

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[详细列出英语学习中的常见典型错误类型并举例]2010年高考英语易错点精析易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判 【典例】 —What do you think the should do first? —They should learn to take as well as share rights in l...+阅读




一、Listen and choose(听录音,选出你所听到的那一项10☆)

1. pick up leaves 2. February 3. twelfth 4. taking 5.watch insects

二、Listen and number.听录音,标序号。(10☆)

1.What are they doing? They are playing chess.

2. My father is writing an E-mail.

3. I often read books on the weekend

4. The elephants are drinking water.

5. What is the kangaroo doing? It's jumping.

6. What's your favourite season? Fall.

7. What is Amy doing? She is watching insects.

8. What are you doing? I'm taking pictures.

9. My birthday is March the tenth .

10. Look, Chen Jie is catching butterflies.

三、Listen and tick or cross.听录音判断对错,对的画笑脸,错的画哭脸。(5☆)

1. I often watch TV on the weekend.

2. In winter, I can play with snow.

3. What are you doing? I'm doing the dishes.

4. When is your mother's birthday? It's in November.

5. What are they doing? They are fighting.

四、Listen and choose(听问句,选答语10☆)

1. When do you eat breakfast?

2. What's the date today?

3. What is the mother elephant doing?

4. Is your birthday in July?

5. What's your favourite season?

五、Listen and write.


详细列举出英语学习中的典型错误类型并举例展开全部2010年高考英语易错点精析易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判 【典例】 —What do you think the should do first? —They should learn to take as well as share rig...

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