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国务院信访条例Regulations on plaint Reporting


1995-10-28 State Council/Ministries/missions


Chapter 1 General Principles


Article 1 These Regulations are formulated to keep the people's governments at various levels in close contact with the people, protect the legitimate rights and interests of persons making plaint, and maintain the order of the handling of plaint reporting.


Article 2 The term "plaint Reporting" used in these Regulations refers to the activities which citizens, legal persons and other anizations, through letters, telephone or personal appearance, report situations or submit opinions, proposals or requests to the people's governments at various levels or departments of the people's governments at and above the county level (hereinafter referred to as the "administrative authorities"), and the relevant administrative authorities deal with according to law.


Article 3 The administrative authorities at various levels shall properly handle the handling of plaint reporting, carefully deal with letters, receive visitors, attend to the opinions, proposals and requests of the people, subject themselves to the supervision of the people and exert themselves to serve the people.


Article 4 The handling of plaint reporting shall be done under the leadership of the people's governments at various levels. It shall follow the principles of different responsibilities shared by different administrative levels, handling of plaint reporting under the proper jurisdiction from beginning to the end, decision of matters on the spot in the fastest possible time and the bination of problem-resolution pursuant to the law and ideological education.


Article 5 Top officials in charge of administrative authorities at various levels shall read and make ments or issue instructions concerning important letters, receive important visitors, discuss and solve problems, make inspections and give instructions in the handling of plaint reporting.


Article 6 All people's governments at and above the county level and their subordinate departments shall, according to the principle of facilitating the work and convenience for plainants, decide on the administrative authorityization (hereinafter referred to as the "plaint reporting handling office") or personnel in charge of the handling of plaint reporting, who shall be specifically responsible for receiving and handling plaint reporting




辅导:国务院信访条例三第三章受理Chapter 3 Acceptance of plaint Reporting第十五条各级行政机关在其职权范围内,受理信访人提出属于本条例第八条规定的信访事项。Article 15 Administrative a...

辅导:国务院信访条例五第五章奖励与处罚 Chapter 5 Rewards and Punishments第三十七条对在信访工作中做出优异成绩的单位或者个人,由有关行政机关给予奖励。Article 37 The relevant administra...




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