
英语翻译I had a busy and meaningful weekend On Saturday morning

01月31日 编辑 39baobao.com

[他正在洗澡。用英语怎么说]He is taking a bath. Last spring, where you vacation? In yesterday's gathering of unhappy life. This morning they eat breakfast a few points? You need electrici...+阅读

I had a busy and meaningful weekend. On Saturday morning, I got up early because my parents and I decided to go to the Summer Palace. 我度过了一个很忙很有意义的周末。周六早晨我起得很早,因为我父母和我决定去颐和园。After breakfast, my father drove us there. It was a beautiful day. When we got there, there were thousands of people. 吃完早餐,我爸爸开车到那里。天气晴朗。当我们到那里时已有很多人。

We went boating, climbed the moutain and had a picnic. In the afternoon, we went shopping on our way home. We bought lots of food, drinks and vegetables. I did my homework carefully in the evening.我们去划船,登山并且吃野餐。下午,在回家的路上我们去购物。买了很多食品,饮料和蔬菜。晚上我仔细地做了我的作业。 On Sunday morning, I helped my parents with the housework. Then I finished doing my homework, reviewed the lessons and prepared the new lessons. I cooked lunch with my parents. After a short nap, I visited my old friends and played table tennis with them. I surfed the internet, read an interesting book and listened to music. I didn't go to bed until 10:00星期日早上,我帮父母做家务。

然后完成了我的作业,复习过去所学并预习新课。我和父母一起做午饭。小憩过后,我去拜访老朋友并且和他们一起打乒乓球。我去网上冲浪,读了一本有趣的书并听了音乐。直到10点我才去睡觉。 What a wonderful weekend I had! 我过的多么精彩的一个周末呀!希望能帮到你,不明白hi我。


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