

02月06日 编辑 39baobao.com


How do chinese usually celebrate birthday?

A:In China mostly we celebrate birthday a general way. A large numbers of our colleagues and schoolmates are invited to one's home for hold a big party. Within the party we will eat some tasty food and beverage further we will mutually enhance the relationship.

Do you love partying?

A: Actually i donot really enjoy the party.it is noisy and boring i think.

how often do you usually party?

A: We party if festivals comes.

What kind of food do you love?

A: I prefer the northeastern cuisine

becasuse its big size and good mouth-feel.

what kind of food is popular in china

A: It depends. Differents areas have differents way of cooking. Mostly the local food is more popular.

Do you love swimming? do you want to learn how to swim?

A: yes i do. Swimming is most enjoyable than other outdoor acticities in summer.i can train my body without perspiration. i have handled two kinds of swimming they are freestyle and breaststroke.



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