很清楚,这样就可以随意发挥了。



我有许多,我考过雅思了, someone who is good at cooking Describe someone you know who is good at cooking. You should say: * who this person is ① * how you know him or her ② * what kinds of food they cook ③ and explain how (you think) this person became so good at cooking.④ 话题卡——"一个善于做饭的人"是2008年的一道新口语话题。核心依旧是描述人物,只不过加上了一些限定条件---善于做饭。考生在描述这个话题卡的时候可以借鉴课上讲到过的如何描述人物的部分,在此不赘述。难点是:我们是否能灵活地描述相关食物的种类以及是否有足够的口语资源对美味佳肴进行一番赞赏。我准备了一个样板答案,标注的红色部分为重点词汇,在文后注解。 ①The person who's good at cooking - My Mom. Her cooking is equivalent to the top cooks of the world in my eyes. ②Now, I have been living on my own for over a decade, I really miss my mom's cooking. Wheneverone of the family members has a birthday, we gather at my parent's home for dinner. ③She's good at cooking western food - Italian food more than anything else. She cooks terrific Cheese macaroni, lasagna, ravioli. The pastry she made is heavenly, it really is something to die for. ④Actually, my mom was not much of a good cook several years ago. She even thought the height of cooking was browning some hamburgermeat, adding oregano and basil - that was Italian food. If it was Mexican food, she added chili powder and a tiny bit of cayenne. Things changed after she completed the courses in Beijing New Oriental School. It was a nice school offers 3 days free trial and, there, my mom had a chance to step into the demo kitchen and to get to participate as much as she liked. She got all many informativeand helpful hints in the Cooking School. Food just really isn't much of a focus for me other than to fuel up. But I really do enjoy my mom's homemade appealing meal. My mom's an awesome cook, much better than I am. 词汇资源: * equivalent to 等于(相当于) * more than anything else 尤其是


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