

03月04日 编辑 39baobao.com

[关于日常的英语情景对话2句]英语口语小对话a: greg thinks hes a really tough guy on the football field.b: so why is he crying like a baby after being tackled? hes not such a he-man after...+阅读

At the Dentist's Office 在牙医诊所 Dental work is usually quite expensive. Appointments are usually made far in advance, but many dentists will try to fit you if you have an urgent problem. 牙医行业通常索价高昂,而且看牙医一般都老早预约。 但是如果你有紧急情况,很多牙科医生还是会设法抽空给你看的。 1.A: How long have you felt like this? B: It started bothering me yesterday afternoon. A: I think I'd better take an X-ray. B: Can you see anything? A: It's a small cavity. It should be easy to fill. 2.A: When did your toothache start? B: It's been this way for a few days. A: Let me take a look at it. B: What do you think? A: You're got an abscess. I don't think we can save the tooth. 3.A: How long has it hurt? B: The pain started last night. A: Well, let's have a look. B: What are you going to have to do? A: Your gums seem to be inflamed. You'll need treatment. 4.A: How long have you been in pain? B: It started to hurt when I was eating dinner. A: Open your mouth as wide as you can, please. B: How bad is it? A: It's quite serious. I'm afraid we'll have to pull the tooth. 这是我转发的,我看了一下,你可以根据这个场景按照你们老师的要求再加以扩展! 不过这只是关于牙科的


你打电话预约时间:Buenos días, se??ortita. Es esta la clínica del doctor Perez?或者:Buenas tardes, consultorio de la doctora María Fernández?然后对方说,对呀,请问有什么可以帮忙您呢?你就可以说:Puedo pedir una hora?Puedo pedir un turno?对方一定告诉你预约的时间在什么什么时候。那你别忘说:Muchas gracias, hasta luego.Gracias, adiós.当你来到牙医的诊所, 你和医生见面,你不能见面就张开嘴巴让人家给看牙牙,你要礼貌的和医生打个招呼问候,然后你要说病情啊:我的这颗牙牙疼的好厉害,连饭饭都吃不下:Mis dientes no quieren trabajar, me duelen mucho, doctor.牙医都是看牙的,自然问你,到底那颗牙疼,你就指一指,说一下: ??ste.医生给你钻牙的时候,你也就说不成话啦,那你就点头或摇头,或Si或No啦。



给你两段吧~ Doctor ::Hello,miss.Sit down,please. 你好,小姐。请坐。 M ary::Hi,I am feeling terrible. 你好,我感觉糟糕透了。 Doctor::Oh,what's wrong with you? 哦,你怎么了? Mary::I think I have a sore throat. 我想我得了咽喉炎。 Doctor::What cause the illness? 什么导致了这个病? Mary::I didn't close the window before went to bed last night. 我昨晚睡觉前没关窗户。 Doctor::Oh,I know.Open your mouth and say'Ah'. 哦,我知道了。张开你的嘴说‘啊’。 Mary::Ah. 啊。 Doctor::Please open your mouth wide so that I can look at your throat. 请把你的嘴张大一些以便于我能看到你的喉咙。 Mary::Ah.Is it serious? 啊。严重吗? Doctor::Hmm,I think it's nothing serious.Don't worry about it. 嗯,我想没什么严重的。不要担心它。 Mary::But what should I do to get well? 但是我需要怎样做去康复? Doctor::I will give you some medicine.Here,take these pills。

Three pills a time and three times a day. 我将会给你一些药。这里,吃这些药片。一次三片,一日三次。 Mary::What else should I do? 我还需要做些别的什么吗? Doctor::You should have a good rest.And you must remember don't eat hot food and don't drink cold water. 你要好好休息。你必须记住不要吃辣的食物和不要喝冷水。 Mary::Ok,I will. 好的,我会。 Doctor::I hope you will get well soon. 我希望你快点好起来。 Mary::Thank you. 谢谢你。 Doctor::It's a pleasure.Bye. 不用谢。再见。 Mary::Bye-bye,doctor. 再见,医生。 Doctor::Next. 下一个。 病人:Good morning, doctor. 早上好,医生。 医生:Morning.What's your trouble? 早上好,你哪里不舒服。 病人:I feel a little nauseated and vomiting. 我感觉有点恶心,呕吐。 医生:How long have you been like this? 像你这样有多久了? 病人:From the beginning last night. 从昨晚开始。

医生:So what did you eat last night? 那你昨晚吃了什么? 病人:After dinner, I ate a little fruit. This morning when I got up I felt uncomfortable. 吃了晚饭以后,然后吃了一点水果。早上起来就感觉有点不舒服了。 医生:Yes , let me see, I think you are probably minor food poisoning. 是这样啊,让我看看,我想你大概是轻微的食物中毒。 病人:Is there any problem? 那有什么大问题吗? 医生:Do Patient! Don't worry. I will prescribe some medicine to you. 别着急,没什么大问题,我先给你开点药。 病人:So what do I need to pay attention to? 那我需要注意些什么? 医生:You'd better get more rest, drink plenty of water, eat plenty of vegetables; to eat spicy food, it is best not to drink coffee. 你最好多休息,多喝水,多吃一些蔬菜;要吃辛辣食品,最好不要喝咖啡。

病人:Do I need to come back? 我需要回来复检吗? 医生:This is not required 这个不需要。 病人:Thank you. 谢谢。


You: Dear miss, I have a horrible pain in my stomach, can I see a doctor now?Girl at the reception: I have to check with Doctor Johnson to see whether he is available.You: Yes, please.Girl at the reception: Doctor Johson, here I have a young lad who said he got a horrible pain in his stomach, when could you see him?Dr Johson:I have a patient with me, I can see him after this.Girl at the reception:Dr Johson said he would see you after he saw the last patient.You: I, I think I am dying in maximum 59 seconds.Girl at the reception: Doctor Johson, the lad said he would die in 59 seconds.Dr Johson: Ask him wait a minitue.Girl at the reception: Dr Johson said you have to wait for a minitue...............You waited there. It was only 30 minitue, then you became unconcious.You parents and your sister shouted to the girl at reception:He died!...




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