

10月25日 编辑 39baobao.com



Chapter 3 Acceptance of plaint Reporting


Article 15 Administrative authorities at various levels shall, accept plaint reporting within their functions and powers as specified in Article 8 of these Regulations.


Article 16 for a matter presented by a plainant specified in Article 9 of these Regulations, the plaint reporting handling office shall advise the plainant to present the matter to the relevant people's congress and the standing mittee thereof, the people's court or the people's procurator ate according to the circumstances.


For plaint reporting that he been resolved or should be resolved through litigation, administrative reconsideration or arbitration, the plaint reporting handling office shall advise the plainant to he those matters handled pursuant to relevant laws and administrative regulations.


Article 17 For plaint reporting that are related to two or more administrative authorities, the said administrative authorities shall consult for acceptance.受理有争议的,由其共同的上一级行政机关协调决定受理机关。

Failure to reach agreement, an immediately higher mon administrative authority shall determine, through consultation, the administrative authority to accept the matter.


Article 18 If the administrative authority which should accept the plaint reporting is merged or dissolved, the matter shall then be accepted by the administrative authority which is the successor of the former in function and power.


Article 19 If a plainant has failed to ply with the provisions of Article 10 of these Regulations and appears in person directly to a higher administrative authority, the plaint reporting handling office shall advise the plainant to present the plaint reporting matter pursuant to the provisions of Article 10 of these Regulations.


The higher administrative authority may accept the plaint reporting matter directly if it deems necessary.


Article 20 If the plaint reporting handling office discovers or suspects a plainant to be infectiously ill, the working office shall notify the local public health department of the situation, which shall handle the situation pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State.第二十一条信访工作机构发现来访人员中有精神病人的,应当通知精神病人所在地区、单位或者监护人将其接回。

Article 21 If the plaint reporting handling office discovers that a plainant is mentally ill, it shall advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.


The plaint reporting handling office may request the local public security an to take away from the reception site a mentally ill person incapable of controlling his acts and disturbing the order of the handling of plaint reporting, the patient and he him taken into custody or returned to his place of residence pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State, or may advise the personals residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.


Article 22 If a plainant fails to ply with the provisions of Article 11 or 14 of these Regulations to the extent of interfering with the order of the handling of plaint reporting, the plaint reporting handling office may give an reproval. Failing of such, the office may request the local public security an to take him away from the reception site and he him taken into custody or returned to his place of residence pursuant to the relevant regulations of the State, or may advise his residential area, unit or guardian to take him back.


Article 23 The public security an or the plaint reporting handling office shall seize and confiscate any dangerous articles, explosives or controlled devices that are brought to the reception site.


Article 24 Upon discovery of a plaint reporting matter or any information about a plaint reporting of major importance or urgency which may he social impact, a citizen, legal person or any other anization may report it to the nearest administrative authority.


Upon receipt of such report, the local people's government at various levels shall immediately report the matter to the people's government at the next higher level and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary.


Upon receipt of such report, the department of the local people's government at various levels at or above the county level shall immediately report the matter to the people's government at the same level and the responsible department at the next higher level, and notify other relevant responsible departments if necessary.国务院有关部门接到报告后,应当立即报告国务院;必要时,通报有关主管部门。

Upon receipt of the report, the relevant department of the State Council shall, immediately report the matter to the State Council and notify relevant responsible departments when necessary.


Article 25 For any plaint reporting matter or information about a plaint reporting of major importance or urgency which may he social impact, the relevant administrative authorities shall, within their duties and powers, take legal measures to handle the situation in a resolute and decisive manner to prevent the occurrence or expansion of adverse social impact





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