

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


"西餐礼仪"和"西餐食品",一些内容参考了:)~The foods selected for consumption by various ethnic groups and their outlook on food and eating manners are closely related to religion. It is well known that Moslems never eat pork, and followers of Islam cannot eat other animals as well unless the animals are slaughtered by a Moslem. The ninth month of the Islamic calendar is a month of fasting, during which Moslems may not eat or drink the whole daylight hours. For Hindus, the cow is sacred and the eating of beef is forbidden. Many Hindus go further and are vegetarians for religious reasons. In China, the influence of Taoism has led to the deeply-rooted belief in food as a way to long life. Food is thus deemed to be medicinal, and all foods are classified according to their medicinal properties. In Japan, because of the influence of the Buddhist proscription on killing, meat was not commonly eaten until the late of the 19th century. Compared to Chinese food, Western food is a bland mixture of meat and starch. There is a saying in China that goes like this: "People in Guangdong are brave enough to eat anything with four legs except tables and anything that flies except airplanes." In other words, they eat wild animals many of which are taboo for people living in other areas. An African said, “I still remember that how scared I was of ordering dog, rat or some other unimaginable delicacy when I first came to Shenzhen two months ago from South Africa.”


介绍西餐礼仪西餐礼仪 虽然最近在国内也相当盛行吃西餐,但是在内容和形式上,随著各餐厅的经营型态而「纯」、「杂」不等,「繁」、「简」不一,十分值得一谈。 美国的西餐,和欧洲许多国家也颇有...

西餐的礼仪有哪些1)在点菜时,不认识的菜名不要乱点。 2)入座时可由椅子的左侧入座,坐于座椅的四分之三即可,开始用餐之前要记得上臂和背部要紧靠到椅子的背部,腹部和桌子保持约有一个拳头的距离,把...

西餐礼仪中应该注意什么细节本人因为以后的工作需要和西餐做个接在西方,去饭店吃饭一般都要事先预约,在预约时,有几点要特别注意说 清楚,首先要说明人数和时间,其次要表明是否要吸烟区或视野良好的座位。 如果是生日或其他特别的日子,可以告知宴...

西餐的具体礼仪和方法餐巾布西餐餐巾一般用布,餐巾布方正平整,色彩素雅。经常放在膝上,在注重礼节场合也可以放在胸前,平时的轻松场合还可以放在桌上,其中一个餐巾角正对胸前,并用碗碟压住。 餐巾布可...

西餐的礼仪有什么就座时,身体要端正,手肘不要放在桌面上,不可跷足,与餐桌的距离以便于使用餐具为佳。餐台上已摆好的餐具不要随意摆弄。将餐巾对折轻轻放在膝上。 *使用刀叉进餐时,从外侧往内侧取...

西餐的基本礼仪一、吃饭着装吃饭穿着得体是欧美人的常识,去高档的餐厅,男士要穿着整洁的上衣和皮鞋,女士要穿着套装和高跟鞋,如果指定穿着正式服装的话,男士还需打领带。 二、入座方式最得体的...

西餐的礼仪有哪些原发布者:151694016 十大吃西餐的基本礼仪知识用餐的表现就像自然反应,只要能多练习,养成良好的习惯,那么到任何高级的餐厅也不用害怕了。下面给大家介绍吃西餐的十大基本礼仪,一...

西餐的礼仪是什么西餐与自助餐礼仪 1、西餐菜肴 1、点菜——沙拉或其它开胃菜 2、汤和面包——汤大致可分为清汤。如油汤、蔬菜汤和冷汤等。 3、主菜——肉、禽类菜肴是主菜,其中左右代表性的...

请教西餐刀叉的礼仪西餐用的刀、叉、勺各有其用,不能替代或混用。 1.刀 是用来切割食物的,不要用刀挑起食物往嘴里送。记住:右手拿刀。如果用餐时,有三种不同规格的刀同时出现,一般正确的用法是:带小...
