

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1294. planning guides ==>系统规划指南

1295. planning of distribution work ==>配电网规划

1296. planning policies ==>系统规划设想

1297. planning principles ==>系统规划原则

1298. planning procedures ==>系统规划步骤

1299. plant ==>工厂

1300. plant automation ==>装置自动化

1301. plant characteristic ==>对象特性

1302. plant efficiency ==>设备效率

1303. plant factor ==>发电厂利用率

1304. plant intermunication ==>厂内通信

1305. plant motor ==>厂用电动机

1306. plant use ==>厂用能量

1307. plante type plate ==>普兰特式极板

1308. plasma ==>等离子体

1309. plasma accelerator ==>等离子体加速器

1310. plasma anodization ==>等离子体阳极氧化

1311. plasma ashing ==>等离子灰化

1312. plasma balance ==>等离子体平衡

1313. plasma chemical vapor deposition ==>等离子体化学汽相淀积

1314. plasma cloud ==>等离子体云

1315. plasma column ==>等离子体柱

1316. plasma confinement ==>等离子体约束

1317. plasma desmear system ==>等离子清洁处理装置

1318. plasma display ==>等离子体显示器

1319. plasma display panel ==>等离子体显示板

1320. plasma etch cleaning ==>等离子腐蚀清洗

1321. plasma etch mask ==>等离子腐蚀用掩模

1322. plasma etcher ==>等离子体腐蚀器

1323. plasma etching ==>等离子腐蚀

1324. plasma frequency ==>等离子体频率

1325. plasma gun ==>等离子枪

1326. plasma heating ==>等离子体加热

1327. plasma isolation ==>等离子体隔离

1328. plasma jet ==>等离子体射流

1329. plasma laser ==>等离子体激光器

1330. plasma lifetime ==>等离子体寿命

1331. plasma oscillation ==>等离子体振荡

1332. plasma oscillations ==>等离子体振荡

1333. plasma oxidation ==>等离子体氧化

1334. plasma panel ==>等离子体显示板

1335. plasma sheath ==>等离子壳层

1336. plasma spraying ==>等离子溅射

1337. plasma sputtering ==>等离子溅射

1338. plasma stripping ==>等离子去胶

1339. plasma wes ==>等离子体波

1340. plasmatron ==>等离子立生管

1341. plastic ==>塑料

1342. plastic adjustment ==>塑性调整

1343. plastic analysis ==>塑性状态分析

1344. plastic battery ==>塑料电池

1345. plastic bending ==>塑料弯曲

1346. plastic blade ==>塑料叶片

1347. plastic bleed ==>塑料漏出

1348. plastic blunting of crack tip ==>裂纹尖端塑性钝化

1349. plastic body ==>塑料体

1350. plastic bottle ==>塑料瓶

1351. plastic capsulation ==>塑料封装

1352. plastic carrier ==>塑料载体

1353. plastic deformation ==>塑性变形

1354. plastic device ==>塑料封装装置

1355. plastic dual in line package ==>塑料双列直插式外壳

1356. plastic encapsulated integrated circuit ==>塑料封装集成电路

1357. plastic encapsulation ==>塑料封装

1358. plastic film ==>塑料膜

1359. plastic insulated cable ==>塑料绝缘电缆

1360. plastic insulation ==>塑料绝缘

1361. plastic packaged integrated circuit ==>塑料封装集成电路

1362. plastic packaging ==>塑料封装

1363. plastic sheathed cable ==>塑料外皮电缆

1364. plasticity ==>可塑性

1365. plasticizer ==>塑化剂,增塑剂

1366. plate ==>板

1367. plate characteristic ==>阳极特性

1368. plate condenser ==>平板电容器

1369. plate current ==>阳极电流

1370. plate current modulation ==>屏极电流计

1371. plate detection ==>阳极检波

1372. plate dissipation ==>屏极耗散

1373. plate efficiency ==>阳极效率

1374. plate load ==>屏极负载

1375. plate lug ==>板极接头

1376. plate neutralization ==>阳极中和

1377. plate of a capacitor ==>电容器板片

1378. plate resistance ==>阳极电阻

1379. plate terminal ==>阳极端子

1380. plate voltage ==>阳极电压

1381. plateau ==>平顶

1382. plated circuit ==>印刷电路

1383. plated hole ==>金属化孔

1384. plated resist ==>电镀抗蚀层

1385. plated through hole ==>电镀的穿孔

1386. platform ==>平台

1387. plating ==>喷镀,电镀

1388. plating bath ==>电镀槽

1389. plating bath control ==>电镀槽控制

1390. plating generator ==>电镀用发电机

1391. platinizing ==>镀铂

1392. platinoid ==>假铂

1393. platinum ==>铂

1394. platinum contact ==>铂接点

1395. platinum plating ==>镀铂

1396. platinum rhodium ==>铂铑合金

1397. play ==>游隙

1398. play back ==>再现

1399. playback ==>再现

1400. PLC ==>电力线通信技术

1401. PLC, power line munication ==>电力线通信

1402. PLC, Programmable Logic Controller ==>可编程序控制器

1403. pleochroic dye ==>多色性染料

1404. PLF, probabilistic load flow program ==>概率潮流程序

1405. pliotron ==>高度真空管

1406. pll ==>镇相回路

1407. plotter ==>绘图机

1408. plotting board ==>描绘板

1409. plotting table ==>标绘板

1410. plug ==>插头

1411. plug adaptor ==>插塞式接合器

1412. plug and socket ==>插头插座

1413. plug board ==>插接板

1414. plug connector ==>插塞式连接器

1415. plug fuse ==>螺塞熔断器

1416. plug in ponents ==>插件

1417. plug in module ==>插件

1418. plug in package ==>插入式组件

1419. plug in relay ==>插入式继电器

1420. plug resistance box ==>插入式电阻箱

1421. plug resistance bridge ==>插入式电桥

1422. plug socket ==>插座

1423. plug switch ==>插塞开关

1424. plug wire ==>插线

1425. plugboard ==>插塞盘

1426. plugging ==>反向制动

1427. plumbago ==>石墨

1428. plumbicon ==>氧化铅光导摄象管

1429. plumbing ==>波导设备

1430. plunger ==>短路器

1431. plunger mag ==>插棒式电磁铁

1432. plunger relay ==>插棒式继电器

1433. plunger type relay ==>插棒式继电器

1434. plural scattering ==>多次散射

1435. Pluto ==>冥王星

1436. plutonium ==>钚

1437. pmos transistor ==>p沟道金属氧化物半导体晶体管

1438. PMU, Phasor Measurement Unit ==>相量测量装置

1439. pneumatic ==>气动的

1440. pneumatic automatic installations ==>自动气动装置

1441. pneumatic brake ==>空气制动器

1442. pneumatic control ==>气动控制

1443. pneumatic controller ==>气动调节器

1444. pneumatic recorder ==>气动记录器

1445. pneumatic servomotor ==>气动伺服电动机

1446. pneumatic stepping motor ==>气压步进电机

1447. pneumatic transmitter ==>压缩空气传动器

1448. pneumatic valve ==>气动活门

1449. pneumatical system ==>气动系统

1450. pneumatically operated switch ==>气动开关

1451. po box ==>箱式电桥

1452. pockels cell ==>普克尔斯盒

1453. pockels effect ==>普克尔斯效应

1454. pockels effect light valve ==>普克尔斯效应光阀

1455. pocket calculator ==>袖珍计算器

1456. pocket chamber ==>袖珍电离室

1457. pocket dosimeter ==>袖珍线量计

1458. pocket ionization chamber ==>袖珍电离室

1459. pocket lamp ==>手电管

1460. Poincaré conjecture ==>庞加莱猜想

1461. point ==>点

1462. point cathode ==>点状阴极

1463. point charge ==>点电荷

1464. point contact ==>点接触

1465. point contact diode ==>点接触二极管,点接触型二极管

1466. point contact junction ==>点接触结

1467. point contact rectifier ==>点接触整流

1468. point contact transistor ==>点接触晶体管

1469. point counter tube ==>尖端式计数管

1470. point defect ==>点缺陷

1471. point diode ==>点接触二极管

1472. point discharge ==>尖端放电

1473. point junction transistor ==>点结型晶体管

1474. point light source ==>点光源

1475. point of connection ==>连接点

1476. point radiator ==>点状辐射体

1477. point source ==>点源

1478. point spark gap ==>尖端火花隙

1479. point to point circuit ==>点到点通信

1480. point to point munication ==>点到点通信

1481. point to point link ==>点到点通信

1482. point transistor ==>点接触晶体管

1483. pointer ==>指针

1484. pointer galvanometer ==>指针式检流计

1485. pointer instrument ==>指针式仪表

1486. poison ==>中毒

1487. Poisson distribution ==>泊松分布

1488. Poisson, S.D.Poisson ==>1781-1840,泊松,法国科学家

1489. polar curve ==>极坐标曲线

1490. polar diagram ==>极图

1491. polar distance ==>极距

1492. polar vector ==>极失

1493. polarimeter ==>偏光计

1494. polarity ==>极性

1495. polarity directional relay ==>极化方向继电器

1496. polarity indicator ==>极性指示器

1497. polarity relay ==>极性继电器

1498. polarity reversal ==>极性变换

1499. polarity reverser ==>极性换向器

1500. polarity test ==>极性试验

1501. polarizability ==>极化度

1502. polarization ==>极化

1503. polarization current ==>极化电流

1504. polarization ellipse ==>偏振椭圆

1505. polarization error ==>极化误差

1506. polarization holography ==>偏振光全息照相术

1507. polarization photometer ==>偏光光度计

1508. polarization plane ==>偏振面

1509. polarization plate ==>极化板

1510. polarization potential ==>极化电位

1511. polarization rotation ==>偏振面旋转

1512. polarization vector ==>极化失量

1513. polarized beam ==>偏振波束

1514. polarized electromag ==>极化电磁铁

1515. polarized light ==>偏振光

1516. polarized relay ==>极化继电器

1517. polarized we ==>极化波

1518. polarizer ==>偏振器

1519. pole ==>极,极点,电极,磁极,电杆

1520. pole ampere-turns ==>极安匝(zā)

1521. pole-amplitude ==>极幅

1522. pole-amplitude modulation ==>极幅调制

1523. pole amplitude modulation motor ==>极幅调制电动机

1524. pole arc ==>极弧

1525. pole arm ==>横担,线担

1526. pole armature ==>凸极电枢

1527. pole attachments ==>电杆附件

1528. pole axis ==>极轴

1529. pole base ==>电杆底板

1530. pole body ==>极身

1531. pole-body insulation ==>极身绝缘

1532. pole bolt ==>磁极螺栓

1533. pole bore ==>磁极内圆

1534. pole brace ==>电杆撑杆

1535. pole bracket ==>支架,悬臂

1536. pole cell insulation ==>极身绝缘

1537. pole center ==>磁极中心

1538. pole change motor ==>换极电动机

1539. pole changer switch ==>换极开关

1540. pole changing control ==>变极调速

1541. pole changing starter ==>换极起动器

1542. pole changing switch ==>换极开关

1543. pole climbers ==>脚扣

1544. pole coil ==>磁极线圈

1545. pole cup ==>电杆外裙

1546. pole e

nd plate ==>磁极端板

1547. pole-face ==>磁极面

1548. pole-face bevel ==>磁极斜面

1549. pole-face shaping ==>极面整形

1550. pole field ==>极磁场

1551. pole figure ==>极象图

1552. pole finder ==>极靴试验器,极性试验器

1553. pole finding paper ==>相对端点试纸

1554. pole fittings ==>电杆附件

1555. pole fixture ==>电杆支架

1556. pole flux ==>磁极通量

1557. pole form ==>磁极形状

1558. pole-foundation ==>电杆基础

1559. pole guy ==>电杆拉线

1560. pole-hanging transformer ==>柱上变压器

1561. pole head ==>极靴

1562. pole height ==>极高,电杆高度

1563. pole horn ==>极尖

1564. pole insulation ==>磁线绝缘

1565. pole joint ==>磁极连接

1566. pole leakage ==>磁极漏磁

1567. pole line switch ==>电杆上线路开关

1568. pole oil switch ==>杆上油浸线路开关

1569. pole pair ==>极对

1570. pole piece ==>极靴

1571. pole pit ==>电杆基坑

1572. pole pitch ==>磁极距

1573. pole pitch at the mutator ==>换向葡的极距

1574. pole reverser ==>换极器,换极开关

1575. pole shank ==>极心

1576. pole sheet ==>磁极叠片

1577. pole shim ==>磁极与轭间的垫片

1578. pole shoe ==>极鞋

1579. pole shunting ==>磁极分路

1580. pole slip ==>磁极滑动

1581. pole slipping ==>磁极滑动

1582. pole spur ==>鞋沿

1583. pole step ==>上杆钉

1584. pole strength ==>磁极强度

1585. pole switch ==>杆装开关,杆上开关

1586. pole tip ==>磁头尖,极尖

1587. pole top switch ==>柱上开关

1588. pole top transformer ==>柱上式变压器

1589. pole transformer ==>杆装变压器

1590. pole-type substation ==>杆装变电站

1591. pole-type transformer ==>柱上变压器

1592. pole winding ==>磁极绕组,磁极线圈

1593. policy clause ==>保险单条款

1594. policy holder ==>保险持有人

1595. policy of insurance ==>保险单

1596. polisher lapper ==>研磨抛光机

1597. polishing ==>研磨

1598. polishing etchant ==>抛光用腐蚀剂

1599. pollution detection ==>污染探测

1600. polonium ==>钋(pō)

1601. polonium-beryllium neutron source rod ==>钋-铍中子源棒

1602. poly plant ==>多晶硅制造装置

1603. poly reox ==>多晶硅再氧化

1604. poly semiconductor ==>多晶半导体

1605. poly squared cmos ==>双层多晶硅互补金属氧化物半导体

1606. polyamide resin ==>聚酰胺树脂

1607. polyatron ==>多阳极计数管

1608. polychip dip ==>多片双列直插式外壳

1609. polycide gate ==>多晶硅硅化物栅极

1610. polycrystal ==>多晶

1611. polycrystal isolation ==>多晶硅隔离

1612. polycrystalline deposition ==>多晶淀积

1613. polycrystalline ingot ==>多晶锭

1614. polycrystalline silicon gate mos ==>多晶硅栅金属氧化物半导体

1615. polycrystalline structure ==>多晶结构

1616. polyethylene insulated wire ==>聚乙烯绝缘线

1617. polyethylene terephthalate ==>聚酯合成纤维

1618. polygon connection ==>多角形接线

1619. polyimide adhesive ==>聚酰亚胺粘合剂

1620. polyimide film ==>聚酰亚胺膜

1621. polymer adhesive ==>聚合物粘合剂

1622. polymer thick film ==>聚合物厚膜

1623. polymeric resist ==>聚合物光刻胶

1624. polymeric sealant ==>聚合物密封剂

1625. polymerized photoresist ==>聚合物光刻胶

1626. polyphase ==>多相的

1627. polyphase alloy ==>多相合金

1628. polyphase alternator ==>多相[同步]发电机

1629. polyphase armature ==>多相电枢

1630. polyphase asynchronous motor ==>多相换向器式电动机

1631. polyphase circuit ==>多相回路

1632. polyphase mutator machine ==>多相整流电机

1633. polyphase mutator motor ==>多相换向电动机

1634. polyphase pound mutator motor ==>多相复励换向电动机

1635. polyphase current ==>多相电流

1636. polyphase directional relay ==>多相方向继电器

1637. polyphase generator ==>多相发电机

1638. polyphase machine ==>多相电机

1639. polyphase motor ==>多相电动机

1640. polyphase work ==>多相网络

1641. polyphase power ==>多相功率

1642. polyphase series mutator motor ==>多相串励换向电动机

1643. polyphase shunt mutator motor ==>多相并励换向电动机

1644. polyphase system ==>多相系

1645. polyphase transformer ==>多相变压器

1646. polyphase wattmeter ==>多相瓦特计

1647. polyresistor ==>多晶硅电阻器

1648. polyrod antenna ==>介质天线

1649. polysilicon ==>多晶硅

1650. polysilicon backfill ==>多晶硅填充

1651. polysilicon boat ==>多晶硅小舟

1652. polysilicon diffusion equipment ==>多晶硅管扩散炉

1653. polysilicon fet ==>多晶硅场效应晶体管

1654. polysilicon filling ==>多晶硅填充

1655. polysilicon gate ccd ==>多晶硅栅电荷耦合装置

1656. polysilicon gate process ==>多晶硅栅工艺

1657. polysilicon on oxide region ==>氧化物层上多晶硅区

1658. polysilicon self aligned process ==>多晶硅自对准工艺

1659. polystyrene ==>聚苯乙烯

1660. polyvinyl acetate ==>聚乙烯乙酸脂

1661. polyvinyl chloride ==>聚氯乙烯

1662. polyvinyl chloride insulation ==>聚氯乙烯绝缘

1663. polyvinyl chloride tube ==>塑料管

1664. polyvinyl chloride wire ==>聚氯乙烯线

1665. pondage ==>蓄水量

1666. pondage type power plant ==>蓄水池式发电厂

1667. pool ==>联合,集中控制,联合电力系统

1668. pool cathode ==>汞弧阴极,液体阴极

1669. pool cathode rectifier ==>汞弧阴极整流池阴极整流

1670. pool rectifier ==>液体阴极整流

1671. poor coal ==>劣质煤

1672. poor conductor ==>不良导体

1673. poor contact ==>接触不良

1674. poor fusion ==>未熔合

1675. poor gas ==>低热值可燃气

1676. poor in carbon ==>低碳的

1677. poor in quality ==>劣质的

1678. poor insulation ==>不良绝缘

1679. poor insulator ==>不良绝缘子

1680. population difference ==>粒子数差

1681. population inversion ==>粒子数反转

1682. population inversion lifetime ==>粒子数反转寿命

1683. population lifetime ==>粒子数寿命

1684. population measurement ==>粒子数测量

1685. porcelain ==>瓷器

1686. porcelain bushing ==>瓷套管

1687. porcelain clad type current transformer ==>瓷罩式变流

1688. porcelain insulator ==>瓷绝缘体

1689. porosity ==>多孔性

1690. porous cell ==>素烧瓶

1691. porous getter ==>多孔吸气剂

1692. porous pot ==>素烧瓶

1693. porous silicon ==>多孔硅

1694. port radar ==>港口雷达

1695. portable ==>携带式的

1696. portable apparatus ==>便携式仪表

1697. portable cell ==>便携电池

1698. portable equipment ==>移动式设备

1699. portable instrument ==>携带式仪表

1700. portable lamp ==>手提灯

1701. portable laser ==>便携式激光器

1702. portable set ==>便携式无线电机

1703. portable telephone set ==>便携式电话机

1704. portable television receiver ==>便携式电视接收机

1705. portable television transmitter ==>便携式电视发射机

1706. portable test set ==>携带式试验仪器

1707. portable transmitter ==>便携式发射机

1708. portable wattmeter ==>携带式电力计

1709. portal crane ==>门形起重机

1710. portal structure ==>门形杆架

1711. porthole ==>观察孔

1712. portion ==>部分

1713. Portland cement ==>硅酸盐水泥

1714. position ==>位置,状态,安插,定位

1715. position code ==>位置码

1716. position code converter ==>位置电码变换器

1717. position constant ==>位置常数

1718. position control ==>位置控制

1719. position control system ==>位置控制系统

1720. position feedback ==>位置反馈

1721. position feedback type servovalve ==>位置反馈伺服阀

1722. position finding ==>定位

1723. position indication ==>位置指示器

1724. position indicator ==>位置指示器

1725. position indicator coil ==>位置指示器线圈

1726. position lamp ==>位置灯

1727. position light signal ==>位置色灯信号

1728. position limitation ==>位置限制

1729. position line ==>位置线

1730. position meter ==>通话计时器

1731. position motor ==>位置电动机

1732. position recorder ==>位置记录器

1733. position regulator ==>位置调节器

1734. position selector ==>位置选择器

1735. position selector valve ==>位置选择阀

1736. position sensor ==>位置传感器

1737. position servomechanism ==>位置伺服机构

1738. position signaling ==>位置信号

1739. position-to-number ==>位置-数字

1740. position-to-number converter ==>位置-数字变换器

1741. position transducer ==>位置传感器

1742. position transmitter ==>位置发送器

1743. position-type telemeter ==>位置式遥测计

1744. positional servosystem ==>位置伺服系统

1745. positioner ==>位置控制器

1746. positioning ==>位置调节

1747. positioning control ==>定位控制

1748. positioning element ==>定位部件

1749. positioning system ==>位置控制器

1750. positioning table ==>定位台

1751. positive ==>正的

1752. positive artwork ==>正象原图

1753. positive bias ==>正偏压

1754. positive blower ==>增压鼓风机

1755. positive booster ==>增压机

1756. positive carrier ==>正电荷载流

1757. positive charge ==>正电荷

1758. positive column ==>正电柱,阳极区

1759. positive coupling ==>正连接

1760. positive electricity ==>阳电

1761. positive electrode ==>阳极

1762. positive electron ==>阳电子

1763. positive electron affinity ==>正电子亲合力

1764. positive emulsion ==>正性乳剂

1765. positive feedback ==>正反馈

1766. positive feedback amplifier ==>正反馈放大器

1767. positive feeder ==>正馈电线

1768. positive glow ==>阳辉光

1769. positive image ==>正象

1770. positive image material ==>正性光刻胶

1771. positive ion ==>阳离子

1772. positive ion beam ==>正离子束

1773. positive modulation ==>正极性调制

1774. positive pattern ==>正象

1775. positive phase sequence reactance ==>正相序电抗

1776. positive phase sequence resistance ==>正相序电阻

1777. positive photoresist ==>正性光刻胶

1778. positive phototool ==>正像掩模

1779. positive picture ==>正像

1780. positive plate ==>阳极板

1781. positive pole ==>阳极

1782. positive rays ==>阳极射线

1783. positive reactance ==>感抗

1784. positive record ==>正像记录

1785. positive resist lithography ==>正性胶光刻

1786. positiv



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