

02月16日 编辑 39baobao.com

[医学专业英语翻译]Ultrasound see: Thyroid or so in the normal range leaf size form, the spondylolysis normal thickness, be film smooth complete, left, and under the leaves very c...+阅读

小熊猫们 Small pandas

small 英[smɔ:l] 美[smɔl]

adj. 小的; 难为情的; 低级的,卑劣的; 细微的,微弱的;

adv. 小小地; 卑鄙地;

n. 细小部分,腰部; 琐碎东西; 身份低的人; 矮小的人;

[例句]She is small for her age


[其他] 比较级:smaller 最高级:smallest


订单接受函国际贸易英语翻译Shanghai company a final decision after talks with the American guests on the priceterms. Product : GPS model number of TXY-1202 orders to 2000 units, request q...

简历英语翻译帮帮忙2007.09-2008.02 Gui Lin triumphant (China) the cosmetics Limited company holds concurrent jobs ? The non-periodical assistance panel members carry on the produc...

个人简历英语翻译English 1: a certain degree of listening, writing and translation capabilities. 2:取得英语三级合格证书。 2: to obtain a certificate in English 3. 计算机水平1:能熟...

学焊接的请进来看一下!有关专业英语翻译问题。。weld beads 是什么? 答:焊缝(金属)Charpy V-notch 是不是V形槽啊?答:V型开口(坡口) in flat welding positions and in uphill能翻译成平焊和仰焊吗? 答:平焊,仰焊或立焊In samples C2V...

英语翻译1改善环境改善环境 可译为 improve the environment 以下例句可供参考: Improve the environment to save rare wild animals. 改善环境,拯救珍稀野生动物。 This gives a strong envir...

学术英语翻译breed specific legislation是为了防止宠物伤人,而立下的法规,具体是禁止特定区域(比如城市里)养特定类型的宠物(多为大型犬) breed specific legislation : how data can spare b...

学术的的英文学术的的翻译怎么用英语翻译学术的1、academic,例如:academic level学术水平; 2、scholarly(名词用scholarship),例如: He was an intellectual, scholarly man.他才华横溢,知识渊博。 另外,还有些词可供在特定语境替...

求大神英语翻译这段话学术用可以秀语法不要机器翻译教师对学Teachers' expectation for students' roles, on the one hand, helps in the accomplishment of their massive teaching tasks and students' highly-intensive informati...

英语翻译我想知道大学了参加的那个社团怎么说在国外,社团的归类其实很简单.您只要这麽想:任何运动方面的,如篮球队,棒球队,冰球队,橄榄球队,滑雪社等等的全都叫Team.比如说: I am part of the hockey team. I am in the footbal...
