[有哪些简单易学的健身动作?有哪些简单易学的健身动作]简单易学的健身动作: 下蹲健身: 双手叉腰、双脚与肩同宽,两眼平视,屈膝缓缓下蹲、脚跟离地,重心落在脚尖上,同时口中念“哈”,将腹中浊气吐出;起立时吸气,意守丹田,意想中自己已经把新...+阅读
Happy new year 新年好 Happy new year,Happy new year,Happy new year to you, we are singing,we are Dancing,happy new year to you THE MORE WE GET TOGETHER 大家在一起\n The more we get together, together, together. The more we get together, the merrier we'll be. For your friends are my friends. And my friends are your friends. The more we get together, the merrier we'll be. DAY OF THE WEEK 星期歌 Sunday, Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday, Saturday. (repeat) APPLE SONG 苹果歌 I have an apple and you have two. You give me an apple and I have two. I eat one apple and give one back to you . I don't have any apple you still have two. One Two Buckle My Shoe One, two, buckle my shoe,
一、 二,扣上我的鞋, Three, four, shut the door,
三、四,关上门, Five, six, pick up sticks,
五、六,捡起棍子, Seven, eight, lay them straight,
七、八,把它们放直, Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
九、十,一只大母鸡。 One, two, buckle my shoe, Three, four, shut the door, Five, six, pick up sticks, Seven, eight, lay them straight, Nine, ten, a big fat hen.
简单易学的发型步骤12种手法教你夏天如何盘发 一、俄罗斯头 1、先扎个马尾...要扎底. 2 、我头发不够长 所以分了两股辨起来, 3 、辨好后 要交错绕着盘 (我用的橡皮筋比较粗 应该用细一些的,交错...
简单易学的菜谱芹菜腐皮 内容: ·配 料: 腐皮、西芹、盐、鸡精、红油、花生米 ·操 作: 1、沸水里放盐和鸡精事先调好味道,腐皮丢下去烫熟然后拿上来切片,西芹要先切好片再丢进去烫。 2、红油一...
好听易学的抒情英文歌曲我推荐的: Maria Arredondo:《burning》,《mercy》,《cross every river》,《i need you》,《that day》,《i do,catch me if i fall》,《mad summer》,《brief and beautiful》,《eve...
简单易学的西餐有哪些意大利面佐鸡胸肉 食材 意大利面 90克,橄榄油 60克,大蒜瓣 1个,鸡胸肉 100克,小西红柿 4个,西兰花 50克,灌装朝鲜蓟 50克,帕玛森芝士碎 15克,盐 6克,.黑胡椒粉 1克, 做法 1:奶锅取半锅...
简单易学的小魔术简单的扑克小魔术 1简单的扑克小魔术 现象:魔术师手拿一副扑克牌,桌面上放一张黑桃A和一张梅花A。魔术师开始整齐的发牌,让观众喊停。当观众喊停时,魔术师将黑桃A放置发的那堆牌...
简单的易学的小魔术拇指移牌有两种方法,表演者可灵活运用。 **拇指移顶牌法 1.左手捏着一副扑克牌(如图1),右手做到牌前晃动的动(如图2),右手拇指暗中将顶牌拉出(如图3),扣在右手掌心(如图4)。 2.在第2次做...
求几个简单易学的魔术便一张扑克牌,拿在自己的斜前方,将其数字面向前,把数字面向后弯曲,您就可以利用视觉看到数字及花色!!! 拿出一叠扑克牌,记住最底下的一张,呈45度随意打开其中一张牌个大家看,快速将最...
简单易学的英文歌要简单点小学水平红鼻子驯鹿鲁道夫 Rudolph, the red-nosed reindeer Had a very shiny nose And if you ever saw it You would even say it glows All of the other reindeer They used to...