

02月20日 编辑 39baobao.com

[2008年职称英语750个高频词汇12]2008年职称英语750个高频词汇12 171.cure sb. of + 某种疾病 治好某人的疾病 172.a danger to 对……的危险;be in danger(of) 处于……危险中;be out of danger 脱离危险 173.t...+阅读

we will hold a meeting tomorrow

i decide to do the homework now

i don't want to vote for her

you should take charge of your money properly

you need to take notes while the teacher tells you to

we talk over this issue for a long time

i like doing many kinds of sports ,for example ,the basketball ,the badminton.

you should pay for it because you broke it

Think about the question more times ,then you will do it

he agrees to help us

i arrange to do my homework this evening

i must finish this book in one week's time


报关常用英语词组cash and delivery 付款交货,货到付款 certificate of origin 产地证明书 certificate of quality 货物品质证书,质量证书 certificate of quantity 货物数量证明书,数量证书 C...

能帮我用英语解释几个英语单词与词组1、meter 计价器 a machine that measures and shows the amount of something you have used or the amount of money that you must pay 2、hurry up 快点 词组查不到 3、...

英语动词词组归纳1.下列动词后只能接动名词:suggest, finish, avoid, stop, can't help, mind, enjoy, require, practise, miss, escape, pardon, advise, consider, imagine, keep, appreci...

询问几个英语词组实在是查不到可能是俚语口语里面-ing经常用-in'来代替 所以,pouring=pourin' 1.滔天大雨 2.我感觉(时间)紧迫 3.Ain't 在口语里可以代指isn't,aren't,am not. 这句话就是指那真是遗憾/丢脸 4.开始发现...

谁能帮我找12个商店的英语名称Department Store 百货商店 Confectioner´s Shop, Candy Shop 糖果店 Grocery 食品杂货店 Supermarket 超级市场 Shopping Center 购物中心 Book Store 书店 Grain Store...



英语动词词组有哪些这个范围太广了,如果说动词词语那就是无数个了,动词词语可以是:动词+介词,动词+形容词(副词)等等。举例如下: 英语动词词组: 1. 以break为中心的词组 break away from 脱离,逃离 brea...

求八年级下册100个英语短语并且造句1.This desk is behind the tree2.He is starting to study hard.3.Why not do it by yourself.4.He paints the picture with his left hand.5.I like eat vegetables,such...
