

01月13日 编辑 39baobao.com

[美丽漂亮英语单词]美丽,漂亮的英语单词有beautiful,pretty. beautiful的英式读法是['bjuːtɪfl];美式读法是['bjuːtɪfl]。作形容词意思是美丽的;好的;出色的。 pretty的英式读法是['prɪti];美...+阅读

( d) 1 It was___ bad weather that we all had to stay inside. 天气如此糟糕以至于我们不得不呆在里面 A. very B. so C. rather D. such (b ) 2、 He is___ kind an old man that all the children like him. A. very B. so C. rather D. such 他是如此和蔼的老人我们孩子们都喜欢他 ( a)3 、He, our headmaster was___ pleased with our work. A. fairly B. even C. much D. great 我们的校长对我们的工作很满意 ( b) 4、 There was a heavy snow last night. This morning is____ outside. A. too rather cold B. rather too cold C. such cold D. fairly cold 昨晚下大雪了 今天早晨外面很冷 ( a) 5、 We won't go to the cinema next Saturday. They won't____. A. too B. also C. neither D. either 我们下周六不去看电影 他们也不去 ( d) 6 、She likes reading and___. A. so I do B. I do so C. I like so D. so do I 她喜欢读书 我也是 (c ) 7 、I won't go to the Great Wall tomorrow. -I won't, ___. A. neither B. either C. too D. also 我明天将不去长城 我也不去 ( a) 8、 He likes to do some reading in the morning, I like it, ___. A. too B. either C. neither D. also 他喜欢早晨读书 我也喜欢 ( d) 9、 He didn't know her address, ____ did I. A. too B. also C. either D. neither 他不知道她的地址, 我也不知道。


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