

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


2839. construction of equation ==>方程的设立

2840. construction of line ==>线路架设

2841. construction of winding ==>绕组结构

2842. construction opening ==>安装开口

2843. construction period ==>施工期

2844. construction permit ==>建造许可证

2845. construction project evaluation programme ==>建造阶段电厂安全审评计划

2846. construction quality ==>施工质量

2847. construction schedule ==>施工进度

2848. construction seasons ==>施工季节

2849. construction site ==>建设工地

2850. construction stage ==>施工阶段

2851. construction technique ==>施工技术

2852. construction work ==>建筑工程

2853. constructional hardware ==>结构硬件

2854. consumed power ==>消耗功率

2855. consumer package ==>销售包装

2856. contact ==>接点

2857. contact annealing ==>接触式退火

2858. contact apparatus ==>接触器

2859. contact area ==>接触面积

2860. contact blade ==>触头片

2861. contact brush ==>接触电刷

2862. contact button ==>按钮

2863. contact chatter ==>接点振动

2864. contact controlled electric actuator ==>有触点电动执行机构

2865. contact device ==>接触装置

2866. contact diffusion ==>电极孔形成扩散

2867. contact drop ==>接触电位差

2868. contact electric position transmitter ==>有触点位置发送器

2869. contact electricity ==>接触电

2870. contact electrification ==>接触起电

2871. contact electrode ==>接触电极

2872. contact electromotive force ==>接触电动势,接触电热势

2873. contact exposure ==>密接曝光

2874. contact fault ==>触点故障

2875. contact force ==>触点压力

2876. contact gap ==>接点间隙,接触间隙

2877. contact head ==>触头

2878. contact heating ==>接触发热

2879. contact hole ==>接触窗口

2880. contact hole opening ==>开接触孔

2881. contact lever ==>接触杆

2882. contact lithography ==>接触光蚀刻

2883. contact losses ==>接点损失

2884. contact maker ==>接触器

2885. contact making clock ==>接触电钟

2886. contact mask printer ==>接触式掩模复制器

2887. contact material ==>接点材料

2888. contact measurement ==>接触测定

2889. contact member ==>接触元件

2890. contact mercury barometer ==>电接点水银气压表

2891. contact noise ==>触点噪声

2892. contact opening ==>接触窗口

2893. contact pad ==>接触点

2894. contact pads ==>接触垫

2895. contact parting time ==>触点断开时间

2896. contact photolithography ==>接触光蚀刻

2897. contact pickup ==>接触式触感器

2898. contact piece ==>接触片

2899. contact plate ==>接触板

2900. contact plating ==>接触电镀

2901. contact point ==>接触点

2902. contact potential ==>接触电势

2903. contact potential barrier ==>接触势垒

2904. contact potential difference ==>接触电位差

2905. contact pressure ==>接点压力

2906. contact rail ==>接触轨

2907. contact rectifier ==>接触整流

2908. contact region ==>接触面积

2909. contact resistance ==>接触电阻

2910. contact resistance measuring instrument ==>接触电阻测量仪表

2911. contact ring ==>接触环

2912. contact scanning method ==>接触法

2913. contact scribing ==>接触式划片

2914. contact separation ==>触点间隔

2915. contact shoe ==>触靴

2916. contact slipper ==>触靴

2917. contact socket ==>接触座

2918. contact spring ==>接点弹簧

2919. contact spring set ==>触点弹簧组

2920. contact strip ==>接点片

2921. contact surface ==>接触表面

2922. contact thermometer ==>接触温度计

2923. contact trel ==>触点行程

2924. contact voltage ==>接触电压

2925. contact window ==>接触窗口

2926. contact wire ==>接触导线

2927. contactless device ==>无接点装置

2928. contactless lithography ==>无接触光蚀刻

2929. contactless measurement ==>无触点式测定

2930. contactless pickup ==>无触点传感器

2931. contactless scribing ==>无接触划片

2932. contactless switch ==>无触点开关

2933. contactor ==>接触器

2934. contactor servomechanism ==>接点式伺服机构

2935. contactor starter ==>接触起动器

2936. contaminant ==>沾染物质

2937. contaminant free film ==>无沾污膜

2938. contamination ==>污染,沾染物质

2939. contamination hazard ==>污染危险

2940. contamination monitor ==>污染监测仪

2941. conteact anemometer ==>接触式风速表

2942. content ==>内容,含量

2943. content addressed storage ==>相联存储器

2944. contention mode ==>争用状态

2945. context free grammar ==>上下文无关文法

2946. context free language ==>上下文无关语言

2947. contextual declaration ==>上下文说明

2948. continental code ==>国际电码

2949. contingency ==>意外,意外事故,偶然事故

2950. contingency allowance ==>允许的偶然事故,应急费用

2951. contingency level ==>意外事故级别

2952. contingency plan ==>[预想]事故方案

2953. continuation card ==>连续卡片

2954. continuation line ==>连续行

2955. continued discharge ==>连续放电

2956. continuity ==>连续性

2957. continuity of power supply ==>电力供应连续性

2958. continuity test ==>连续性试验

2959. continuity tester ==>断路探查试验器

2960. continuous absorption ==>连续吸收

2961. continuous action ==>连续动作

2962. continuous analyzer ==>连续分析器

2963. continuous approximation ==>连续近似

2964. continuous beam ==>连续梁

2965. continuous ponent ==>固定分量

2966. continuous control ==>连续控制

2967. continuous control action ==>连续控制动作

2968. continuous control system ==>连续控制系统

2969. continuous curve distance time protection ==>平滑时限特性距离保护装置

2970. continuous cuurrent ==>直流

2971. continuous data ==>连续数据

2972. continuous discharge ==>连续放电

2973. continuous distribution ==>连续分布

2974. continuous duty ==>连续工作模式

2975. continuous duty with short time loading ==>短时间负载连续使用

2976. continuous electrode ==>连续电极

2977. continuous full load run ==>连续满载运转

2978. continuous function ==>连续函数

2979. continuous furnace ==>连续工庄

2980. continuous information ==>连续信息

2981. continuous item ==>相关项

2982. continuous laser ==>连续工驻光器

2983. continuous layer ==>连续层

2984. continuous load ==>持续负载

2985. continuous loading ==>均匀加感

2986. continuous maximum rating ==>连续额定值

2987. continuous measurement ==>连续测量

2988. continuous off state voltage ==>直料态电压

2989. continuous on state current ==>直流通状态电流直琳态电流

2990. continuous operation ==>连续工作模式

2991. continuous oscillation ==>持续振荡

2992. continuous output ==>持续功率

2993. continuous process ==>连续过程

2994. continuous pump ==>连续激励

2995. continuous rating ==>长期运转额定值

2996. continuous reverse voltage ==>连续反向电压

2997. continuous rheostat ==>平滑调节变阻器

2998. continuous running ==>连续运转

2999. continuous signal ==>连续信号

3000. continuous slowing down ==>连续减速

3001. continuous stabilization ==>连续稳定化

3002. continuous system ==>连续系统

3003. continuous test ==>持续试验

3004. continuous test signal controller ==>连续试验信号控制器

3005. continuous tuner ==>连续调谐器

3006. continuous we ==>连续波

3007. continuous we doppler radar ==>连续波多普勒雷达

3008. continuous we irradiation ==>连续波辐照

3009. continuous we laser ==>连续波激光器

3010. continuous we laser operation ==>连续波激光操作

3011. continuous we mode ==>连续波运行

3012. continuous we operation ==>连续波运行

3013. continuous we radar ==>连续波雷达

3014. continuous welding ==>连续焊

3015. continuously adjustable inductor ==>平滑调节电感线圈

3016. continuously loaded cable ==>连续加感电缆

3017. continuously operating laser ==>连续工驻光器

3018. continuously pumped laser ==>连续激励激光器

3019. continuously tunable laser ==>可连续调谐激光器

3020. continuously variable transformer ==>连续可调变压器

3021. continuouslyrunning duty with intermittent loading ==>间歇负载持续运行方式

3022. contour ==>轮廓

3023. contour line ==>等位线

3024. contouring control ==>轮廓控制

3025. contraction ==>收缩

3026. contraction coefficient ==>收缩系数

3027. contraction scale ==>缩尺

3028. contrast ==>对比

3029. contrast control ==>对比度调节

3030. contrast control device ==>对比度调节装置

3031. contrast dynamic range ==>对比度动态范围

3032. contrast photometer ==>对比光度计

3033. contrast range ==>对比度范围

3034. contrast ratio ==>对比度系数

3035. contrast threshold ==>对比阈

3036. contrifugal governor ==>离心式调速器

3037. control ==>控制,管理,调节

3038. control accuracy ==>控制精度

3039. control action ==>控制动作

3040. control action coefficient ==>控制动作系数

3041. control algorithm ==>控制算法

3042. control and protection of UHV AC system ==>UHV控制保护装置

3043. control apparatus ==>控制装置

3044. control area ==>控制区域

3045. control area operator ==>[电力系统]控制区域管理员,控制区域管理公司

3046. control behior ==>控制状态

3047. control block ==>控制程序块

3048. control board ==>控制盘

3049. control byte ==>控制字节

3050. control cable ==>控制电缆

3051. control center ==>等站

3052. control channel ==>控制信道

3053. control character ==>控制字符

3054. control characteristic ==>控制特性

3055. control chart ==>控制图

3056. control circuit ==>控制电路

3057. control circuit apparatus ==>控制电器

3058. control coefficient ==>控制系数

3059. control puter ==>控制用计算机

3060. control console ==>控制台

3061. control counter ==>控制计数器

3062. control current ==>控制电流

3063. control curve steepness ==>控制特性陡度

3064. control desk ==>控制台

3065. control deviation ==>控制偏差

3066. control device ==>控制器,控制装置

3067. control diffusion ==>受控扩散

3068. control domain ==>控制区域

3069. control drive ==>控制装置

3070. control el

ectrode ==>控制电极

3071. control element ==>控制元件

3072. control engineering ==>控制工程

3073. control equipment ==>控制设备

3074. control error ==>调节误差

3075. control factor ==>控制系数

3076. control field ==>控制区域

3077. control function ==>控制函数

3078. control gate ==>控制栅

3079. control gear ==>控制机构

3080. control grid ==>控制栅

3081. control interval ==>控制区间

3082. control knob ==>控制按钮

3083. control limit ==>控制极限

3084. control limit switch ==>控制极限开关

3085. control line ==>控制线

3086. control loop ==>控制回路

3087. control mag ==>控制磁铁

3088. control mode ==>控制方式

3089. control motor ==>控制电动机

3090. control node ==>操纵节

3091. control of horizontal synchronization ==>行同步控制

3092. control of rotation velocity ==>旋转速度控制

3093. control of vertical synchronizing ==>场同步控制

3094. control operation ==>控制操作

3095. control orifice ==>控制孔

3096. control panel ==>控制盘

3097. control performance ==>控制性能

3098. control phase ==>控制相位

3099. control point ==>控制点

3100. control precision ==>控制精密度

3101. control process ==>控制过程

3102. control pulse ==>控制脉冲

3103. control range ==>控制范围

3104. control rate ==>控制速度

3105. control register ==>指令寄存器控制寄存器

3106. control relay ==>控制继电器

3107. control response ==>控制响应

3108. control rod ==>控制杆

3109. control rod shock absorber ==>控制棒缓冲器

3110. control room ==>控制室,操纵室,调度室

3111. control room operator ==>控制室操纵人员

3112. control rotary diaphragm ==>旋转隔板(抽气式汽轮机用)

3113. control sample ==>控制试样

3114. control sequence ==>控制序列

3115. control signal ==>控制信号

3116. control stability ==>控制稳定

3117. control statement ==>控制语句

3118. control station ==>控制站

3119. control switch ==>控制开关

3120. control system ==>控制系统

3121. control system analog simulator ==>控制系相似模似器

3122. control theory ==>控制理论

3123. control time ==>控制时间

3124. control track ==>控制声道

3125. control unit ==>控制单元

3126. control valve ==>调节阀,调节活门

3127. control valve gear ==>调节装置

3128. control valve plug ==>调节阀塞

3129. control valve stand ==>调节阀阀座

3130. control variable ==>控制变量

3131. control vector ==>控制矢量

3132. control voltage ==>控制电压

3133. control we ==>控制波

3134. control weform ==>控制波形

3135. control winding ==>控制绕组

3136. control wiring diagram ==>控制接线图

3137. control with fixed set point ==>带有固定给定值的控制

3138. control with microprocesser ==>微处理机控制

3139. control word ==>控制字码

3140. controllability ==>可控性

3141. controlled atmosphere furnace ==>可控气氛炉

3142. controlled damping ==>控制制动

3143. controlled diode ==>控制二极管

3144. controlled flow ==>控制流

3145. controlled inductance ==>可控电感

3146. controlled junction depth ==>受控结深度

3147. controlled member ==>控制对象

3148. controlled nuclear reaction ==>可控核反应

3149. controlled object ==>控制对象

3150. controlled rectifier ==>可控整流

3151. controlled switch ==>受控开关

3152. controlled system ==>受控系统

3153. controlled valve ==>可控阀

3154. controlled variable ==>控制值

3155. controller ==>控制器,调节器

3156. controlling circuit ==>控制电路

3157. controlling device ==>控制装置

3158. controlling force ==>控制力

3159. controlling mag ==>控制磁铁

3160. controlling switch ==>控制开关

3161. controlling torque ==>控制转矩

3162. convection ==>对流

3163. convection bank ==>对流管束

3164. convection barrier ==>对流栅

3165. convection boiling ==>对流沸腾

3166. convection boundary condition ==>对流边界条件

3167. convection coefficient ==>对流放热系数

3168. convection cooler ==>对流冷却器

3169. convection cooling ==>对流冷却

3170. convection current ==>对流电流

3171. convection current modulation ==>对流电流计

3172. convection effect ==>对流效应

3173. convection flow ==>对流流动

3174. convection heat losses ==>对流热损失

3175. convection heat transfer ==>对流传热

3176. convection heating ==>对流加热,对流采暖

3177. convection heating surface ==>对流受热面

3178. convection loss ==>对流损耗

3179. convection pass ==>对流烟道

3180. convection type heater ==>对流热器

3181. convective cooling ==>对流冷却

3182. convective heat transfer ==>对流传热

3183. convenience receptacle ==>插座

3184. conventional efficiency ==>约定效率

3185. conventional power plant ==>常规电站

3186. conventional programming ==>常规编程,用标准程序语言编程

3187. converge ==>收敛

3188. convergence ==>收敛,会聚,聚焦

3189. convergence circuit ==>会聚电路

3190. convergence coil ==>收敛线圈,会聚线圈,聚焦线圈

3191. convergence criterion ==>收敛性判据

3192. convergence domain ==>收敛区域

3193. convergence rate ==>收敛速度

3194. convergence transformer ==>收敛变压器

3195. convergent control ==>收敛控制

3196. convergent control system ==>收敛控制系统

3197. convergent matrix ==>收敛矩阵

3198. convergent nozzle ==>收敛喷管

3199. convergent oscillation ==>衰减振荡

3200. convergent series ==>收敛级数

3201. conversation ==>通话

3202. conversational mode ==>对话方式

3203. conversational processing ==>对话处理

3204. converse of a relation ==>逆关系

3205. converse piezoelectric effect ==>反压电效应

3206. conversion ==>转换,变换

3207. conversion chart ==>换算图,换算表

3208. conversion check ==>反校验

3209. conversion cluster ==>转换棒束元件

3210. conversion coefficient ==>转换系数

3211. conversion conductance ==>变频互导

3212. conversion constant ==>换算常数

3213. conversion curve ==>变换曲线

3214. conversion cycle ==>转换循环

3215. conversion device ==>转换装置

3216. conversion diagram ==>转换图

3217. conversion effect ==>转换效应

3218. conversion efficiency ==>变换效率,转换效率

3219. conversion electron ==>转换电子

3220. conversion equation ==>转换公式

3221. conversion equipment ==>转换装置

3222. conversion factor ==>换算率

3223. conversion fraction ==>转换系数

3224. conversion function ==>转换函数

3225. conversion gain ==>转换增益

3226. conversion integrated circuit ==>变换集成电路

3227. conversion level ==>转化深度

3228. conversion loss ==>变换损耗

3229. conversion of electrical energy ==>电能变换

3230. conversion of energy ==>能量转换

3231. conversion of heat into power ==>热功转换

3232. conversion pig iron ==>炼钢生铁

3233. conversion plant ==>燃料转化厂

3234. conversion process ==>燃料转化过程

3235. conversion program ==>转换程序

3236. conversion rate ==>变换率

3237. conversion ratio ==>转换比

3238. conversion routine ==>转换子程序

3239. conversion screen ==>转换屏

3240. conversion table ==>换算表

3241. conversion time ==>变换时间

3242. conversion transconductance ==>变频互导

3243. conversion transformer ==>转换变压器

3244. conversion unit ==>反应设备

3245. conversion zone ==>转换区

3246. convert ==>变换

3247. converter ==>变换器,变换机

3248. converter arm ==>换流管桥臂

3249. converter blocking ==>换流器闭锁,换流器关断

3250. converter bridge ==>换流器桥

3251. converter deblocking ==>换流器解锁,换流器启用,换流器导通

3252. converter display ==>变换器显示装置

3253. converter fed motor ==>换流器供电的电动机

3254. converter reactor ==>转换堆,再生反应堆,转换反应堆

3255. converter relay ==>换流器继电器

3256. converter room ==>变电室

3257. converter set ==>换流器组

3258. converter substation ==>换流站

3259. converter transformer ==>换流变压器

3260. converter tube ==>变换管

3261. converter unit firing control ==>换流器触发控制

3262. converter unit protection ==>换流器保护

3263. converter unit sequence control ==>换流器顺序控制

3264. converter waste heat boiler ==>转炉废热锅炉

3265. convex ==>凸面

3266. convex programming ==>凸规划

3267. conveying pipe ==>输送管

3268. conveyor dryer ==>传送带式干燥机

3269. convolution ==>卷积,圈,匝,涡流,回旋

3270. convolution integral ==>卷积积分

3271. convolution theorem ==>卷积定理

3272. convolutional code ==>卷积码

3273. Cooke, W.F.Cooke ==>1806-1879,英国科学家

3274. coolant ==>冷却剂

3275. coolant activity ==>冷却剂放射能

3276. coolant circuit ==>冷却剂回路

3277. coolant circulation ==>冷却剂循环

3278. coolant fluid ==>冷却剂流体

3279. coolant loop ==>冷却剂回路

3280. coolant purification system ==>冷却剂净化系

3281. coolant temperature gauge ==>冷却水温度表

3282. cooled photodetector ==>冷却式光电探测器

3283. cooler ==>冷却器

3284. cooling ==>冷却

3285. cooling agent ==>冷却剂

3286. cooling air temperature ==>冷却空气温度

3287. cooling circuit ==>冷却回路

3288. cooling coil ==>冷却用螺管

3289. cooling column ==>冷却塔

3290. cooling duct ==>冷却道

3291. cooling ducts ==>通风沟

3292. cooling factor ==>冷却系数

3293. cooling fan ==>冷却风扇

3294. cooling fin ==>冷却肋片,散热片

3295. cooling fluid ==>冷却液

3296. cooling installation ==>冷却装置

3297. cooling jacket ==>冷却夹套

3298. cooling medium ==>冷却介质

3299. cooling pipe ==>冷却管

3300. cooling pond ==>冷却池

3301. cooling rate ==>冷却速率

3302. cooling surface ==>冷却面

3303. cooling system ==>冷却系统

3304. cooling tower ==>冷却塔

3305. cooling water ==>冷却水

3306. cooling water circulation ==>冷水环流

3307. coordinate plotter ==>坐标绘图机

3308. coordinate sensitive photodetector ==>坐标敏感光电检测器

3309. coordinate system ==>坐标系

3310. coordinate table ==>坐标表



电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




电气及半导体词汇词典M11. m n contours ==>mn轨迹 2. m type backward we tube ==>m型返波振荡管 3. m type tube ==>m型电子管 4. m type twt ==>m型行波管 5. Mach angle ==>马赫角 6. Mach con...

专有名称翻译大词典名片英语大络版1.英语姓名结构 英语姓名的一般结构为:教名+自取名(中名)+姓。如 Gee Walker Bush (中译:乔治o沃克o布什)。 Gee 是教名(Given Name),按照英语民族的习俗,一般在婴儿接受洗礼的时候...

“无聊”新表达Meh进入词典'Meh': new word for indifference enters English dictionary "Meh", a word which indicates a lack of interest or enthusiasm, became the latest addition to the Col...

半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹疗效观察[摘 要] 目的:观察半导体激光耳腔内照射治疗外耳道湿疹的效果。方法:外耳道湿疹患者25例,30耳,均为经耳科常规药物治疗效果不佳者。给予波长650 nm半导体激光耳腔内照射,输出功率20...
