

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1. L aerial ==>L形天线

2. L antenna ==>L形天线

3. L cathode ==>L型阴极

4. L grader ==>L分级器

5. L work ==>L形网络

6. lab-scale ==>实验室规模

7. LaB6 cathode ==>六硼化镧阴极

8. label ==>标签,标号,标记

9. label clause ==>标签条款

10. label coding ==>标签编码

11. label constant ==>标号常数

12. label data ==>标号数据

13. label data register ==>标号数据寄存器

14. labeling ==>加标

15. labelling ==>加标

16. labile equilibrium ==>不稳定平衡

17. laboratory ==>实验室

18. laboratory apparatus ==>实验室用仪器

19. laboratory bench ==>试验工作台

20. laboratory clothing ==>实验室工作服

21. laboratory coat ==>实验室工作服

22. laboratory drains ==>实验室疏水

23. laboratory drains pump ==>实验室疏水泵

24. laboratory drains tank ==>实验室疏水箱

25. laboratory equipment ==>试验室设备

26. laboratory findings ==>实验结果

27. laboratory frame of axes ==>实验室坐标系

28. laboratory hood ==>实验室排风柜

29. laboratory instrument ==>实验室用仪器

30. laboratory monitor ==>实验室剂量监测器

31. laboratory procedure ==>实验室研究方法

32. laboratory reagent ==>实验室试剂

33. laboratory reference standard ==>实验室基准标准器

34. laboratory reliability test ==>实验室可靠性试验

35. laboratory report ==>试验报告

36. laboratory salinometer ==>实验室盐度计

37. laboratory services ==>实验室辅助设备

38. laboratory sifter ==>实验室震动筛(shāi)分机

39. laboratory system ==>实验室系统

40. laboratory technique ==>试验技术

41. laboratory test ==>实验室试验

42. laboratory wastes ==>实验室废物

43. laboratory working standard ==>实验室常用标准器

44. labour contract ==>劳动契约

45. labour cost ==>劳务费用

46. labour force ==>劳动力

47. labour fund ==>劳动基金

48. labour hour ==>工时

49. labour importing countries ==>劳工输入国

50. labour insurance ==>劳动保险

51. labour insurance expenditure ==>劳保支出

52. labour insurance regulations ==>劳保条例

53. labour intensity ==>劳动强度

54. labour intensive project ==>劳动密集型项目

55. labour only subcontractor ==>只承包合同劳动的分包商

56. labour quota ==>劳动定额

57. labour reward ==>劳动报酬

58. labour sheet ==>计工表

59. labyrinth packing ==>迷宫式密封

60. lac ==>虫漆,虫胶

61. lack of bond ==>结合不良

62. lack of contrast ==>反差不足

63. lack of fusion ==>未熔合

64. lacquer ==>清漆,漆

65. lacquer disk ==>蜡克盘

66. lacquer film ==>喷漆薄膜

67. lacquer layer ==>硝基漆层

68. lacquer varnish ==>亮漆,凡立水

69. ladder ==>梯子

70. ladder circuit ==>梯形电路

71. ladder diagram ==>梯形图

72. ladder effect ==>梯形效应

73. ladder escape ==>安全梯

74. ladder filter ==>梯式滤波器

75. ladder for repairing ==>修理梯

76. ladder work ==>梯形网络

77. ladder rung ==>梯级

78. ladder step ==>扶梯梯级

79. ladder-type filter ==>梯式滤波器

80. ladder-type work ==>梯形网络

81. ladder winding ==>阶梯式绕组

82. ladder winding insulation ==>阶梯式绕组绝缘

83. ladder with platform ==>带平台的梯子

84. laden in bulk ==>散装的

85. lag ==>滞后,延迟,惯性,防护套,罩

86. lag bolt ==>方头螺栓

87. lag pensation ==>滞后补偿

88. lag in phase ==>相位滞后

89. lag lead pensation ==>滞后超前补偿

90. lag module ==>滞后组件

91. lag work ==>滞后网络

92. lag theorem ==>延迟定理

93. lag time ==>时延

94. lagging ==>滞后

95. lagging current ==>滞后电流

96. lagging device ==>滞后装置

97. lagging load ==>滞后负载

98. lagging phase ==>滞后相位

99. lagging power factor ==>滞后功率因数

100. Lagrange-multiplier method ==>拉格朗日乘式法

101. Lagrange‘s equation ==>拉格朗日方程

102. Lagrange‘s interpolation formula ==>拉格朗日插值公式

103. Lagrangian method ==>拉格朗日法

104. laissez-passer ==>通行证,护照

105. laky ==>深红色的

106. Laman spectrophotometer ==>拉曼分光光度计

107. lamb shift ==>兰姆移位

108. lambert ==>朗伯

109. lamella ==>薄板

110. lamella formation ==>薄板形成

111. lamella thickness ==>薄板厚度

112. lamellar field ==>非旋场

113. lamina ==>薄板

114. laminar deposition ==>层状淀积

115. laminar flow ==>层流

116. laminar flow booth ==>层流室

117. laminar flow ultra clean area ==>层流超洁净区

118. laminar low ==>层流

119. laminate ==>层制品

120. laminated antenna ==>迭层天线

121. laminated brush ==>叠片电刷

122. laminated brush switch ==>叠片刷触点开关

123. laminated core ==>叠片铁心

124. laminated dielectric ==>叠片介质

125. laminated glass window ==>层压玻璃观察窗

126. laminated insulation ==>叠片绝缘

127. laminated mag ==>叠片磁铁,积层磁铁

128. laminated plastic ==>层压塑料

129. lamination ==>叠片结构

130. lamination factor ==>叠层系数

131. lamination insulation ==>叠钢片绝缘

132. lamp ==>灯

133. lamp annealing ==>灯加热退火

134. lamp base ==>管底,灯座

135. lamp black ==>灯黑,烟炱(tái)

136. lamp body ==>灯壳

137. lamp bracket ==>灯架

138. lamp bulb ==>玻璃泡,灯泡

139. lamp cap ==>灯头,管帽

140. lamp circuit ==>电灯电路

141. lamp cord ==>灯绳

142. lamp efficiency ==>电灯效率

143. lamp globe ==>灯泡

144. lamp guard ==>灯泡保护网

145. lamp heating ==>灯加热

146. lamp holder ==>灯座

147. lamp house ==>灯罩

148. lamp indicator ==>灯光指示器

149. lamp jack ==>灯插口,灯座,管座

150. lamp lens ==>灯玻璃

151. lamp load ==>电灯负载

152. lamp manufacturing works ==>灯泡厂

153. lamp panel ==>管座,灯板

154. lamp plug ==>电灯插头

155. lamp post ==>灯杆

156. lamp receptacle ==>灯座,管座

157. lamp reflector ==>白炽灯反射罩

158. lamp regulator ==>电灯电路自动电压调整器

159. lamp resistance ==>灯泡电阻

160. lamp resistor ==>灯泡电阻器

161. lamp shade ==>灯罩

162. lamp signal ==>灯光信号

163. lamp socket ==>灯座

164. lamp test ==>灯泡试验

165. lamp with internal diffusion coating ==>内扩散灯泡

166. lanac system ==>兰那克

167. lance ==>喷枪

168. land ==>连接盘,陆

169. land and water coordinated ==>水陆联运

170. land area ==>接触面积

171. land-based nuclear power plant ==>陆上核电站

172. land-based pollution ==>陆源污染

173. land-based pollution source ==>陆上污染源

174. land-based prototype ==>陆上原型

175. land-based prototype reactor ==>陆上原型反应堆

176. land burial ==>地下埋藏

177. land cable ==>地面电缆

178. land carriage ==>陆上运输

179. land contract ==>地契

180. land station ==>地面电台

181. Landau-Ginzberg ==>朗道-京茨堡参量

182. landing ==>登陆

183. landing area floodlight ==>着陆探照灯

184. landing impact testing machine ==>落锤式冲击试验机

185. landing light ==>着陆灯

186. landing weight ==>卸货重量

187. lane ==>等相位区

188. language ==>语言

189. language processor ==>语言处理程序

190. lap ==>研磨

191. lap joint ==>叠式焊接

192. lap parallel winding ==>迭绕组

193. lap welding ==>搭接焊

194. lap winding ==>迭绕组

195. Laplace Gauss distribution ==>拉普拉斯—高斯分布

196. laplace operator ==>拉普拉斯算符,拉氏算子

197. laplace plane ==>拉普拉斯平面

198. Laplace transform ==>拉普拉斯变换

199. Laplace transform representation ==>拉普拉斯变换表达式

200. Laplace transformation ==>拉普拉斯变换

201. Laplace‘s equation ==>拉普拉斯方程

202. Laplace‘s law ==>拉普拉斯定律

203. Laplacian ==>拉普拉斯算符

204. lapped face ==>研磨表面

205. lapper ==>研磨机

206. lapping ==>缠绕,重叠

207. lapping pound ==>研磨剂

208. lapping guide ==>研磨终止标记

209. lapping hardness ==>研磨硬度

210. large area exposure ==>大面积曝光

211. large area pattern ==>大面积图案

212. large energy gap ==>宽禁带

213. large scale array ==>大规模阵列

214. large scale hybrid integrated circuit ==>大规模混合集成电路

215. large scale hybrid integration ==>大规模混合集成电路

216. large scale integrated circuit ==>大规模集成电路

217. large scale integration ==>大规模集成,大规模集成化

218. large scale integration circuit ==>大规模集成电路

219. large scale integration hybrid ==>大规模混合集成电路

220. large scale integration level ==>大规模集成度

221. large scale integration microprocessor ==>大规模集成微处理机

222. large scale intergration ==>大规模集成化

223. large scale system ==>大系统

224. large scale system cyberics ==>大系统控制论

225. large screen projection ==>大屏幕投影

226. large signal parameters ==>大信号参数

227. large volume sampler ==>大容量采水器

228. lasecon ==>激光转换器

229. laser ==>激光器,激光

230. laser accelerator ==>激光加速器

231. laser active medium ==>激光活性媒质

232. laser aerosol counter ==>激光悬浮微粒计数器

233. laser alignment ==>激光调节

234. laser alignment instrument ==>激光导向仪

235. laser altimeter ==>激光测高计

236. laser amplification ==>激光放大

237. laser amplification factor ==>激光放大系数

238. laser amplifier ==>激光放大器

239. laser anemometer ==>激光风速计

240. laser annealed silicon on sapphire ==>激光退火的蓝宝石上硅结构

241. laser aperture ==>激光辐射孔径

242. laser application ==>激光应用

243. laser assisted diffusion ==>激光激励扩散

244. laser atomizer ==>激光原子化器

245. laser axis ==>激光轴

246. laser band ==>激光辐射带

247. laser bandwidth ==>激光辐射带宽

248. laser beacon ==>激光信标

249. laser beam ==>激光光束,激光束

250. laser beam cutting ==>激光束切割

251. laser beam defletion ==>激光束偏转

252. laser beam diameter ==>激光束直径

253. laser beam divergence ==>激光束发散

254. laser beam divider ==>激光束分离器

255. laser beam evaporation ==>激光束蒸发

256. laser beam focusing ==>激光束聚焦

257. laser beam ionization ==>激光电离

258. laser beam record


259. laser beam splitting ==>激光束分离

260. laser beam steering ==>激光束控制

261. laser bonding ==>激光焊接

262. laser boring ==>激光打孔

263. laser calorimetry ==>激光量热术

264. laser cathode ==>激光契极

265. laser ceilometer ==>激光测云仪

266. laser chemistry ==>激光化学

267. laser coherence ==>激光相干性

268. laser munication ==>激光通信

269. laser construction ==>激光漆构

270. laser cut ==>激光切割

271. laser cutting ==>激光切割

272. laser cutting machine ==>激光切割机

273. laser damage ==>激光破坏

274. laser degradation ==>激光葡化

275. laser deposition ==>激光淀积

276. laser detection ==>激光探测

277. laser diagnostics ==>激光诊断

278. laser dicing ==>激光切片

279. laser diode ==>激光二极管

280. laser diodes matrix ==>激光二极管矩阵

281. laser direct imaging ==>激光直接成象

282. laser display ==>激光显示器

283. laser distance meter ==>激光测距仪

284. laser doping ==>激光掺杂

285. laser doppler velocimeter ==>激光多普勒速度计

286. laser drilling ==>激光束钻孔

287. laser drilling machine ==>激光束钻孔机

288. laser echo ==>激光回波

289. laser effect ==>激光效应

290. laser efficiency ==>激光僻率

291. laser electric phonograph ==>激光电唱机

292. laser electrophotography ==>激光静电复印

293. laser ellipseness measuring instrument ==>激光椭圆度测量仪

294. laser endoscope ==>激光内视镜

295. laser engine ==>激光发动机

296. laser enhanced plating ==>激光诱发淀积

297. laser exposure ==>激光照射

298. laser flip flop ==>激光触发器

299. laser fluorescence detector ==>激光荧光探测仪

300. laser for thermonuclear fusion ==>热核聚变用激光

301. laser frequency stability ==>激光频率稳定度

302. laser frequency stabilization ==>激光稳频

303. laser fusion ==>激光核聚变

304. laser gain ==>激光增益

305. laser geodynamic satellite(LAGEDS) ==>激光测地卫星

306. laser gettering ==>激光吸除

307. laser grimeter ==>激光重力仪,激光重差计

308. laser guidance ==>激光制导

309. laser gun ==>激光枪

310. laser gyropass ==>激光回转罗盘

311. laser gyroscope ==>激光陀螺仪

312. laser harmonic ==>激光谐波

313. laser head ==>激光头

314. laser heated electroplating ==>激光加热电镀

315. laser heated plasma ==>激光加热等离子体

316. laser heating ==>激光加热,激光感应加热

317. laser induced defect ==>激光诱发缺陷

318. laser induced deposition ==>激光诱发淀积

319. laser induced heating ==>激光感应加热

320. laser induced ionization ==>激光感应电离

321. laser induced transition ==>激光感应跃迁

322. laser inside diameter measuring instrument ==>激光内径测量仪

323. laser instability ==>激光苹稳定性

324. laser interaction ==>激光相互动作

325. laser interferometer ==>激光干涉仪

326. laser interferometric alignment ==>激光干涉对准

327. laser interferometry ==>激光干涉测量

328. laser ionization ==>激光电离

329. laser irradiation ==>激光辐照

330. laser isotope separation ==>激光同位素分离

331. laser jammer ==>激光干扰机

332. laser jamming ==>激光干扰

333. laser jamming transmitter ==>激光干扰机

334. laser length measuring instrument ==>激光式测长仪

335. laser level ==>激光水准仪,激光能级

336. laser life ==>激光瀑命

337. laser line broadening ==>激光谱线展宽

338. laser linewidth ==>激光谱线宽度

339. laser link ==>激光通信线路

340. laser lithography ==>激光蚀刻

341. laser locator ==>激光定位器

342. laser logic ==>激光逻辑电路

343. laser machinery ==>激光设备

344. laser machining ==>激光加工

345. laser material ==>激光材料

346. laser memory ==>激光存储器

347. laser microscope ==>激光显微镜

348. laser microspectral analyzer ==>激光显微光谱分析仪

349. laser mode ==>激光模式

350. laser modulation device ==>激光调制器

351. laser noise ==>激光噪声

352. laser optics ==>激光光学,激光学

353. laser orientation instrument ==>激光指向仪

354. laser output power ==>激光输出功率

355. laser output power stabilization ==>激光输出功率稳定化

356. laser outside diameter measuring instrument ==>激光外径测量仪

357. laser peration ==>激光穿透

358. laser photochemistry ==>激光光化学

359. laser plasma ==>激光等离子体

360. laser plummet ==>激光垂准仪

361. laser polarization ==>激光辐射极化

362. laser power ==>激光功率

363. laser power density ==>激光功率密度

364. laser preamplifier ==>激光前置放大器

365. laser printer ==>激光印刷机

366. laser probe ==>激光探针

367. laser probe mass spectrometer ==>激光探针质谱计

368. laser probing ==>激光探测

369. laser processed silicon on insulator ==>激光处理的绝缘体上硅结构

370. laser processor ==>激光处理机

371. laser pulse energy ==>激光脉冲能

372. laser pulse width ==>激光脉冲宽

373. laser pumping ==>激光激励

374. laser pumping system ==>激光激励系统

375. laser radiation ==>激光辐射线

376. laser radiation divergence ==>激光射线发散

377. laser radiation energy ==>激光辐射能

378. laser radiation frequency ==>激光辐射频率

379. laser radiation linewidth ==>激光辐射线宽

380. laser radiation power ==>激光辐射功率

381. laser radiation welength ==>激光辐射波长

382. laser range finder ==>激光测距仪

383. laser ranging device ==>激光测距仪

384. laser receiver ==>激光辐射接受器

385. laser recorder ==>激光记录仪

386. laser recrystallized silicon on insulator ==>激光再结晶的绝缘体上硅结构

387. laser reflector ==>激光反射器

388. laser relay ==>激光转播机

389. laser reliability ==>激光粕靠性

390. laser resonator ==>激光谐振器

391. laser rod ==>激光棒

392. laser rounding ==>激光圆形加工

393. laser scanned television ==>激光扫描式电视

394. laser scanning microscope ==>激光扫描显微镜

395. laser scatterometer ==>激光散射计

396. laser scriber ==>激光划片器

397. laser scribing ==>激光划片

398. laser scribing apparatus ==>激光划片机

399. laser scribing means ==>激光划片机

400. laser sensor ==>激光传感器

401. laser spectroscopy ==>激光光谱学

402. laser spectrum radiator ==>激光光谱辐射计

403. laser spot welding ==>激光点焊

404. laser stability ==>激光迫定性

405. laser surface interaction ==>激光表面相互动作

406. laser surgery ==>激光外科手术

407. laser tachometer ==>激光转速仪

408. laser technique ==>激光技术

409. laser technology ==>激光工艺

410. laser television ==>激光电视

411. laser theodolite ==>激光经纬仪

412. laser tracking ==>激光跟踪

413. laser tracking system ==>激光跟踪系统

414. laser transition ==>激光跃迁

415. laser transition frequency ==>激光跃迁频率

416. laser transmitter ==>激光发射机

417. laser trigger ==>激光触发器

418. laser trimmed resistor ==>激光微的电阻

419. laser trimmer ==>激光调节器

420. laser trimming ==>激光微调

421. laser trimming apparatus ==>激光微调

422. laser trimming technique ==>激光微导术

423. laser wafer trim ==>激光薄片微调

424. laser we ==>激光波

425. laser welding ==>激光焊接

426. laser welding machine ==>激光焊机

427. laser window ==>激光瓢

428. laser xerography ==>激光干印法

429. laser zapper ==>激光调节器

430. lasing ==>产生激光

431. lasing threshold ==>激光射阈

432. lasos ==>激光退火的蓝宝石上硅结构

433. last in first out list ==>后进先出表

434. latch ==>锁住,锁存器,闭锁

435. latch arm ==>抓手

436. latch armature ==>锁闩衔铁

437. latch assembly ==>销爪(锁闩)组件

438. latch bar ==>门闩

439. latch circuit ==>锁住电路

440. latch finger ==>锁闩机构弹簧销

441. latch-in relay ==>自锁继电器

442. latch locking ==>插销锁定

443. latch relay ==>闩锁继电器,自锁继电器

444. latch up ==>封闭,闭锁

445. latched relay ==>闩锁继电器

446. latching ==>碰锁,锁住

447. latching current ==>闭锁电流,阻塞电流

448. latching electromag ==>闭锁电磁铁

449. latching full adder ==>闩锁全加器

450. latching relay ==>闭锁继电器

451. latency ==>等待时间

452. latency time ==>等待时间

453. latent electricity ==>束缚电

454. latent heat ==>潜热

455. latent oscillations ==>潜伏振荡

456. lateral deflection ==>横向偏转

457. lateral diffusion ==>横向扩散

458. lateral dimensions ==>横向尺寸

459. lateral doping profile ==>横向杂质分布图

460. lateral encroaching ==>横向腐蚀

461. lateral etching ==>横向腐蚀

462. lateral fet ==>横向场效应晶体管

463. lateral geometry ==>横向几何结构

464. lateral isolation ==>横向绝缘

465. lateral lobe ==>侧叶

466. lateral logger ==>侧向测井仪

467. lateral oxidation ==>横向氧化

468. lateral packing density ==>横向填密密度

469. lateral photoeffect photodetector ==>侧向光效应光电探测器

470. lateral photovoltaic effect ==>横向光生伏打效应

471. lateral placement ==>杂质的横向布置

472. lateral probe movement ==>左右扫查

473. lateral pulling ==>横向拉制

474. lateral recording ==>横向录音

475. lateral registration ==>横向重合

476. lateral scan ==>左右扫查

477. lateral spreading ==>横向扩展

478. lateral structure ==>横向结构

479. lateral tracking angle error ==>横向循迹误差角

480. lateral transistor ==>横向晶体管

481. lateral transistor structure ==>横向晶体管结构

482. latitude effect ==>纬度效应

483. latour motor ==>自励单相换向电动机

484. lattice ==>格子,棚

485. lattice coil ==>蜂房式线圈

486. lattice constant ==>晶格常数

487. lattice defect ==>晶格缺陷

488. lattice disorder ==>点阵无序

489. lattice distortion ==>点阵畸变

490. lattice imperfection ==>晶格缺陷

491. lattice irregularity ==>点阵不完整

492. lattice matching ==>点阵匹配

493. lattice work ==>桥型网络

494. lattice parameter ==>晶格常数

495. lattice perfection ==>晶格完整

496. lattice pitch ==>晶格间距

497. lattice site ==>



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




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