

01月27日 编辑 39baobao.com


歌手:Kylie Minogue 歌名:Red Blooded Woman Can't stop Count backwards 5 4 3 2 1 Before you get too heated and turned on (This guy) You should have learned your lessons all them times before You've been bruised you've been broken Then there's my mind saying think before you go Through that door it could lead you nowhere (This guy) Has got you all romantic crazy in your head Do you think I'd listen no I don't care 'Cause I can't focus I can't stop You got me spinning round round round round (Like a record) I can't focus it's too hot (Inside) You'll never get to Heaven if you're scared of getting high Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you My conscience saying get down off this dream It's too dangerous and deadly Has got you talking round in circles can't you see All for the sake of sexy (You're loving it) Then there's my sense saying stop before you fall I don't wanna pick you up again Has got you all romantic crazier each day Do you think I'd listen There's no way 'Cause I can't focus I can't stop You got me spinning round round round round (Like a record) I can't focus it's too hot (Inside) You'll never get to Heaven if you're scared of getting high Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you Let me keep freaking around I'm a red blooded woman It's too hot inside You'll never get to Heaven if you're scared of getting high La la la freaking around La la la freaking around La la la freaking around La la la freaking around Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you Boy boy Let me keep freaking around I wanna get down I'm a red blooded woman what's the point in hanging round Don't wanna keep turning it down When this girl wants to rock with you


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