

02月03日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何上好小学英语课]小学英语课是一门基础的学科,在小学阶段已被列入主要学科。如何让学生打好这个基础,开始喜欢上这一门课,做为小学英语课教师,经过三年多的英语课教学,我个人的看法有以下几点: 一...+阅读

小年 [xiǎo nián]

off year

小年 [xiǎo nián] (指农历腊月是小建的年份) a lunar year (in which the last month has 29 days);


1. (节日, 腊月二十三或二十四日) a festival that falls on the 23rd or 24th of the twelfth month of the lunar year2. {农} (指果树歇枝, 竹子等生长得慢的年份) off year



想要94年考研英语完型解析1994 年试题与分析 Section ⅠUse of English The first and smallest unit that can be discussed in relation to language is the word. In speaking, the choice of wor...

如何快速记忆高中英语3500个单词记单词要有好的记忆力才能事半功倍。好的记忆力都是练出来的,比较有效地训练方法有三个: 1、速读法(又叫全脑速读记忆):速读法是在快速阅读的基础上进行记忆训练的,实际上,两者是同...

详细列出英语学习中的常见典型错误类型并举例2010年高考英语易错点精析易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判 【典例】 —What do you think the should do first? —They should learn to take as well as share rights in l...

详细列举出英语学习中的典型错误类型并举例展开全部2010年高考英语易错点精析易错点1 名词的单复数形式的误判 【典例】 —What do you think the should do first? —They should learn to take as well as share rig...

父母去澳洲旅游不会说英语怎么办1、建议你使用个翻译机,等于请了免费的翻译哦,可好了。 2、简单对话 学会 准备点应急的英语卡片 写上求助信息 住址什么的 酒店去哪儿上面就可以 老外的预定网站需要信用卡 去...


怎样搞懂学好英语复杂句给你个例子。How much more elegant is it to slay your foe, with the roses of irony than to massacre him with the axes of sarcasm or to belabour him with the blud...

在哪能找到给力的全国高考英语口语考试视屏!和常用的句子I'm sorry that I forget to return the book to you. We'll have a dance on Sunday. I hope you can make it. Let me have the photo, would you Is there anything I ca...
