

12月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


In deciding packaging for a product, it's important to choose the colour, texture and design that provide the best image or appearance of the product. A firm can create desirable appearance by designing a package that conveys signals of taste and food content. Many manufactures he upgraded the packaging of their food product to convey high-quality images.

Next, I think the health and safety is especially important for food product. When designing the package, we should not only put emphasis on color, size, even graphics, but also the materials of the package whether it is environmentally friendly or not and whether it will contaminate the food inside or not.

Finally, I think offering consumers convenience is also important. Packaging should be designed in such as way to make it easier for consumers to open the container and enjoy the product.

When aiming to improve customer service, it is very important for a pany to train the staff first. By inviting some experts to train the staff, it will improve staff's friendliness, the speed of service and learn to deal with customer plaints.

It is also important for a pany to monitor the quality service. One way of monitoring the quality of service is to conduct customer satisfication surveys. By obtaining feedback from customers, the pany will know how the business has met customer expectations.

Another way to improve customer service is to offer timely service. We must provide the product precisely when it is promised and in the minimum amount of time.

When entertaining foreign business clients, we need, first of all, to decide on the most suitable venue for the event to take place. We had better find out in our first contact with our foreign clients if they are more of art lovers or sports fans or gourmets, and then choose the type of entertainment: whether it should be in a restaurant or in the theatre or in some other appropriate venue for the event.

But all I mentioned above must base on the consideration of cultural differences. When interacting with foreign business people, problems may arise in different thought patterns, different ways of seeing the world, and different ways of decision-making. These problems are the result of cultural differences and will often lead to misunderstanding.

The other important aspect for us is to he a clear plan in mind when we e to the meeting. We need to work out a list of specific business objectives to achieve. Therefore while making sure our foreign business clients enjoy themselves, we quietly and smoothly direct the meeting step by step towards our goal.




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