

11月05日 编辑 39baobao.com


1051. altimeter ==>高度计

1052. altitude ==>标高高度

1053. altitude angle ==>高度角

1054. altitude meter ==>测高仪

1055. alumina ceramic ==>氧化铝陶瓷

1056. aluminum alloy wire ==>铝合金线

1057. aluminum armor type ==>铝包带

1058. aluminum arrester ==>铝避雷器

1059. aluminum bus ==>铝母线

1060. aluminum cable ==>铝芯电缆

1061. aluminum cable connector ==>铝线连接器

1062. aluminum cable steel reinforced ==>钢芯铝线

1063. aluminum foil ==>铝箔

1064. aluminum plastic laminated tube ==>铝塑复合管

1065. aluminum powder ==>银粉

1066. aluminum sheathed cable ==>铝包电缆

1067. aluminum solder ==>铝焊剂

1068. aluminum steel cable ==>钢铝线

1069. aluminum wire ==>铝线

1070. AM, amplitude modulation ==>幅度调制,调幅

1071. amalgam ==>汞齐

1072. amalgam fluorescent lamp ==>汞齐荧光灯

1073. amaranth ==>紫红色

1074. amaranthine ==>紫红的

1075. amber ==>琥珀

1076. amber mica ==>琥珀云母

1077. ambient brightness ==>环境亮度,室内亮度

1078. ambient color ==>环境色/环境颜色

1079. ambient condition ==>周围条件

1080. ambient gas ==>周围气体

1081. ambient humidity ==>环境湿度

1082. ambient humidity range ==>环境湿度范围

1083. ambient light ==>环境光/环境光源

1084. ambient light rejection characteristic ==>环境光反射特性,环境照明抑制特性

1085. ambient lightillumination ==>环境照度

1086. ambient lighting ==>周围照明

1087. ambient pressure ==>环境压力

1088. ambient pressure error ==>环境压力误差

1089. ambient temperature ==>周围温度,环境

1090. ambient temperature range ==>环境温度范围

1091. ambient thermostatic switch ==>环境温度恒温

1092. ambient vibration ==>环境振动

1093. ambiguity ==>模糊度

1094. ambiguity error ==>模糊误差

1095. ambiguous function ==>模糊函数

1096. amethyst ==>紫色

1097. ammeter ==>安培计,电流表

1098. ammeter shunt ==>电流表分流

1099. ammonia pressure gauge ==>氨压力表

1100. amorphous ==>非晶的,非晶形的,无定形的

1101. amorphous carbon ==>无定形碳

1102. amorphous material ==>无定形材料

1103. amorphous semiconductor ==>非晶形半导体

1104. amorphous silica ==>无定形氧化硅

1105. amorphous transformer ==>无定形氧化硅变压器

1106. amortisseur ==>阻尼器减震器

1107. amortisseur winding ==>阻尼绕组

1108. amount of information ==>信息量

1109. amount of precipitation ==>雨量

1110. amount of unbalance ==>不平衡量

1111. amount of unbalance indicatior ==>不平衡量指示器

1112. amperage ==>安培数

1113. ampere ==>电流安培,安

1114. ampere balance ==>安培秤

1115. ampere bridge ==>开尔文秤

1116. ampere conductors ==>安培导体

1117. ampere hour ==>安时

1118. ampere hour capacity ==>安培小时容量

1119. ampere hour efficiency ==>安时效率

1120. ampere hour meter ==>安时表,安时计

1121. ampere-hour meter ==>同上

1122. ampere second ==>安培秒

1123. ampere turns ==>安匝数

1124. ampere windings ==>安匝数

1125. ampere‘s law ==>安培定律

1126. ampere‘s right handed screw rule ==>安培右手螺旋定则

1127. Ampere, A.M.Ampere ==>1775-1829,安培,法国科学家

1128. amperemeter ==>安培计

1129. amphoteric electrolyte ==>两性电解质

1130. amplidyne ==>微场电机放大器

1131. amplification ==>放大

1132. amplification constant ==>放大系数

1133. amplification degree ==>放大率

1134. amplification factor ==>放大系数

1135. amplifier ==>放大器

1136. amplifying circuit ==>放大电路

1137. amplifying tube ==>放大管

1138. amplifying vibrograph ==>放大式示振器

1139. amplifying winding ==>放大绕组

1140. amplitude ==>幅值,振幅

1141. amplitude characteristic ==>振幅特性

1142. amplitude parator ==>振幅比较器

1143. amplitude ponent ==>振幅分量

1144. amplitude control ==>振幅控制

1145. amplitude correction ==>振幅校正,幅度校正

1146. amplitude corrector ==>振幅校正器

1147. amplitude damping factor ==>振幅衰减率

1148. amplitude delay ==>振幅延迟

1149. amplitude detector module ==>振幅检测组件

1150. amplitude distortion ==>振幅畸变,波幅畸变,幅度畸变

1151. amplitude distortion characterristic ==>振幅失真特性

1152. amplitude distortion factor ==>振幅失真因数

1153. amplitude error ==>振幅误差

1154. amplitude excursion ==>振幅偏移

1155. amplitude factor ==>振幅因数

1156. amplitude fading ==>振幅衰减

1157. amplitude filter ==>振幅滤波器

1158. amplitude frequency characteristic ==>振幅频率特性

1159. amplitude-frequency characteristic ==>幅频特性

1160. amplitude-frequency distortion ==>振幅-频率畸变

1161. amplitude-frequency response ==>幅频响应

1162. amplitude-gating circuit ==>振幅选通电路

1163. amplitude keying ==>振幅键控

1164. amplitude lag ==>振幅延迟

1165. amplitude level ==>振幅电平

1166. amplitude limiter ==>限幅器

1167. amplitude locus ==>振幅轨迹

1168. amplitude margin ==>振幅余量

1169. amplitude meter ==>振幅计

1170. amplitude of damped oscillation ==>衰减振荡振幅

1171. amplitude of first harmonic ==>基波振幅

1172. amplitude of forced oscillation ==>强迫振荡振幅

1173. amplitude of free oscillation ==>自由振荡振幅

1174. amplitude of harmonic oscillation ==>谐波振荡振幅

1175. amplitude of oscillation ==>振荡振幅

1176. amplitude of signal ==>信号振幅

1177. amplitude of vibration ==>振幅

1178. amplitude of wes ==>波幅

1179. amplitude permeability ==>振幅磁导率

1180. amplitude phase characteristic ==>幅度相位特性

1181. amplitude phase error ==>幅相误差

1182. amplitude range ==>振幅范围,衰减程度

1183. amplitude ratio ==>振幅比

1184. amplitude ratio phase difference instrument ==>振幅比—相位差仪

1185. amplitude resonance ==>振幅共振

1186. amplitude resonance characteristic ==>振幅响应特性

1187. amplitude response ==>幅值响应,振幅响应

1188. amplitude separation ==>振幅区分

1189. amplitude stability ==>振幅稳定性

1190. amplitude step time ==>振幅阶跃时间

1191. amplitude variation ==>振幅变化,波幅变化

1192. amplitude versus frequency response characteristic ==>幅频响应特性,幅频响应特性曲线

1193. anacamptometer ==>反射计

1194. anaclasimeter ==>屈光检查计

1195. ANA, analog puter ==>模拟计算机

1196. anaerobic ==>厌氧的,厌气的

1197. anaerobic bacteria ==>厌氧细菌

1198. anaerobic sewage treatment ==>污水厌氧处理

1199. analog ==>模拟,相似,模拟装置,模拟系统,模拟的,模拟量

1200. analog adder ==>模拟加法器

1201. analog back up ==>模拟备用设备

1202. analog bracket ==>固定托架

1203. analog calculation ==>模拟计算

1204. analog calculator ==>模拟计算机,模拟计算器

1205. analog channel ==>模拟通道,模拟电路,模拟信道

1206. analog circuit ==>等效电路/模拟电路

1207. analog munication ==>模拟通信

1208. analog parator ==>模拟比较器

1209. analog putation ==>模拟计算

1210. analog puter ==>模拟计算机

1211. analog control ==>模似控制

1212. analog controller ==>模似控制器

1213. analog correlator ==>模似相关器

1214. analog data ==>模拟数据

1215. analog data distributor and puter ==>模拟数据分配器和计算机

1216. analog data recorder ==>模拟数据记录器

1217. analog deep level seismograhp ==>模拟深层地震仪

1218. analog device ==>模拟器件,模拟装置

1219. analog digital analog converter ==>模拟-数字-模拟转换器

1220. analog digital control ==>模拟数字控制

1221. analog digital conversion equipment ==>模拟-数字转换装置

1222. analog digital converter ==>模拟数字转换器

1223. analog digital switch ==>模拟数字开关

1224. analog display ==>模拟显示

1225. analog divider ==>模拟除法器

1226. analog equation solver ==>模拟方程解算器

1227. analog equipment ==>模拟装置

1228. analog information ==>相似信息

1229. analog input ==>模拟量输入

1230. analog instrument ==>相似仪器

1231. analog integrator ==>模拟积分器

1232. analog magic tape record type strong motion instrument ==>模拟磁带记录强震仪

1233. analog model ==>模拟模型

1234. analog multiplier ==>模拟乘法器

1235. analog work ==>模拟网络

1236. analog output ==>模拟输出,相似输出

1237. analog principle ==>相似原理

1238. analog processing ==>相似处理

1239. analog quantity ==>相似量

1240. analog representation ==>模拟量表示,模拟表示法

1241. analog seismograph tape recorder ==>模拟磁带地震记录仪

1242. analog sensor ==>相似传感器

1243. analog signal ==>模拟信号

1244. analog simulation ==>模拟仿真,相似模拟

1245. analog stereopotter ==>模拟型立体测图仪

1246. analog study ==>模拟法研究

1247. analog superconduction magometer ==>模拟式超导磁力仪

1248. analog switch ==>模拟开关

1249. analog system ==>模拟系统

1250. analog telemeter ==>模拟遥测

1251. analog telemetering system ==>模拟遥测系统

1252. analog to digital conversion accuracy ==>模-数转换精确度

1253. analog to digital conversion rate ==>模-数转换速度

1254. analog transducer[sensor] ==>模拟传感器

1255. analogue puter ==>模拟计算单元

1256. analogue date ==>模拟数据

1257. analogue measuring instrument ==>模拟式测量仪器仪表

1258. analogue relay ==>模拟继电器

1259. analogue representation of a physical quantity ==>物理量的模拟表示

1260. analogue result ==>模拟[试验]结果,比拟结果,相似结果

1261. analogue signal ==>模拟信号

1262. analogue to digital conversion ==>模/数转[变]换

1263. analogue value ==>模拟量

1264. analogue variable ==>模拟变量

1265. analogy ==>模拟

1266. analyser ==>分析器

1267. analysis ==>分析

1268. analysis and design of analog integrated circuits ==>模拟集成电路的分析和设计

1269. analysis certificate ==>分析/化验证书

1270. analysis of simulation experiment ==>仿真实验分析

1271. analysis of stability ==>稳定分析

1272. analytical balance ==>分析天平

1273. analytical electron microscope ==>分析型电子显微镜

1274. analytical gap ==>分析间隙

1275. analytical instru

ment ==>分析仪器

1276. analytical line ==>分析线

1277. analytical plotter ==>解析测图仪

1278. analyzer tube ==>分析管

1279. anchor ==>锚

1280. anchor block ==>地锚

1281. anchor bolt ==>基础螺栓

1282. anchor clamp ==>拉线夹板

1283. anchor ear ==>桩环

1284. anchor insulator ==>拉桩绝缘子

1285. anchor pole ==>拉线杆

1286. anchor strut ==>撑杆

1287. anchorage shoe ==>拉线固定装置

1288. anechoic chamber ==>消声室,电波暗室

1289. anechoic tank ==>消声水池

1290. anemograph ==>风速计

1291. anemometer ==>风速表

1292. anemometer meast ==>测风杆

1293. anemometer tower ==>测风塔

1294. anemometry ==>风速测定法

1295. aneroid barograph ==>空盒气压计

1296. aneroid barometer ==>空盒气压表,空盒气压计

1297. aneroidograph ==>空盒气压计

1298. angle ==>角,角度

1299. angle bar ==>角铁

1300. angle beam technique ==>斜角法

1301. angle beam testing ==>斜角法

1302. angle bracket ==>角撑架

1303. angle change ==>角变位

1304. angle correct ==>角度校正

1305. angle displacement ==>角位移

1306. angle fitting ==>弯头

1307. angle form ==>角型

1308. angle increment ==>角增量

1309. angle lighting fitting ==>定向照明灯具

1310. angle modulation ==>调角,角调制

1311. angle of adjustment ==>(聚光灯的)调整角度

1312. angle of advance ==>导前角,超前角

1313. angle of altitude ==>仰角

1314. angle of application ==>加力角

1315. angle of approach light ==>机场着陆指示灯

1316. angle of arrival ==>到达角

1317. angle of attach ==>冲角

1318. angle of blade ==>叶片安装角

1319. angle of chord ==>弦角

1320. angle of mutation ==>换向角

1321. angle of coverage ==>象场角

1322. angle of current ==>水流角

1323. angle of curvature ==>曲率角

1324. angle of difference ==>差角

1325. angle of distortion ==>歪角,扭转角,畸变角

1326. angle of extinction ==>消弧角

1327. angle of field of view ==>视场角

1328. angle of ignition ==>点火角

1329. angle of incidence ==>入射角

1330. angle of lag ==>滞后角

1331. angle of lead ==>超前角

1332. angle of loss ==>损失角

1333. angle of protection ==>保护角

1334. angle of radiation ==>辐射角

1335. angle of refraction ==>折射角

1336. angle of rise ==>上升角,螺旋角

1337. angle of rotation ==>旋转角

1338. angle of slide ==>滑动角

1339. angle of spread ==>指向角,半扩散角

1340. angle of view of telescope ==>望远镜视场角

1341. angle of X ray projictionX ==>射线辐射圆锥角

1342. angle pole ==>转角杆

1343. angle probe ==>斜探头

1344. angle resolved electron spectroscopy(ARES) ==>角分辨电子谱法

1345. angle steel ==>角铁

1346. angle strain ==>角应变

1347. angle support ==>转角支杆

1348. angle tower ==>转角塔

1349. angle tracking ==>角跟踪

1350. angle transducer[sensor] ==>角度传感器

1351. angle valve ==>角形阀

1352. angle welding ==>角焊

1353. anglg attack transducer[sensor] ==>迎角传感器

1354. angstrom ==>埃

1355. angular ==>角的,角度的

1356. angular acceleration ==>角加速度

1357. angular acceleration transducer[sensor] ==>角加速度传感器

1358. angular cleat ==>三角木

1359. angular deformation ==>角变形

1360. angular deviation ==>角偏移

1361. angular dimension ==>角度标注

1362. angular displacement ==>角位移

1363. angular displacement grationg ==>角位移光栅

1364. angular encoder ==>角编码器

1365. angular frequency ==>波长精确度,角频率,角频率

1366. angular function ==>角函数

1367. angular impulse ==>角冲量

1368. angular mil ==>角密耳

1369. angular modulation ==>角度调制

1370. angular moment ==>转动力矩

1371. angular momentum ==>角动量

1372. angular movement ==>角运动

1373. angular oscillation ==>角振荡

1374. angular phase difference ==>角相位差

1375. angular position ==>角度位置

1376. angular resolution ==>角度分辨能力

1377. angular resolver ==>角分析器

1378. angular rotation ==>角旋转,角位移,角转动

1379. angular sensitivity ==>角灵敏度

1380. angular sensor ==>斜探头

1381. angular speed ==>角速度

1382. angular strain ==>角应变

1383. angular tower ==>转角铁塔

1384. angular unit ==>角度单位

1385. angular variation ==>角度变化,角位差

1386. angular velocity ==>角速度

1387. angular velocity transducer[sensor] ==>角速度传感器

1388. angular wenumber ==>角波数

1389. aniline resin ==>苯胺树脂

1390. animal electricity ==>动物电

1391. anion ==>阴离子

1392. anisotropic conductor ==>各向异性导体

1393. anisotropic dielectric ==>各向异性电介质

1394. annealed aluminum wire ==>软铝线

1395. annealed copper wire ==>软铜线

1396. annealed wire ==>退火线

1397. annealing ==>退火

1398. annealing lamp ==>炼韧灯

1399. annihilation ==>消灭

1400. annual amount of photovoltaic power generation ==>太阳能年发电量

1401. annual expense ==>年经费

1402. annual load curve ==>年负载曲线

1403. annual load factor ==>年负载率

1404. annual maximum demand ==>年需量

1405. annual output of energy ==>年能量输出

1406. annual variation ==>年变化

1407. annular chamber ==>环形室

1408. annular coil clearance ==>环形线圈间隙

1409. annular electromag ==>环形电磁铁

1410. annular gap ==>环形隙

1411. annular space ==>环形间隙

1412. annum ==>年

1413. annunciator ==>信号器/报警器,信号源,表号器

1414. anodal opening ==>阳极断电

1415. anode ==>阳极

1416. anode battery ==>阳极电池

1417. anode circuit ==>阳极电路

1418. anode current ==>阳极电流

1419. anode dark space ==>阳极暗区

1420. anode dissipation ==>阳极耗散

1421. anode drop ==>阳极电压降

1422. anode effect ==>阳极效应

1423. anode fall ==>阳极电压降

1424. anode layer ==>阳极溶层

1425. anode plate ==>阳极板

1426. anode supply ==>阳极供电/板极电源

1427. anode to cathode distance ==>极间距离

1428. anode wire ==>阳极丝

1429. anodising ==>阳极处理

1430. anodizing ==>阳极氧化处理

1431. anolyte ==>阳极电解液,阳极液

1432. anomalous behior ==>反常行为

1433. ANSI ==>美国国家标准协会

1434. answer signal ==>回答信号

1435. answering ==>应答

1436. antenna ==>天线

1437. antenna lead in ==>天线引入线

1438. antenna noise ==>天线噪声

1439. antenna power ==>天线功率

1440. antenna tower ==>天线塔

1441. antenna tuning coil ==>天线调谐线圈

1442. anthracite ==>无烟煤

1443. anti aircraft fittings ==>防空灯具

1444. anti citation valve ==>防空化阀

1445. anti contamination device ==>防污染装置

1446. anti coupling bi frequency induced polarization instrument ==>抗耦双频激电仪

1447. anti explosive rated voltage ==>防爆额定电压

1448. anti induction work ==>抗感应网络

1449. anti magized varistor ==>消磁电压敏电阻器

1450. Anti Roll Bar ==>防倾杆/下拉杆

1451. anti skid material ==>防滑物料

1452. anti stockes line ==>反斯托克线

1453. anti stripping agent ==>防剥剂

1454. anti temperature centigrade ==>耐温摄氏度

1455. anti voltage degree ==>耐压程度(KV)

1456. anticipated accident list ==>预想事故集

1457. anticipatory analysis ==>超前分析

1458. anticoincidence analyzer ==>反重合分析器

1459. anticoincidence circuit ==>反重合电路

1460. anticorona clamp ==>防晕线夹

1461. anticorona ring ==>防晕环

1462. anticorrosive agent ==>防蚀剂

1463. antiferroelectrics ==>反铁电体

1464. antiferromagic material ==>反铁磁材料

1465. antiferromagic resonance ==>反铁磁共振

1466. antiferromagism ==>反铁磁性

1467. antifog insulator ==>防雾绝缘子

1468. antifriction metal ==>减磨金属

1469. antihunt circuit ==>防振电路

1470. antihunting transformer ==>防震变压器

1471. antijamming ==>抗干扰

1472. antimagic alloy ==>抗磁合金

1473. antimagic shield ==>防磁屏蔽

1474. antinodal point ==>波腹

1475. antinode ==>波腹

1476. antiphase ==>逆相位

1477. antiresonance ==>反共振,并联谐振

1478. antiresonance frequency ==>反共振频率

1479. antiresonance point ==>反共振点

1480. antiresonant circuit ==>反共振电路

1481. antitorque ==>反转矩

1482. APEC ==>亚太经合组织

1483. aperiodic ==>非周期的

1484. aperiodic circuit ==>非周期电路

1485. aperiodic ponent ==>非周期部分,非周期性分量

1486. aperiodic condition ==>非周期状态

1487. aperiodic current ==>非周期电流

1488. aperiodic damping ==>非周期阻尼,非周期衰减

1489. aperiodic dampong ==>非周期阻尼,过阻尼

1490. aperiodic element ==>非周期摆动的可动部分

1491. aperiodic exponential signal ==>非周期指数信号

1492. aperiodic galvanometer ==>非周期电流计

1493. aperiodic instability ==>非周期不稳定性

1494. aperiodic work ==>非周期网络

1495. aperiodic phenomenon ==>非周期现象

1496. aperiodic regime ==>非周期状态

1497. aperiodic speed fluctuation ==>非周期性速度波动

1498. aperiodic time constant ==>非周期分量时间常数

1499. aperiodic vibration ==>非周期振动

1500. aperiodicity ==>非周期性

1501. aperture ==>孔,缝隙,开口,眼,窗口,光阑

1502. aperture of pressure difference ==>压差光阑

1503. aperture of window ==>窗口

1504. aperture photographic method ==>针孔摄影法

1505. aperture ratio ==>开孔率

1506. aperture seal ==>穿孔密封

1507. aperture stop ==>孔径光栏

1508. aperture time ==>空隙时间

1509. apex ==>顶点

1510. APICs, Advanced Programmable Interrupt Controllers ==>高级可编程中断控制器

1511. APM configuration ==>高级电源配置

1512. apparatus ==>仪器,设备

1513. apparatus for measuring d.c.magic characteristic with ballistic galvanometer ==>冲击法直流磁特性测量装置

1514. apparent brightness ==>表现亮度

1515. apparent capacity ==>视在容量

1516. apparent efficiency ==>视在效率

1517. apparent energy ==>表观能量

1518. apparent energy meter ==>伏安时计

1519. apparent gap area ==>表观气隙面积

1520. apparent gap density ==>表观气隙磁通密度




电气及半导体词汇词典U1. U-bolt ==>U形螺丝2. u shape hanger chains ==>u形曲链片吊挂装置3. u shaped manometer ==>u形压力计4. ubitron ==>波动射束注入器5. uhf ==>特高频6. uhf band...




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