
雅思口语求助describe a small thing to protect environment

02月14日 编辑 39baobao.com

[雅思考试学术类和培训类的有什么区别]学术类雅思考试(Academic) 较多适用于留学。培训类雅思考试(General Training )较多适用于移民。 所以如果考生计划出国留学深造或接受高等教育,应选择学术类雅思考试;如果考生计...+阅读

我来回答吧 稍等下! well,If I have to say a small thing that I do to protect the environment, I can proudly say that I made some posters to popularize the energy saving lamp in my community. It was a coincidence of opportunity that I met a teacher from England and one day, he asked me that why in China people do not want to use the energy saving lamp instead of filament lamp. In Europe, there is no one would like to use filament lamp in the house because it is not only a wast of electricity but also speed up the global warming. I was shocked by hearing that. Because to be honestly, I never thought about that, so did my parents, as well as my neighbours. So after he reminded me, I decided to do something helpful. I thought the most important thing is to made my neighbours know about the disadvantage of filament lamp and the advantage of the energy saving lamp. So I made some posters about energy saving lamp, you know, just like something interesting and out standing pictures of energy saving lamp, such as, they had hands and feet and yelled there: hey, I am more energy-saving! When I posted up my posters in my community, you know what, everyone who passing by had a look on it and read the words. I was really excited that I can do something to help the environment, even though it was really small. 自己再补充些 更适合你自己的情况吧 我自己编的 但愿帮到你



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