

01月25日 编辑 39baobao.com

[如何快速记忆英语单词]俗话说:万丈高楼平地起。学好英语也是一样,首先要记好单词,打好基础。但是我们却为记单词而感到烦恼,如果你能够掌握一定的方法,那么这种烦恼将会迎刃而解。 这里有十种记单词的...+阅读

To be effective,is the job of the executive。“Know your time” is he wants to, and go well on the road toward contribution and effectiveness.Effectiveness can be learned.Effectiveness is a habit; that is a complex of practices.The man who focuses on contribution and who takes responsibility for results, no matter how junior, is in the most literal sense of the phrase,“top management”.Who has to use my output for it to become effective?The effectiveness executive knows that to get strength one has to put up with weakness.They focus on opportunity in their staffing-not on problems.Making the strength of the boss productive is a key to the subordinate's own effectiveness.the effective executive tries to be himself, he does not pretend to be someone else,They concentrate their own time and energy as well as that of their organization-on doing one thing at a time, and on doing first things first.To commit today's resources to the future.The effective executive will slough off an old activity before he starts on a new one.Concentration-that is, the courage to impose on time and events his own decision as to what really matters and comes first.Effective executives do not make a great many decisions.They concentrate on the important ones. They want impact rather than technique, they want to be sound rather than clever. The first question the effective decision-maker asks is:“Is this a generic situation or an exception?”One has to start out with what is right than what is acceptable.A decision will not become effective unless the action commitments have been built into the decision from the start.People do not start out with the search for facts, they start out with an opinion.The first rule in decision-making is that one does not make a decision unless there is disagreement.


怎样快速记忆英语单词记单词: 首先: (一)、选择好书1. 所选单词书不应太厚。 人们大都有喜新厌旧的毛病,老是捧着同一本书难免会产生厌烦情绪,而且也会由于觉得没有进步,没有效果而失去信心,产生退缩的情...

英语是否要报班学其实老实说,这是个很common sense的东西,但当你提出这个问题,还会听到千奇百怪的答案,但其实这是因为个人的水平和背景不同,所以答案也不同。如果你的英语已经很好了,而且你是很独...



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