

02月17日 编辑 39baobao.com


a) Well, I hope there will be a little more challenge to exploit my potentiality. Sometimes I reckon I could do better if faced with tougher problems. b) Oh, definitely, the answer is yes. As an English learner, I can benefit a lot from studying abroad, talking with local people and obtaining a better understanding of English culture. c) English absolutely. It's the world official language, as we know. Despite the enormous English learners in our country, there seems to be few who can use it accurately and efficiently as a business language. d) Well, it depends on the job. If you work in a multinational, handling a lot of information everyday, then you have to be familiar with information technology, which can help you a lot. On the other hand, if your only do some basic work which has little relation with information, perhaps you don't need to be so. e) In my opinion, people tend to pay more attention to their health, that's why more and more people consider working environment as a significant factor when choosing a job. No matter how high the salary is, they will think it over whether the work will do much harm to them at first. f) Merger or acquisition, maybe. As to achieve economies of scale and have a cheap material resource, established corporations seek to merge with small companies specialising in a specific market. It will be cost-saving after all. What's more, it can bring more opportunities and improve the productivity of corporations. 最后一个问题不太好答啊~~ 就写这么多了,有些地方楼主也可以修改一下。

。仅供参考。。我也要考呢,以上答案全是我自己想的,绝对没有复制粘贴。。^^ 祝考试顺利!共勉!!


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