

01月08日 编辑 39baobao.com

[大学英语四级考试的感想或体会]新四级考试整个流程 新四级考试的时间:9:00-11:20分 考试从9:10开始,首先做写作题,(15% 15分) 9:40结束,同时开始做快速阅读题。 9:55,监考老师收这两部分的答题卡。 10:00,开始听力...+阅读

Dear Madam / Sir, I am ***, ** years old, male. I am to graduate from the College of Foreign Languages, *** University. My specialty is English. I am determined to be *******after graduation, which is a long-cherished dream since my entering this college. During my college life, I have made great progress both in study and in doing things and have passed TEM4. I have tried my best to learn abundant knowledge about my major and master the skills of listening, speaking, reading, writing, translation, etc. Additionally, I have hunted in many fields to build up a reasonable structure of knowledge. And also I have taken an active part in social activities, which has greatly enriched my college life and improved my ability of organizing and coordinating. Being the president of the Students' Union of our department and the vice monitor of our grade, I have learned how to unite and cooperate better with my fellow students. Because of my patient and careful service work, I've gained the “Excellent Students' Cadre” title, and the title of “Excellent Student”, which is a proof of my ability. Having broad interests, perseverant personality is my most attractive advantage. I am inclined to think independently, while I am a cooperative person. I am always conscientious and responsible in doing things. The experience of being a tutor for three years firms my ideal of devoting myself to education career and I believe the qualities of being patient, cooperative and dedicative will make me a ***. With an active, optimistic and enthusiastic personality, I believe I can fly if you give me an opportunity. My success owes to your appreciation. Thank you for your concern and attention.



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