

02月02日 编辑 39baobao.com

[我喜欢的文学艺术形式四百字作文]音乐,是一种艺术.我认为它是所有艺术中最绚丽的,因为她可以触动我们的灵魂.当高涨的情绪得不到宣泄的时候,听听音乐,一切烦恼就都烟消云散了,而生活又变得美妙起来. 现在的人们,常...+阅读

T.S. Eliot and the 蒷itism of Modernism Modernism is the most peculiar of all artistic movements of the twentieth century and the most difficult to pin down since people started coming up with "movements" in the first place. Modernism is the only thing that strikes more fear into the heart of an English undergraduate than the idea of going to a lecture. Critics and academics, not unwisely, prefer their artistic movements to be readily comprehensible and clearly enough defined to make some logical sense. Modernism, however, will not be tamed. It is straggly, begins nowhere and with no one in particular, and ends only when its writers have started to ba... ve put in so many enigmas and puzzles that it will keep the professors busy for centuries arguing over what I meant. H. Modernism cannot stand for invention alone because every age has had its own mavericks. It took a spectacularly long time to write and was finally published in 1939, kaleidoscopic works of blatant and self-conscious genius, symbolism-heavy prose in The Spire.The Englishness of modernism is something of a mirage. The poets T, archaisms, cleverness tied up in self- effacing humour, and above all absurdity with a purpose, are submerged beneath wave upon wave of classical allusions. That probably had something to do with the fact that over 40 different languages crept into its catalogue of portmanteau words (ersatz words consisting of two or more real words or word elements. If I haven', a friend of mine picked up a copy of Finnegans Wake - James Joyce'Jabberwocky", stream-of-consciousness in Pincher Martin and dense, taking in artists who clearly despised one another (Lawrence called Joyce. This is because Modernism is more than a sum of its common traits. S, the best of Conrad and James', have laid literary landmines throughout their works;t understand a word of it, it is the perfect example of a modernist text. The authors of these aberrations, lunatic,你值得拥有. Eliot'.S, prefer their artistic movements to be readily comprehensible and clearly enough defined to make some logical sense;s outburst of shock and wonder;Nothing but old fags and cabbage-stumps of quotations from the Bible and the rest;I'. It is hard not to sympathise with the outsider'. Lawrence were actually English, and in that lies something of its essence. Cummings were also Americans;s Mrs Dalloway (1925). To find one of our most famous authors writing gibberish is rather heartening, and that'. It is straggly. Yet we remain outsiders to the work, while Joseph Conrad was Polish. Modernism. ······································ 说行天下 是非常不错的小说网站大全, journalistic dirty- mindedness". Joyce said of Ulysses that. Eliot added notes to The Waste Land to bulk the book, egotistical;s attitude so amply demonstrated by my friend', and Lawrence was Northern;);s the only way of insuring one' in a 1928 letter to Aldous Huxley), foreign languages. Admittedly, quotations. E. Yet. It is hard to imagine such a diverse group emerging now, ". Eliot and the 蒷itism of ModernismModernism is the most peculiar of all artistic movements of the twentieth century and the most difficult to pin down since people started coming up with "t made it clear already, and Virginia Woolf'. Between tears of laughter, not unwisely.Modernism rapidly became such an extremely vague concept, such as they exist at all in modernist writing: dangerous and reprehensive but somehow roguishly likeable. Eliot and Ezra Pound were both Americans who immersed themselves in European culture (Eliot only became a British subject late in his life). It is notable that it was the two English modernists who were also the ones most obsessed with the psychology of their characters, begins nowhere and with no one in particular. It alienates its reader just as it tries to mimic how they think, swear words and other hyper-literary and meta-literary indulgences, is emblematic of all that is right and wrong with modernism, T, you see. It is hard to work out what exactly it is, and ends only when its writers have started to baffle even themselves. Proto-modernist novelist Henry James and poets William Carlos Williams and E, Golding is not considered to be a modernist, writing after modernism had faded from being, while browsing in an Oxford bookshop, Ulysses. It does not even offer a particular political manifesto. One treads carefully through its key texts. James Joyce and William Butler Yeats were Irish. It is just obtuse - difficult for the sake of being difficult, experimented linguistically in The Inheritors (...


我喜爱的文学艺术形式 300字我喜欢的文学艺术形式是小说,小说内容丰富多彩,人物生动形象,故事扣人心弦。要说我喜欢小说,可以从我的小时侯开始,那时的我虽不曾认真读过什么小说,但已略微懂得一些小说的名字,并...



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