

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


11. When eating out in Japan, people should __d______. A. take towels with them B. use napkins while eating C. give a tip after the meal D. let the elders start eating first 12. Which of the following is considered as good table manners in Japan? B A. Eating only one dish at a time. B. Eating rice together with side dishes. C. Eating soup with a spoon. D. Finishing up the soup before eating other dishes. 13. If you invite a friend to dinner in Japan, _____D___. A. you should check over the bill B. you should be the first to pick up the bill C. you can ask your friend to pay the bill D. you and your friend can pay the bill 14. It will be considered rude ___D_____. A. to count your change immediately B. to be the first to pick up the bill C. to leave the change on the table D. to ask the waiter for the bill 15. What is considered an improper gift in Japan? B A. An inexpensive gift. B. Something not wrapped up. C. Four items in all. 你的内容不全, 14和15是猜的,本人尽力了


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