

02月18日 编辑 39baobao.com


REPLIES:NO16As I am a student,so I have not much money,generally I use it buy the foods,books,closing,shoes etc.If have balance,I will save it in the bankNO 17I eat vegetables and meat all,as I am not a follower,I need the energy and vitamine balancedNO18I think first impressions is important,from the first impression,you can realize the person's character,hobbies,manner for things etc.You can judge you like this person or not. NO 1914TH,Feb is St Valentine'Day,on that day,the lovers will send chocolate,flowers,greeting cards etc gift each other.If I have BF/GF,I will invite her/him for a romantic dinner and have a film together in home. NO 2O.I prefer to buying some things online,as it is cheap,but some goods,such as shoes,clothes I like shopping in shop,as I must considering the suitable size.先答这些 希望对你有帮助...


歌词帮我看下这几句话是哪首歌的歌冯磊的《圣诞礼物》 完整歌词是: 这个圣诞节 是属于你我的圣诞节 你说在这特别的日子 要给对方一个纪念 鲜花比不上你的美 送你衣裳又不够特别 用我一生去爱的你 要什麽才相...

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英语一些日常问题以及回答What's your name?My name is______.How old are you?I am_____years old.Where are you from?I am from_____.What's your hobby?(爱好)My hobby is_____.(singsing/reading b...
