

02月22日 编辑 39baobao.com


Dear Mother : I thank my mother for me, raising me, teach me, let me in the knowledge of travel into schools. Thank goodness my mother. If this world without you, then I can not see this beautiful and colorful world. I know how you feel is the time for me, I know you are very good, do not want such a life on this small crashes, but they must be made enormous efforts it. I thank my mother brought up. For many years, every morning you up, I began to cook, no matter fallen autumn, regardless of where the summer, you are always the first up, I do not understand why you do I care, nurturing me. Until one day I finally realized that the original love is selfless, love is not only aware of dedication return. I thank my mother taught. Mom, you taught me to do a countless friendly, positive people. You Before I began to teach a course I had in television and radio time, you always have to accompany a word, I think you have a very old saying Institute, but now I feel that more time is the most precious is the most treasure. Let me thank my mother in the knowledge of travel into schools. Since schools do not do very good Shandong promised, so you will be sent to the oldest paternal aunt my schooling here, I was not suffer. Wherever holiday, you will be tireless in their home here. While each of the far, but you were still a daily telephone enquiries I learn, like you on my side. Women's Day approaching 38, I said these words into a coherent force sentence is : thank Mama!



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