
第121讲:make hay; go haywire

11月30日 编辑 39baobao.com

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第121讲:make hay; go haywire


为牲口准备冬天的饲料是农民夏天的一项重要工作。他们收割已经长高了的草,把它们铺开晒乾,然后再把它们捆起来入库作为牲畜冬天的饲料。及时完成这项工作是很重要的,因为乾草要是淋了雨,它们就会发霉。美国有这样一句成语:to make hay while the sun shines。这句成语的原意是:乘有太阳的时候,赶快把饲料准备好。美国人经常把这一说法缩短成为:to make hay。To make hay在用作俗语的时候,它的意思就和准备饲料没有什么太大关系了。它的意思就是:看到赚钱的机会就尽量从中获利。我们来举一个例子吧。这个说话的人因为汽油涨价而感到很生气。

"If you ask me, some oil panies are really making hay out of the Gulf crisis. They keep raising the price of a gallon of gas, even though the experts say there's enough gas to go around if people don't get greedy."


我们再给大家举一个 to may hay的例子。这是一个人认为一个新的电脑公司的股票会使他赚很多钱,他正在劝他的朋友买这个股票。

"I tell you, the smart thing is to buy as much stock as you can afford. You want to make hay before everybody hears about it and the stock doubles in price."


美国的农民一般都是用一根细的铁丝把乾草一捆捆地捆起来。这种捆乾草的铁丝在英文里叫做:haywire。每当一个农民要喂牲口的时候,他就用斧头把铁丝砍断。可是,要是他不小心的话,铁丝可能会弹起来,铁丝的尖端还会刮破他的皮肤和衣服。铁丝这种四处乱弹乱跳的现象就形成了美国人常用的一个俗语,也就是:to go haywire。

To go haywire的意思就是:一个人非常生气,以致于无法控制自己。有些人平时看来脾气很好,从来也不会发火。可是,每个人都有个限度,超过了限度,谁都会发火。下面说话的这个人的哥哥就是这样。

"Usually my brother is the calmest man I know. But when he saw this kid trying to steal his new car, he really went haywire. He chased the kid down the street, tackled him and sat on him until the police showed up. He's lucky the kid didn't he a knife!"



" I tell you I was so mad when I saw what the dog had done. I'm afraid I went haywire: I rolled up a newspaper to swat him with and chased him all over the house."



今天我们给大家介绍了两个和hay这个字有关的习惯用语。 一个是:to make hay while the sun shines,简短的说法就是 to make hay;另一个习惯用语是 to go haywire。

To make hay while the sun shines 或者 to make hay,意思就是:尽量利用有利可图的时机来赚钱。To go haywire就是一个人非常生气,以致难以控制自己。


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