
Booking Rooms 预订房间

11月24日 编辑 39baobao.com

[孩子房间的装修要注意些什么]首先, 儿童房的地面不宜使用地毯,因为它既不易清洗,又容易吸附灰尘中的尘螨,对健康不利。另外,儿童房不要铺设泡沫拼图,因为它可能会造成室内空气中的挥发性有机化合物质浓度增高...+阅读

Key Sentences(重点句子)

40.I'd like to book a room for Mr. Wilson of the International Trading Corp.


41.Our executive usually stays at your hotel and you may recognize the name.


42.How long will he be staying?


43.Let me see what we he ailable.


44.A double room with bath.


45.Overlooking the park, if possible.


46.Do all your rooms he telephone extensions?


47.Can you make calls on outside lines?


48.Then how much is it?


49.$80 per night including air conditioning and color TV.


50.Can you book a room for Mr. Wilson for those dates, please?


51.Would you like us to write a letter confirming the booking?


52.I'm calling from Shanghai.


53.I'd like to book a single room with bath for Mr. Wilson for the 5th and 6th of June.



54.And who's making the reservation, please?


55.How will he be paying?


56.The pany is located in another country, so you'll he to send us a deposit.


57.Is the pany willing to cover all the expenses?


58.Could you send us a deposit of$200 to cover the room plus other expenses?


59.We'll send a check to you right away.


Dialogue A

(A: a receptionist of the Grand Hotel; B: Miss Li Juan, the secretary of Shanghai International Trading Corporation. )

A: Good morning, Can I help you?

B: Good morning, I'd like to book a room for Mr. Wilson of the International Trading Corp. Our executive usually stays at your hotel and you may recognize the name.

A: How long will he be staying?

B: From the 2nd of May to the 7th of May, inclusive.

A: Let me see what we he ailable. Yes, we do he a room on the eighth floor, Room 806.

B: A double room with bath. Overlooking the park, if possible.

A: Yes, it's exactly a double room with bath ailable. And actually it overlooks the park.

B: Do all your rooms he telephone extensions?

A: Room 806 has.

B: Can you make calls on outside lines?

A: Yes.

B: Then how much is it?

A: $80 per night including air conditioning and color TV.

B: Thank you. Can you book a room for Mr. Wilson for those dates, please?

A: Yes, I've made a note of the dates. Would you like us to send you a confirmation of the reservation.

B: Yes, please.

A: And your address?

B: Shanghai International Trading Corporation, 128 Zhongshan Road, Shanghai, China.

A: Thank you. I hope the letter reaches you in time. Good-bye.

B: Thank you, good-bye.

Dialogue B

(A secretary of the Shanghai International Trading Corporation is telephoning to the Hilton Hotel to book a room for her executive, Mr. Wilson. )

(A: a clerk; B: the secretary)

A: Reservations. Can I help you?

B: I'm calling from Shanghai. I'd like to book a single room with bath for Mr. Wilson for the 5th and 6th of June.

A: Just a minute, please…Yes, you can book him a room for the 5th and 6th. What did you say the name is?

B: Mr. Robert Wilson.

A: And who's making the reservation, please?

B: His secretary, Miss Li Juan.

A: How will he be paying?

B: His pany will pay.

A: Which pany?

B: The International Trading Corporation.

A: You know, the pany is located in another country, so you'll he to send us a deposit. Is the pany willing to cover all the expenses?

B: Yes, of course.

A: Then could you send us a deposit of$200 to cover the room plus other expenses?

B: Certainly, we'll send a check right away.

A: Thank you, Miss Li.

B: Thank you, good-bye.

Notes 注 释

1.Let me see what we he ailable.


2.From the 2nd of May to the 7th of May, inclusive.


3.a room with bath 带浴室的房间


single room 单人客房

double room 双人客房

a double room with twin beds 有两张单人床的双人房间

a room with sauna 带桑拿浴设备的房间

4.reservations 客房预定部

5.How much is it? 多少钱呢?

还可以说:What's the rate?

How much would it be?

6.cover all the expenses 支付所有的费用

7.plus other expenses 再加上其他的费用

Words and Expressions

book /buk/ v. 预定

executive /ig'zekjutiv/ n. 总经理;行政官员

recognize /?rek+g'naiz/ v. 认出

ailable /+'veil+bl/ a. 可得到的

telephone extension 电话分机

air conditioning 空调

confirmation /?k&nf+'mM+n/ n. 确认

reservation /?rez+'veiM+n/ n. 预定

deposit /di'p&zit/ n. 押金

check /tMek/ n. 支票



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