

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[父母去澳洲旅游不会说英语怎么办]1、建议你使用个翻译机,等于请了免费的翻译哦,可好了。 2、简单对话 学会 准备点应急的英语卡片 写上求助信息 住址什么的 酒店去哪儿上面就可以 老外的预定网站需要信用卡 去...+阅读

Eric: Hi, David. How are you? Are you OK?

David: No, I'm not.

Eric: What's wrong?

David: It's Tuesday.

Eric: So?

David: I have two math classes on Tuesday.

Eric: You don't like math?

David: No. It's so difficult! My father says it's interesting. But I don't think so.

Eric: So what's your favorite subject?

David: Chinese. It's difficult but interesting!

Eric: When is your Chinese class?

David: It's on Monday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday. I have to go now! I have math, history and science this morning.

Eric: OK, see you at music class.

David: Bye!


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