

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com

[电气工程及其自动化专业考研数学内容]本专业对数学要求较高,考的是数学1,内容和参看书如下 1、《高等数学》(上下册) 第五版或第四版,同济大学应用数学系,高等教育出版社 2、《线性代数》第四版,同济大学应用数学系,高等...+阅读

A: the professional training goal, cultivating socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, engineers, with basic training, electric motor and its control, the control of power system and its automation, building electrical engineering field theory and basic knowledge, can be engaged in the design, manufacture, development, testing analysis, system, automatic control and power electronic technology, production management and application of electronic and computer technology advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope of business through four specifications and professional training, the students should reach the following requirements: 1, the system of mathematics, computer and engineering drawings "engineering tools", and have strong knowledge of English reading ability and preliminary English communication skills. 2, the system master circuit principle, electronics, electrical and electronic technology, automatic control theory, the microcomputer control technology, mechanical engineering foundation of professional knowledge. 3, master motors, electrical appliances, electric power, high voltage, the basic theory of such heavy field and professional knowledge. 4 with motor, electrical appliances, electrical equipment of the design, manufacture, operation control, test analysis, research and development, production and management of the preliminary ability, Or have power system, electrical equipment, building electrical field of system design and operation control, development, testing the preliminary analysis ability, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test analysis, project construction and management ability. 5 and has strong ability of self-study and further ability. This program is to cultivate students can be engaged in the following job: 1, motor electrical design, manufacturing and control, test, operation and maintenance, research and development, production and management work, Electrical equipment and power system and power system and the operation, high-rise building electrical design and maintenance work, Or building electrical field electrical design, building automation, integrated wiring and intelligent building system design, system operation, develop, test analysis, project construction and management work. 2, power electronics, electrical, automation and instrumentation, etc transmission technology development work. Third, the main subject, the main course main subject: electrical engineering, control of science and engineering, computer science and technology major courses: circuit theory, electronic technology, electronic technology, automatic control theory, principle and application, electrical engineering, electrical appliances, and power system analysis and design, high and low voltage electric motors, electric motor control, intelligent, principle and application of the power system protection, electric power system integrated automation, building for distribution, etc. A train, the training goal of socialist construction, comprehensive development agenda, basic engineer training, can relate theory to practice, electrical, electronic technique, control principles, automatic detection and instrumentation, signal processing, computer technology and network technology and application of such a wide field of engineering technology and professional knowledge, can in motion control, industrial process control and power electronic technology, detection and instrumentation, electronic and computer technology, information processing, management and decision-making, etc, analysis, design, manufacturing and application of advanced application-oriented engineering and technical personnel. Second, the business scope and specifications(1) 1, master the business specifications necessary, professional knowledge base system, 2, a preliminary engineering knowledge and wider professional knowledge, 3, a preliminary scientific experiments, literature retrieval, information and technical and economic analysis and production management knowledge, 4 and has strong ability of cartography, 5 and application of electronic and mechanical materials and technology knowledge and solve the problem of professional production practical ability, 6 and has strong using computer technology and control ability, 7, with strong scientific research, experiment and analysis to solve the question ability, professional engineering 8 and has strong ability of self-study and adapt to ...



电气工程及其自动化专业本科毕业设计题目本科学的比较泛泛,就你所学的课程里,你自己主要偏好哪个方面?可以从偏好里找自己的方向。 譬如:电机电器设计、制造、控制、试验、运行维护、研制开发、生产管理工作;或电力系统...

女生学电气工程及其自动化我是北航这个专业的,标准的工科学校、工科学院,男女比例大约6比1. 1、学好没问题。大学里女生都比男生爱学,而且功课没有那么难,只要能像高中那样学习,名列前茅没问题。 2、必然...

各大学电气工程及其自动化专业的排名电气工程院校: 第一梯队院校 1、西安交通大学(院士2人邱爱慈 王锡凡-IEEE Fellow,国家重点实验室1个,电气工程国家一级重点学科,国家二级重点学科3个电机与电器、高电压与绝缘技...

电气工程及其自动化专业大学排名排名 学校名称 等级 排名 学校名称 等级 1 华北电力大学 A+ 5 西南交通大学 A 9 华南理工大学 A 2 清华大学 A+ 6 天津大学 A 10 山东大学 A 3 西安交通大学 A 7 浙江大学 A...

国家重点名牌大学的学生电气工程及其自动化专业专业排名1A昆明我不知道,但是我能提供个人建议 在你问回云南工作的前提是 你是否是毕业生 如果是毕业生 不建议回 因为你回去了 暂时也没有非常好的发展,因为没有人能够提供给你展示的机...

华工的电气工程及其自动化怎么样你好,华工的电气工程及自动化还是不错,以下是介绍 电气工程及其自动化专业简介本专业是个专业性很强的专业,不过因学校不同,它的偏重也不一样,有强弱电之分,这个考生首先要分清楚,...

电气工程及其自动化理工类专业考研考什么科目你这神问题,不同的学校的考的是不一样的,专硕和学硕考的也是不一样的。说几个我认为还不错的学校,初试:清华大学(专硕,清华不招学硕了):①101 思想政治理论②201 英语一③301 数学一...

电气工程及其自动化专业今年毕业的本科生想注册电气工程师最4年。 注册电气工程师报考条件: 1、凡中华人民共和国公民,遵守国家法律、法规,恪守职业道德,并具备相应专业教育和职业证件者,均可参加注册电气工程师执业资格考试。 2、考试分为...
