

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[英语单词不规则过去式变化]Irregular Verbs Verb Past tense Past participle △ (4) can could may might shall should will would 1.AAA (4) cut cut cut let let let put put put read read read 2....+阅读

stingy: [5stindVi] adj. 吝啬的, 小气的, 缺乏的, 有刺的 stingy [5stIndVI] adj. -gier, -giest 吝啬的;小气的 stingy AHD:[st¹n“j¶] D.J.:[6stind/i8] K.K.:[6st!nd/i] adj. stin.gi.er; stin.gi.est; Giving or spending reluctantly. 吝啬的非常不情愿地给予或花费的 Scanty or meager: 不足的,太少的: a stingy meal; stingy with details about the past. 太少的饭;有关过去的细节很少 Perhaps alteration ofdialectal stingy[ stinging ] 可能为方言 stingy的变化[ 痛的 ] from 源自 sting stin“gily adv stin“giness n stingy close close-fisted niggardly penny-pinching miserly parsimonious penurious tight tightfistedThese adjectives mean reluctant or marked by reluctance to spend money or part with possessions. Stingy, the most general, implies absence of generosity and often an inclination toward meanness of spirit: She practices economy without being stingy. Close and close-fisted imply both stinginess and exceeding caution: 她奉行一种的不吝啬的节俭方式。

Close和 close-fisted意味着吝啬和过分小心: Poverty has taught them to be close with their money. 贫穷教会他们要谨慎花钱。 The old peasant was an avaricious and close-fisted fellow. Niggardly implies a tendency to be grudging and petty: 那个老农是个贪婪而又吝啬的家伙。Niggardly指具有吝啬和小气的倾向: Don't be niggardly; you can afford to share your good fortune. Penny-pinching heightens the implications of niggardly and sometimes suggests foolish economy: 别小气,你能过得起好日子。

Penny-pinching加强了 niqqardly的意思并有时指愚蠢的节省: Penny-pinching landlords stinted their tenants on heat and hot water. Miserlyimplies greed and the hoarding of wealth for its own sake: 小气的房东在房客的取暖和热水供应上进行克扣。Miserly意味着贪婪并仅仅为了自己的利益囤积财富: “He was a miserly wretch who grudged us food to eat, and clothes to wear” (Charles Dickens). Parsimoniousemphasizes excessive frugality: “他是个吝啬的坏蛋,他克扣我们的伙食和穿衣”(查尔斯·狄)。

Parsimonious强调过分的节俭: The appropriations committee, suddenly and ill-advisedly parsimonious, cut funds for assistance to the disadvantaged. Penurious implies ungenerous or petty unwillingness to spend money, usually to an extreme degree: 拨款委员会突然地和不明智地节俭地裁减对生活水平低的人的援助。Penurious指不慷慨或小气地不情愿花钱,常达到极点: “He lived in the most penurious manner, and denied himself every indulgence”(William Godwin). Tight and tightfisted suggest not only niggardliness but also a close and vigilant control over one's funds and possessions: “他以最简朴的方式生活着,抵制一切奢侈”(威廉·葛德文)。

Tight和 tightfisted指不仅吝啬而且对某人资金和财产严密并谨慎地控制: tight with the family, generous to others; 对家庭开支谨慎而对他人慷慨; “too tightfisted to spend a few dollars” (Sinclair Lewis). “小气得连几美元也舍不得花”(辛克莱尔·路易斯) stingy [5stindVi] adj. 有刺的; 尖锐的, 有螫的



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