

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英文感谢信怎么写]英文感谢信范文 (1) Thank You For Interview I Dear (Bosss Name), I appreciated the opportunity to meet with you yesterday about the position of (job title) with (C...+阅读

1886 请喝可口可乐 1904 新鲜和美味 满意——就是可口可乐 1905 可口可乐—保持和恢复你的体力 无论你到那里,你都回发现可口可乐 1906 高质量的饮品 1907 可口可乐—带来精力,使你充满活力 1908 可口可乐,带来真诚 1909 无论你在哪里看到箭形标记,就会想到可口可乐 1911 尽享一杯流动的欢笑 1917 一天有三百万!(人次) 1920 可口可乐---一种好东西从九个地方倒入一个杯子 1922 口渴没有季节 1923 口渴时的享受 1925 真正的魅力 1925 六百万一天(人次) 1926 口渴与清凉之间的最近距离--可口可乐 1927 在任何一个角落 1928 可口可乐--自然风韵,纯正饮品 1929 世界上最好的饮料 1932 太阳下的冰凉 1933 一扫疲惫,饥渴 1935 可口可乐--带来朋友相聚的瞬间 1937 美国的欢乐时光 1938 口渴不需要其它 1939 只有可口可乐 1940 最易解你渴 1941 工作的活力 可口可乐属于---- 1942 只有可口可乐,才是可口可乐 永远只买最好的 1943 美国生活方式的世界性标志----可口可乐 1945 充满友谊的生活 幸福的象征 1946 世界友谊俱乐部---只需5美分 1946 yes 1947 可口可乐的品质,是你永远信赖的朋友 1948 哪里好客,哪里就有可乐 1949 可口可乐----沿着公路走四方 1850 口渴,同样追求品质 1951 好客与家的选择 1952 你想要的就是可乐 1953 充满精力---安全驾驶 仲夏梦幻 1955 就像阳光一样带来振奋 1956 可口可乐---使美好的事情更加美好 轻轻一举,带来光明 1957 好品味的象征 1958 清凉,轻松和可乐 1959 可口可乐的欢欣人生 真正的活力 1961 可口可乐,给你带来最佳状态 1963 有可乐相伴,你会事实如意 1964 可口可乐给你虎虎生气,特别的活力 1965 充分享受可口可乐 1966 喝了可口可乐,你再也不会感到疲倦 1968 一波又一波,一杯又一杯 1970 这才是真正的,这才是地道货 可口可乐真正令你心旷神怡 1971 我原拥有可乐的世界 1972 可口可乐---伴随美好时光 1975 俯瞰美国,看我们得到什么 1976 可乐加生活 1980 一杯可乐,一个微笑 1982 这就是可口可乐 1985 一踢;一击;可口可乐 1989 挡不住的感觉 1993 永远是可口可乐 1994 永远是可口可乐 1995 这是可口可乐 1996 这是可口可乐下面是英语! 1886 please drink the Coca-Cola 1904 fresh and delicacy satisfaction - - is the Coca-Cola 1905 Coca-Cola - maintains and restores your physical strength, regardless of you arrive at there, you return to the discovery Coca-Cola 1906 high grade drinks 1907 Coca-Cola - to bring the energy, causes your vital 1908 Coca-Cola, brings sincerely 1909, regardless of where you are at to see the sweepback mark, will think the Coca-Cola 1911 will enjoy a cup mobile to laugh heartily for 1917 one day to have 3,000,000! (people) 1920 Coca-Cola---One kind of good thing pours into a cup from nine places 1922 not to have the season 1923 to be thirsty thirstily the time to enjoy 1925 true charm 1925 6,001,000 days (people) 1926 thirsty and the cool between point blank range--Coca-Cola 1927 in any corner 1928 Coca-Cola--The natural graceful bearing, in the pure drinks 1929 worlds under the best drink 1932 sun icy cold 1933 one sweeps exhaustedly, hunger thirsty 1935 Coca-Cola--Brings the instantaneous 1937 US's happy time which the friend gathers 1938 thirsty not to need other 1939 only then the Coca-Cola 1940 easily to solve your thirsty 1941 work the vigor Coca-Cola to belong---- 1942 only then the Coca-Cola, is the Coca-Cola forever only buys the best 1943 American way of life the worldwide basis symbol----The Coca-Cola 1945 fill the friendship the life happy symbol 1946 world friendship club---Only needs 5 cent 1946 yes 1947 Coca-Cola the qualities, is friend who you forever trust 1948 where hospitable, where has may the happy 1949 Coca-Cola----Walks four sides along the road 1850 thirstily, similarly the pursue quality 1951 want with family's choice 1952 you are hospitably may happy 1953 fill the energy---The safe driving midsummer the illusion 1955 look like the sunlight to bring equally rouses 1956 Coca-Cola---Causes the happy matter to be happier gently at one fell swoop, brings the symbol which bright 1957 good savor 1958 cool, relaxed and may the happy 1959 Coca-Cola delighted life true vigor 1961 Coca-Cola, brings the optimum condition to you 1963 to have may accompany happily, you meet the fact pleasant 1964 Coca-Cola for you the tigerish vitality, the special vigor 1965 enjoyed the Coca-Cola 1966 to drink the Coca-Cola fully, you will not feel again a weary 1968 wave another wave, a cup of another cup of 1970 this was true, this was the typical goods Coca-Cola makes your completely relaxed 1971 me have originally truly may the happy world 1972 Coca-Cola---Follows the lovely time 1975 bird's eye view US, looked that we obtain anything 1976 to be possible Le Jia to live a 1980 cup to ...


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百事可乐得广告语是什么【百事可乐广告语】 1898年 清爽、可口,百事可乐 1903年 提神、爽心、增进消化 1905年 可口之饮料 1906年 天然饮料——百事可乐 1907年 百事可乐:可口、健康 1909年 百事可乐...
