

02月01日 编辑 39baobao.com

[volano的词源词根或者这个英文来自那种语言]1610s, from Italian vulcano "burning mountain," from Latin Vulcanus "Vulcan," Roman god of fire, also "fire, flames, volcano" (see Vulcan). The name was first applied...+阅读

I want to be a travelor when I grow up.There are so many beautiful places in the world.So I want to travel all around the world,to know different cultures about different country.长大了我想当一名旅行家,因为世界上有许多美丽的地方。我想环游世界,去了解不同国家的不同文化。My father was born on December 13th.And my mother was born on Setembrer 8th.My father is an engineer and my mother is a doctor.They both like reading books when they are free.And sometimes they like to go to see a film.我爸爸的生日是12月13日,我妈妈的是9月8日。我爸是个工程师我妈是个医生。他们在闲暇之余都喜欢看书,有时也去看电影I usually have a glass of milk and a piece of bread for breakfast.But for lunch,I prefer to have pizza.Sometimes I have noodles.And for dinner I usually have rice,meat,fish and vegetable. 我早餐通常都吃一片面包喝一杯牛奶。但是午餐我更喜欢吃披萨。有时也吃面条。晚餐吃米饭,鱼和蔬菜...


谁能告诉我一些英文的外贸专业术语以及含义交货delivery 轮船steamship(缩写S.S) 装运、装船shipment 租船charter (the chartered shep) 交货时间 time of delivery 定程租船voyage charter; 装运期限time of shipment...

服装的英文单词不少于15个clothing apparel wearing garment grubstake habiliment tog dud vestment vesture (以上都是衣服) underwear underclothes shirt underdress undergarment (以上都是内衣) ba...

关于服装的英文翻译Waist adjust construction is not acceptable.腰调整建设是不能接受的。 It must be clean finished.它必须是干净的完成。 It cannot be knotted to a piece of gros grai...

含有关于意思的英文单词1about 最简单 不解释 2concerning...., He heard nothing concerning this matter. 关于这件事他什么都没听到。 3with regard to You must vary his diet with regard to...

关于位置的英文单词on在...上 under在...下面,在...下方;在...里面 in在...之内;在...方面 into(表示动作的方向)到...里 onto到...之上;向...之上 above在...上面 below在下面;到下面;在下方;在楼下;在...

关于会计的英文翻译Money Measure 货币计量 - Recording of all business transactions in terms of money 以货币形式记录所有的交易。 - Money is only factor common to all business trans...

关于财务会计的问题。英文The income statement is a statement of financial performance while the balance sheet is a statement of financial position. do you agree with this statement? Exp...

翻译一下英文歌London Bridge is falling down的歌词前面都会重点伦敦桥要塌下来, 塌下来,塌下来。 伦敦桥要塌下来, 我美丽的淑女。 用铁栏来建筑, 铁栏杆,铁栏杆。 用铁栏来建筑, 我美丽的淑女。 铁栏会变弯曲, 变弯曲,变弯曲, 铁栏会变弯曲, 我美...

谁知道英文版的歌词英文版《粉红色的回忆》是吉杰在快乐大本营唱的直翻版。 中英文对照的歌词如下: Summer summer quietly left little secret in the past夏天夏天悄悄过去留下小秘密 Pressur...
