
小乌龟学美语第一集franklis test的英文文本也就是他的第一集的英

01月27日 编辑 39baobao.com

[带大公鸡叫的英文儿歌]《公鸡 Cock》歌词 Cock,cock,cock,cock 公鸡,公鸡,可听见 I've laid an egg 我已经下了蛋 Am I to go bare foot? 想走路,没鞋穿,难道要我打赤脚? Hen,hen,hen,hen 母鸡,母鸡,听我...+阅读

Franklin could count by twos and tie his shoes. He had won a blue ribbon for swimming and a trophy for playing soccer. But one day, Franklin won something that maybe he shouldn't have.2 …daisy…window…chair…pencil… Well done. All right, you all know how to read our new words. Let's see how many we can spell. Who would like to go first?I will go first. Me, me, me… I will do it, it's easy.Bear, let's see you give it a try. All right Bear. Spell the word “daisy”.3 Hmm. Let me just check… Hey Bear, you can't peek like that. That's cheating.It is?Well Bear, we are trying to learn to spell from memory. I'll give you a little hint, the next letter is an “I”.“I”… Oh, yeah! “D”, “A”, “I”, “S”, “Y”,daisy Absolutely right, Bear! Well done! Now, who's next?Very good, goose! 4 You're all doing very well with your spelling! I think you are ready for a test! On Thursday, we'll see how well you know the words we've learned over the past few weeks. And for those of you who spell all your words correctly, I have something special. One of these colorful pens!Wow! Look at those!Excuse me, Mr. Owl, but since I'm going to get all the words right anyway, could I have my pen now? I'd like to write the test with it. I'm sorry Beaver, but you'll have to write the test first. I'm sure if all of you practice spelling your words, you'll do very well. Pens or no pens.5 F-L-O-W-E-R flower W-I-N-D-O-W window You're certainly going to be well prepared for that spelling test tomorrow.Yeah, Bear and I have been practicing really hard.They must be very fancy pens to go to all this trouble.Oh, they are. And I'm going to make sure I know my words so I get one. I can see one word that's going to take a little more practice. Where? Which one? Show me.This one. “pencil” is spelled P-E-N-C-I-L.That's only one mistake. You are doing great.But I don't want to make any mistakes. I want one of those pens. The important thing is, you're learning how to spell.No Dad, the important thing is spelling every word right. 6 P-E-N uh E-N-C-I-L Good. I got it right this time, Sam. Tomorrow, I'll spell it just like that. But what if I don't? What if I forget? P-E-N-C-I-L… I know it now. I won't forget.I know… I'll just put it in here for good luck.7 Next… spell “kitchen”. And now we come to the very last word on the test. “pencil”. Now, when you are finished, don't forget to put your name at the top of the page.That was a cinch. I got them all right, I know it. Yeah it was easy.All correct. Very good! Congratulations and enjoy your pen. You've earned it. I did it, Bear. I got a pen. Nice going, Franklin. Keep your fingers crossed for me.So far so good, Bear. Oh, dear, I've spotted an error. But you still get something for trying your best. A space sticker. 8 I came this close to winning a pen. I only had one word wrong. “pencil”.Oh, that's a tough word.I'll never spell it wrong again, that's for sure. What's the matter? You tried your best, and you're my friend. I should share my pen with you. Here… you borrow it for a while.Thanks, but I want to win my own pen. That one's yours. Don't worry about me, Franklin. I'll get a pen next time. Come on, let's have some fun.Hey! Quit it.“pencil”? I just had it in my hat for good luck.But did you look at it during the test?I peeked at one letter, that's all.But that's not fair, Franklin! That's cheating.9 Hi there, son. Well, how did it go? Your test. The one you've been preparing for the past three days. Oh, fine. Mr. Owl said I did a good job. I - I've got to put my stuff away.I have the feeling he didn't do as well on test as he expected.I have the very same feeling. And I know how much he wanted one of those pens. Maybe it's time to mind Franklin that the value of a good honest try is worth more than a pen.I'll come with you.Franklin. Are you all right?Uh huh.You may not have gotten all the words right on your spelling test, but your father and I still think… I did get them all right. Oh, very good. So you did get a pen? Well, don't keep us in suspense. Let's have a look at it.There it is.Why did you put it in the garbage? Is there something you want to tell us, Franklin? I spelled all the words right because I peeked at this.It doesn't fell right winning a pen this way, does it?No, Bear's right. I didn't win it fair and square. I cheated. What should I do?That's something you should decide. But I think you know inside what will make you feel better.10 Good morning, Franklin.Hi. Uh… I want to give you something. I'll just put it on your desk.Uh, just a minute, Franklin. Why are you giving me back your pen? I had one of the spelling words inside my cap and I look at it during the test.I see.I ...


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