

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[商务英语有哪些词汇很容易被误译]例一:floating It is not surprising, then, that the world saw a return to a floating exchange rate system。 Central banks were no longer required to support their...+阅读

飞机 plane

火车 train

公交 bus

小轿车 car

卡车 truck

地铁 subway

直升飞机 helicopter

轮船 steamboat、steamship

小船 boat、ship

摩托车 motorbike、motorcycle

自行车 bicycle、bike

电车 trolley bus



BEC商务英语口语词汇是怎样的呢1。commerce n。商业,贸易 【商务用语】co-operative commerce 合作商业 handwork commerce 手工艺商业 international commerce 国际商务 oversea commerce 海外贸易 【例句...

外贸英语中有哪些常用的词汇C&F (cost&freight)成本加运费价2 T/T (telegraphic transfer)电汇3 D/P (document against payment)付款交单4 D/A (document against acceptance)承兑交单5 C.O (certific...

帮忙写一篇英语作文关于学业负担Workload Too Demanding We are at senior high school. Every day, we have many exercises that we can't complete and many books that we can't finish reading. The t...

急求英语日志10篇An English proverb says that time is money. I consider it (this) wrong. Why? Because we all know that we can earn money be work but can not in any way get back...

20篇英语日志急求January 13 2005 It was the first day of our winter holiday. All of us were very happy. Why? Because we have one months to do things we love to do. We are free....

求10篇英语日志From that day on,I think you are the sort of person I can depend on.I know you can keep your promise to me and carry it out.I believe we can be good friends for...

2011年12月大学英语四级估分对的题数有快速阅读5 6听力选择124、6级算分都不是实际分数,而是按照几所著名高校的成绩选取一个模态分值,转换成计算公式,一般来讲,按照标答算分百分制的52--58之间都有可能通过,只是难度大的分低也过,难度小的分...

2011年12月份的英语四级作文题目是什么作文:Where There Is a Will There Is a Way 1.坚强的意志是成功的重要保证。2.意志坚定的人才能完成伟大的使命,3.学生也是这样,不刻苦学习,终究不会成为有用之才。 One of the...

2011年12月英语四级考试There is an old saying: where there is a will, there is a way. It tells us that a strong will is the most essential quality that anyone who wants to achieve suc...
