

10月25日 编辑 39baobao.com


第五章奖励与处罚 Chapter 5 Rewards and Punishments


Article 37 The relevant administrative authorities shall give rewards to those units or individuals who he made outstanding contribution to the handling of plaint reporting.


Article 38 The relevant administrative authorities shall give rewards to those plainants who, through proposals or opinions, he made accusations against or exposed illegal activities, made contributions to the national economy and social development or to the improvement of the work of government agencies or the protection of the social and public interests.


Article 39 Administrative authorities which he failed to perform their duties, shifted their responsibilities to others, conducted in a perfunctory manner or delayed decision may be reprimanded publicly by the higher administrative authorities. Those responsible persons may be subject to disciplinary sanctions according to the circumstances.


Article 40 Any staff member of administrative authorities at various levels who has neglected his duties, mitted illegalities for personal gains, resulting harms to the plaint reporting works shall be subject to a reproval or a disciplinary sanction according to the circumstances; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial ans for his criminal liability according to law if the offense constitutes a crime.


Article 41 plainants who he violated the order of the plaint reporting may be subject to reproval by the plaint reporting handling office. The handling office may propose that the unit to which the plainant belongs issue him reproval or impose a disciplinary sanction thereon.


plainants who he violated regulations of public security administration shall be dealt with by the public security ans pursuant to the Regulations of the People's Republic of China on Administrative Penalties for Public Security Violation; or shall be adjudicated for by the judicial ans for their criminal liability according to law if the offense constitutes a crime.





辅导:国务院信访条例三第三章受理Chapter 3 Acceptance of plaint Reporting第十五条各级行政机关在其职权范围内,受理信访人提出属于本条例第八条规定的信访事项。Article 15 Administrative a...




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