

11月20日 编辑 39baobao.com





No one can define happiness; you he to be unhappy to understand it.


Try to live one day at a time and live each day to the fullest.


(to the fullest = make the most of it)

Life is neither full of lumps nor full of rosy-colors.


Where there is life, there is hope.


In every day life, try to laugh heartily; love deeply and let the rest roll off (your shoulder).


(to roll off = to ignore or don\'t worry)

(roll off後面的your shoulder或your back多被省去)

A fortable life is not always the best life.


(fortable life = easy life)

Most people are as happy as they make their minds up to be.


(to be後面的happy被省略)

Don\'t be dark; try to be easygoing.


(dark意思是negative or moody)

When life gives you lemons, make lemonade.


(lemons = sour ; lemonade = sweet)

Concentrate on the present; the future will take care of itself.


Stand up and focus on your dreams and you will find out life is more satisfying than you thought.


(stand up = he courage or confidence ; focus on =concentrate)

Surround yourself with positive people, positive things, sunshine, rainbows, and roses, you will feel much better.


You need to do some soul-searching if there is a small vacuum in your life.


(soul-searching = looking deeply within oneself)

If you do things with your head and your heart, the better off your life will be.



Keep up your good work and your efforts will be re-warded.


(keep up = continue)

Secret to happiness is to make a life about giving.


(giving後面省去to others)

Be glad of life because it gives us the chance to love, to work, to play and to look up at the stars.


Carpe diem; you don\'t know what may happen to-morrow.


(carpe diem是拉丁文 = seize the day = enjoy the day)

There is no need to worry about things you cannot control.


Let your life philosophy be "the glass is half full" rather than "half empty."



If you keep looking for weeds, you will never see the flowers.



(weeds指negative ; flowers指positive)

Be a life of the party and not a party-pooper.


(life of the party = being active and friendly to others ; party- pooper=negative or plaining)

Life and happiness are not about storing up material things; they are about mutual caring.


(they是指life and happiness)

Try to be happy-go-lucky with your work and family life.



Try to be thankful for being alive; even a bad day is a good day.




If something you don\'t like happens, deal with it, grow from it and move on.


Your future happiness is in your own hands.


Money plays a part in happiness; you need a certain amount to live fortably, but more money does not necessarily buy more happiness.


Linking your happiness closely to money is a possible way to be unhappy.


Simplicity of life will also bring you happiness.


With only coarse food to eat, water to drink and the bent arm as a pillow, happiness may still exist.


It is not how much you make that matters; it is how you live your life.


Living in the fanciest house and driving the best car may not necessarily make a person happy.


Not everyone has everything in life, but one should learn to roll with the punches.


(to roll with the punches = to go with the flow)

Try to be as happy as a clam.



Some people feel that happiness is not a station you arrive at, but a manner of treling.



(station = destination ; manner of treling = how you get there)

Try to be a sunny person and spread your joy through the group.


(sunny = cheerful)

Sharing a joke with someone and laughing out loud can make you happy.


Fitting in our society is a part of life; sometimes one has to take the bitter with the sweet.


(to fit in 是相處融洽或適應環境)

Even though your wallet is very thick, your heart may be empty and nervous.


To get the most out of life, one needs GREat physical powers and an iron constitution.


( physical powers = strong; iron constitution = healthy )

A word of encouragement can mean a lot for a per-son to be happy.


Just be elated; everything is hunky-dory.



To he a good life, learn what your "signature strengths" are and use those strengths.


(signature strengths是指unique或strongest points)

A smile is an asset not only in the business world, but in social situation as well.




Smiles make people feel good and open many doors; so try to smile as bright as Utah\'s sky.



Don\'t eat your heart out of your friend\'s success; three cheers for them.


(to eat one\'s heart out = be jealous or feel bitter)

(three cheers = happy or hooray)

Kudos to those who he made you happy.


(kudos = praise)

Life is not a dress rehearsal; every moment is precious.



Don\'t sweat the small stuff; life is too short to be small.


(to be small = to be narrow-minded)

Even if you are an ordinary person, you may turn out to be extraordinary doing amazing things.


An attitude of trying a little gratitude may build your strength, resilience and joy.


(resilience = endurance)

Always share in your friend\'s success as you would your own.


(would 後面share 和 own 後面success,都被省略)

If you worry about something, try to put your worry on the back burner.


(to put something on the back burner = to pay less attention to something)

Whatever your plaint is, try to get a chuckle out of it.



(to get a chuckle out of something = to find the silver lining)


來自俗話: Every cloud has a silver lining.


Don\'t make life too serious; lighten up with some-thing to smile about.


(lighten up = relax)

Try to laugh out loud even though you are in bad mood.


When you laugh, you will be ten years younger; when you worry, your hair will turn grey.


Putting yourself out for someone or volunteering some time to a good cause can make you content and happy.


(to put oneself out = to make effort)

Stop clinging to the past and get on with the future because the past is a bucket of ashes.


Try to be hyena happy with your life and peacock proud of your occupation.


(hyena是種動物叫袋狼,據說十分快樂;pea-cock是指開屏的孔雀,炫耀美麗。這兩個字,都當形容詞,只是誇張的加強語氣 = very)

Trust in the lord with all your heart and He will light the way.



Try to be so happy that every day is Thanksgiving and every night is New Year\'s Eve.


Don\'t be perfectionist because nothing is ever perfect in this world.


Don\'t worry about what happened in the past; you he the rest of the years ahead of you.


Happiness in life has so much to do with the relationship between desire and contentment.


Many people believe that happiness consists in contentment.


Mix together patience, love, kindness, generosity, faith, understanding and laughter as a recipe for happiness.


My only wish is for my readers to be happy.




那一次,我真幸福李璨, 每个人的成长经历都是五彩缤纷的。有的快乐;有的令人感动;有的充满悲伤。而我的成长中就充满了幸福。记忆中有那么一件事儿,至今仍在心中久久不能忘怀。 那是一个昏黄的天...

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由书香浸润的假期——读《活着就是幸福》有感【引言】有些人做事,有起头无煞尾,做东丢西,做西丢东,忙过不少,不是一事无成,就是半途而废。我们做事要按照计划,依次完成,就必须毅力坚持,一直到做好为止。【陶行知语】 出自陶行知...


用爱铸造幸福广饶县大码头镇央上幼儿园 徐秀霞幸福,不少人诠释过幸福是什么,有人说,幸福就是出门的时候,有人叮嘱注意安全;有人说,幸福就是一回家,就有可口的热菜热饭;有人说,幸福就是一家人团团...

其实幸福就在你我身边如果问你幸福是什么?也许在突然之间你会语塞,或者认为自己并不感到幸福。 但是,其实幸福就在你我身边。 星期一早上,我刚到办公室,还在整理着桌上的东西。这时候,门外响起了轻轻的...

