

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com

[金融英语财务术语汇集]金融英语财务术语香港证券学会 hong kong securities professionals association并购活动* mergers and acquisitions仓 position个人大股东具报书 individual substantial...+阅读

Angle Stop Valves 角式截止阀

Angle Throttle Valves 角式节流阀

Angle Type Globe Valves 角式截止阀

Butterfly Type Non-slam Check 蝶式缓冲止回阀

Butterfly Valves with Gear Actuator 蜗轮传动蝶阀

Cock 二通

CQ Thread Ball Valves CQ螺纹球阀

Diaphragm Valves 隔膜阀

Double Disc Flat Gate Valves 双闸板平板闸阀

Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves 明杆平行式双闸板闸板

Double Opening Exhaust Valves 双口排气球

Electric Actuated Stop Valves 电动截止阀

Electric Actuated Wedge Gate Valves 电动楔式闸阀

Electric Double Disk Parallel Gate Valves 电动平行式双闸板闸板

Emergeny Cut-off Valves 紧急切断阀

Free Float Type Steam Trap 浮球式疏水阀

Flange Ball Valves 法兰球阀

Flange Gate Valves 法兰闸阀

Flange Globe Valves 法兰截止阀

Gauge Valves 仪表阀

Hard Seal Butterfly Valves 金属密封碟阀

High Temperature Pressure Power Station Gate Valves 高温高压电站闸阀

High Temperature Pressure Power Station Globe Valves 高温高压电站截止阀

Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀

Lift Check Valves 升降式止回阀

Lining Ball Valves 衬里球阀

Lining Butterfly Valves 衬里碟阀

Lining Check Valves 衬里止回阀

Lining Cock 衬里二通

Lining Globe Valves 衬里截止阀

Lining T-Cock Valves 衬里三通旋塞阀

Liquid Indicator 液位计


pe Fitting 液化气管件

Magic Co-operate Globe Valves 磁耦合截止阀

Magism Forle Pumps 磁力泵

Manual Oil Pumps Valves 手摇油泵(阀)

Meter Needle Type Globe Valves 仪表针形截止阀

Oblique Stop Valves 直流式截止阀

Parallesl Slide Valves 浆液阀

Piping Centrifugal Pumps 管道离心泵

Piping Pumps 管道泵

Piping Safety Valves 管道安全阀

Plunger Globe Valves 柱塞截止阀

Quick Draining Valves 快速排污阀

Restrictor Valves 过流阀(或节流阀)

Safety Valves 安全阀

Screw Pumps 螺杆泵

Scum Gate Valves 排渣闸阀

Single Disc Flat Gate Valves 单闸板平板闸阀

Single Opening Exhaust Valves 单口排气球

Slurry Pumps 泥浆泵

Stop Valves 截止阀

Strainer 过滤器

Submerged Motor Pumps 潜水电泵(排污泵)

Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀

Swing Check Valves 旋启式止回阀

Tank Lorry Ball Valves 槽车球阀

T-Cock 三通

Thin Gate Valves 薄型闸阀

Throttle Valves 节流阀

Tiny Drag Slow Shut Check Valves 微阻缓闭止回阀

Under Water Pumps 液下泵

Vacuum Pumps 水力喷射器(真空泵)

Vertical Lift Check Valves 立式止回阀

Wafer Check Valves 对夹式止回阀

Wafer Type Butterfly Valves with Rubber Itning 对夹式衬胶蝶阀

Waste Valves 排污箱(阀)

Water Seal Gate Valves 水封闸阀

Wedge Gate Valves 楔式闸阀

Y Type and Cylinder Filters Y型筒型过滤器


金融英语财务术语金融英语财务术语指数加权移动平均方法 exponentially-weighted moving erage指数套戥 index arbitrage指数参与单位 index participation unit指数掉期 index swap指...

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