

03月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[xscanner怎么用啊不知道怎么用它]x-scanner的使用 首先要去一个站点下载一个zip文件,建议去.xfogus.org看看,就可以得到,其它也有不 少网站有它的下载,用的人也比较多。 下载回来后,解压缩可以得到一系列文件,包括...+阅读

A convenient way to learn Spanish that combines audio lesson podcasts with web & mobile study tools. Listen There are many ways to listen to SpanishPod lessons, making learning Spanish as flexible and convenient as possible. If you like to study at your computer, you can listen to the lesson via the built-in Flash player on the site. Click the “Play” button, slip on your headphones or turn up your speakers, and learn.To learn on the go, download the MP3 – either from the download links on the site or via your personalized RSS feed – and listen to it on any MP3-compatible software or device (in iTunes, on your iPod, etc.). You can even burn the MP3 to a CD and listen to it in a regular CD player.Once you've listened to each lesson, you need to review to ensure that the material is firmly cemented in your head. First, download the Lesson PDF, which contains the dialogue, a translation, and both key and supplementary vocabulary, and read along with the podcast. After that, come to SpanishPod.com and take advantage of the myriad of online review tools available. Pour over each line of the dialogue, looking up unfamiliar words and listening to line-by-line audio. Dig deeper into key vocabulary with expansion sentences, which put important words into varied context to get you a better idea of how they are used. Finally, complete the lesson exercises to ensure that you really know what you've learned.Practice Language is about communication, and once you've learned something new you need to practice using it in real communication. Guided and Executive users have individual teachers that provide critical insight into the language and opportunities to practice Spanish with a native Spanish speaker. In each practice session, you can expand and broaden your Spanish in a friendly, stress-free way with a counselor that is familiar with you and your learning goals. Your counselor will help you identify and eliminate problem areas, and let you strengthen your Spanish communication skills.At the end of your learning cycle each day, you should come back and reinforce the material you've learned both from today's lesson and previous lessons. Each period of reinforcement will create a stronger foundation upon which future learning will be built. Use the flashcards and concentration game to make sure that you remember the vocabulary you've learned from previous lessons. Review your vocabulary list, identify words you're not sure about, and look them up in the SpanishPod dictionary. Skim through the Grammar Guide to identify structures with which you're unfamiliar and find lessons that cover those points. Finally, take the Listening Test occasionally to see the improvement that your hard work has earned you.希望对你有所帮助···

raz kids跟reading az有区别吗

raz kids跟reading a-z的区别:


Reading A-Z和Raz-Kids分别是Learning A-Z七大板块中两个独立的产品。





Reading A-Z:提供数以千计的可下载、可投射、可打印的教师材料;提供一千多平书,以多种类型和格式满足每个学生的独特需求。


Learning A-Z是一套成体系的英语启蒙教育材料,其中有三个角色,老师,学生和家长。

raz kids和Reading A-Z是两个独立的板块。raz kids主要是教材及测试卷。


raz kids主要为学生服务。

Reading A-Z除了学生的学习材料,还提供教师材料,更适合叫做教编,包含各种老师讲课所需要的内容,每课的知识重点,包括自然拼读,高频词汇,sight words等,还有以上所提到的测试部分。

参考资料来源:Learning A-Z官网-raz kids

参考资料来源:Learning A-Z官网-Reading A-Z


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