[布衣随笔今天如何当老师]看了苏州布衣的今天如何当老师,再看学校淼转贴的关于 谁在搞垮教育 ,于是提笔 牢骚两句:首先:教师是一个职业么?在360行里面么? 最卑鄙的回答:不!你们担负着教书育人的重任!!学生的成...+阅读
How TCP/IP Works
Over the past few years, one of the most written-about work topics has been IP. But even with all this attention, few, if any, stories he traced the protocol\'s basic workings, that is, how routers and Layer 3 switches act upon IP information to move Ether packets across the work.
As a point of referenced, bear in mind that IP is a member of the TCP/IP protocol suite.
TCP functions at the Open Systems Interconnection(OSI)transport layer, or Layer 4.Its chief responsibility is to ensure reliable end-to-end connectivity. IP, located one layer down, at the OSI work layer, or Layer 3, municates the addresses of each packet\'s sender and receiver to the routers along the way. Routers and Layer 3 switches can read IP and other Layer 3 protocols .This information, bined with routing tables and other work intelligence, is all it takes to get across the room or around the w
orld via TCP/IP.
The routing process begins with an IP address that is unique to the sending end station .End stations may be assigned permanent IP addresses or they may borrow them as needed from a Dynamic Host Configuration Protocol(DHCP)server or other service.
Each packet carries a source address, which under current(IPv4)specifications is 32 bits long .In its header, each packet also carries the IP address of the final destination.
If the sending end station determines that the destination address is not local, the packet goes to a first-hop router, typically one that is close and has been preassigned to the sender.
The router inspects the packet\'s IP address and performs a route table lookup to see if the destination end station resides on the local(physically connected)work, typically called an IP sub .An IP sub usually is assigned to each of the router\'s work interfaces.
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